Blockbuster Sides With Blu-ray


Jun 12, 2007
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In what some have termed a "death knell" for HD-DVD, Blockbuster Video has announced that it will be moving almost exclusively to Blu-ray for its high-definition titles and away from HD-DVD. 1700 stores will be Blu-ray only, while 250 stores (and online) will carry both next-gen DVD formats. (Naturally, all will still carry regular DVDs and, I guess, VHS. That still exists, right?)

The news isn't quite a death blow for HD-DVD, though it isn't good. Blockbuster's power in the market has been fading for some time. The company's market capitalization, for example, is now 35 percent less than online-only renter Netflix. Blockbuster stock trades at $4.60. Still, Blockbuster buys an awful lot of DVDs and they won't be stocking many HD-DVDs going forward. That could be a big problem for the format in this early stage in its life.

The news is particularly sad because most users tend to feel that HD-DVD is the superior format, with people going ga-ga over its heavily interactive features and exceptional bonus content.

That said, Blu-ray has, according to many reports, been chipping away at HD-DVDs early lead. Though making predictions based on early results is difficult, Blu-ray undoubtedly has the momentum right now.

Personally, I am so unthrilled with both formats that I'm happy to see someone, finally, taking a stand in the marketplace one way or another. Even if Blu-ray is technologically inferior, it will evolve and improve. But the industry is just spinning its wheels while this format war rages on, and consumers continue to be the ones who lose while things get figured out as half the buyers are essentially wasting their money.

Still, Blockbuster is just one player, and Netflix could announce tomorrow that it is only stocking HD-DVD titles, who knows? And I hope all renters and retailers make similar decisions in the near future, one way or the other. The sooner the format war is ended, no matter who wins, the better off we all are.

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bye bye HD DVD.

and they say HD DVD will last? let's see how long it will last then.
approx. how much would a new blue-ray dvd cost? lets say...umm Borat was on a blue-ray. I got it new for $20 on a regular dvd.
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well casino royale is like $26.95. but the thing is blu-ray has a lot more content and better quality than dvd.
Rip off. Block Buster is a rip off. Get Netflix. I stopped going there when they claimed I turned in video games late. They had 1 hour to process them, they were chatting in the store, it was empty when I dropped them off. Then they tell me later I turned them in 3 hours late. Up theirs. Tell me when Blockbuster sides with common sense. That will be news.
Without provoking a stream of abuse.......... is it possible that BOTH next-gen DVD formats will fail? I only ask because it wasn't so long ago that SACD and DVD-A were launched in a similar flurry of excitement, with supporters of both sides claiming that theirs was the best....... and the general public ignored both and carried on using regular CDs.
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captainff said:
Without provoking a stream of abuse.......... is it possible that BOTH next-gen DVD formats will fail? I only ask because it wasn't so long ago that SACD and DVD-A were launched in a similar flurry of excitement, with supporters of both sides claiming that theirs was the best....... and the general public ignored both and carried on using regular CDs.

it's still too early to see. but with news like these, the HD DVD people must be worried if not somewhat.
i just get all my blu-ray on netflix or if i really like that movie i buy is true that its still hard to tell the clear winner of the format war but for now the numbers dont lie,blu-ray is selling more.but then again there are titles that i want but theyre only on hd dvd at the moment :(
I really don't think either format is doing particularly well, think of it this way the change from VHS to DVD seemed almost short in comparison people were excited about the change to a CD, now days people are getting annoyed with it all including myself Sony forcing people to use there format by obviously paying Blockbuster off.

What makes it worse is the fact that this time around we have too contending with each other to format glory the only ones who will get truly hurt are the consumer.

It makes you wonder what Microsoft will do about it if they decide to do anything about it, maybe a bribe of Amazon to support HD-DVD or even, seem to favour HD-DVD over blu-ray
just another lame attempt for PS£ fanboys to glorify their dead console. PS3 is dead. get over it.
Cloudkill said:
I really don't think either format is doing particularly well, think of it this way the change from VHS to DVD seemed almost short in comparison people were excited about the change to a CD, now days people are getting annoyed with it all including myself Sony forcing people to use there format by obviously paying Blockbuster off.

wow, lol thanks for the "spin".

1. Sony isnt forcing anyone to do anything. They are not forcing blue ray on you or anyone else, and if you really believe that, then it just goes to show how sad you are.

2. I like how you are saying Sony "payed off" Blockbuster. lol I bet you didnt even bother researching and are just twisting the truth to support your sad little bias. Blockbuster is backing up Blue Ray because Blue Ray was more popular with their customers. Blu-ray rentals are "significantly outpacing HD DVD rentals," is what they announced. If no one is renting HD-DVD's, it is a waste of money on blockbusters part, thus the smart business move is to go with the more popular media. You really are sad to think Sony had to pay them off lol. Keep making stuff up champ, all that whining wont save ya if the facts say differently.

What makes it worse is the fact that this time around we have too contending with each other to format glory the only ones who will get truly hurt are the consumer.

You might not have realized it yet, but competition actually HELPS the consumer. Who ever provides the better product of the two will succeed. That is all there is too it. Even Microsoft said they will support the most popular format and that they will consider a blue ray attatchment for the 360. Over 180 big companies are behind Blue Ray, and while competition may slow the process down, it will result in a better product. Its a shame this didnt work with politics.

Question, if you believe Sony is forcing blue ray on people, how can you then say those very same people are being hurt by the competition? It goes to show you didnt really combine your two statements because IF your viewpoint says these people are being forced to use blue ray, then the competition shouldnt matter. lol No one would be hurt. LoL Take off the tin foil hat.

It makes you wonder what Microsoft will do about it if they decide to do anything about it, maybe a bribe of Amazon to support HD-DVD or even, seem to favour HD-DVD over blu-ray

lol everything to you is bribing, HIL-LAR-RI-US. Again, Microsoft said they are willing to back Blue Ray. Microsoft is a rich corporation, what format ends up winning means very little to them, as both will help them either way. Its a win win situation for Microsoft. Blue ray is also backed by Apple, which might be the only reason Microsoft would hesitate with Blue Ray due to the current beef between Microsoft and Steve Job's shmear campaign (ima mac ima pc) commercials.

Go do your research before assuming stuff, it will help you to not sound retarded.
Netflix owns. If they start supporting Blue Ray over DVD, let me know. That would be massive news. Well... Mainly for me.
Just sad how some people react, since they can't afford a Ps3 its a "it doesnt matter, this means nothing" but if it was Hd-Dvd block buster was supporting then it would be "ohhh, its over, the 360's going to win, Blue Ray Sux!" from the 360 fanboys and Ps3 haters, sad...... ohh and isnt Blue Ray selling better than Dvds, or was at one point?

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