Best Buy Wii Tournament


Top 5 in MOH: H2
Sep 12, 2007
Wii Online Code
Didn't find this at any search so here ya go.

Well I'm sure you've heard the increasing promotions for the wii like Wii demo tour at the malls across America or how about the best buy wii tournament.

The best buy tournament is for Wii Tennis. 32 (2-family member teams) on September 16th at selected best buy stores. First come, first serve. 1st place gets a DS lite with 3" LCD screens and others get gift cards and such.
Anyways, its a demo + tournament so with all you gamers who are thinking about buying the wii then play the demo or better yet, own at wii tennis on your first try.

**Official Rules and best buy tournament locations on the link**
Cool thanks bro....i will be attending
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Bliss said:
Cool thanks bro....i will be attending

Take a picture when you get that first place prize. woooohoooo
Renz said:
Take a picture when you get that first place prize. woooohoooo

lol yea i'll try to win, i mean these little kids now a days are born with controllers in hand, Im 25, and i know my sis who is 11 is real good when it comes to video games.
yeah i was born with a controller in my hand. BUT IM DAMN PROUD TO BE A NERD! -pushes up invisable glasses- age 3. beat mgs on ps1 ( i think so ) i remember my mom said that i helped her on her computer when i was really young XD

On topic. CRUD! its not in montgomery village best buys... -sighs- i dont wanna go to another city just for a tourney.
I went, I played, I lost...

Yeah...I went to Best Buy on Sun, Got there, saw A Line of people...Got free necklace mini wiimote light bars and energy drinks...Played...& tottally lost in the first Round...(Getting old...35)...not to dis anyone, but Man those younger players...there Bad (in a good way)...But I did have FUN...And Talked to a N Rep...Each Best Buy store recived over 100 Wii's...soo if your looking to still get one...Check you local Best Buy...And N rep also confirmed Another 100 plus shipment before the BIGGER Shipment that will happen just before the Holiday rush....also backed by quote from

"September 14, 2007 - Ten months into its lifespan, the Wii continues to evade many consumers at retail. With the holiday season fast approaching, no doubt many shoppers will be out trying to get their hands on Nintendo's motion-sensing wonder.

Good news: in an interview with the Mercury News, Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America, reassures us that Wii manufacturing is being ramped up in preparation for the holiday buying frenzy.

Reggie Fils-Aime"The good news is that we're flowing more and more product into the marketplace and the amount of Wii hardware [that] will be in North American stores will be unprecedented -- substantially more than the launch, substantially more than has been seen to date," Fils-Aime said."
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i hope i can go i just heard about it a few days i just need to get good at tennis...:eek:ut:
Game over

Uhh that was held yesterday dude...Sunday Sept 16th...unless you travel in time or live 24 hrs behide me...i think you missed it.

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