Best Place to Pre-order Wii?


WiiChat Member
May 17, 2006
Anyone got experience pre-ordering a new console of any type? I'm wondering which businesses have the best record for getting a new release to you the minute they get them in. I'll probably go with Best Buy's mail pre-order, anyone used them for this? Is there any advantage/disadvantage to pre-ordering and picking up at the store? I'd hate to pre-order mine by mail only to have a wait longer than if I'd stood in line at target.
Better yet, how can I get one tomorrow?
I usually go with gamestop. They call you as soon as it gets in through an automatic telephone message. All you'll have to do is go and pick it up and pay for the rest of your balance if not fully payed for. I'm not sure about Best Buy I havent pre-ordered anything from them.
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I haven't pre-ordered it yet. I'm waiting for them to let me change my pre-order of Zelda from Gamecube to the Wii, then I going to go and pre-order me a copy.
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Jesse said:
I haven't pre-ordered it yet. I'm waiting for them to let me change my pre-order of Zelda from Gamecube to the Wii, then I going to go and pre-order me a copy.

yeah haha I have the same problem. Best Buy says they're working on their website when I try and cancel online, I guess I have to call. Never thought there would be two, who wants the gamecube version anyway? I don't envision them selling a lot of those, its almost like they've promised it was going to be a gamecube game for so long they had to release both.
glassonion914 said:
yeah haha I have the same problem. Best Buy says they're working on their website when I try and cancel online, I guess I have to call. Never thought there would be two, who wants the gamecube version anyway? I don't envision them selling a lot of those, its almost like they've promised it was going to be a gamecube game for so long they had to release both.

Yeah Im pretty most people will get Zelda Wii when the system launches.
I didn't know you could pre-order yet?

We got the xbox360 from gamestation, and they were really good, they phoned you the second they had your order in :D

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