Porn could be HD DVD's saviour - Interesting Article for those PS3 Owners out there..


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Jul 29, 2007
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Porn could be HD DVD's saviour

I've posted before about how the Sony-backed Blu-Ray format was kicking the butt of the Toshiba-supported HD DVD format in the next-generation DVD war, but perhaps it really is too premature to pick a winner.

Blu-Ray has a lot going for it, including a better roster of sponsors and a built-in install base with the Playstation 3 video game console. Video chain Blockbuster is also vouching for it, as are Target stores in the United States. And as simplistic as it seems, Blu-Ray also has a much better name than its rival, which makes for better marketing. What's most telling about how the war is going, however, is simple presence on store shelves. I walked into a Best Buy last week and was immediately confronted with a wall of Blu-Ray movies. The HD DVD titles were furtively hidden around the corner. Blu-Ray titles also outnumbered HD DVD releases by about two to one. The ratio is even worse in my local (non-Blockbuster) video store, which stocks only a handful of HD DVD films but a healthy contingent of Blu-Ray.

The x-factor in this battle, however, is porn. As numerous media outlets are pointing out, VHS won the battle over Betamax because the porn industry chose it. Sony has thus far resisted allowing porn on Blu-Ray, ceding the key U.S. market to HD DVD. That could be a very costly mistake. I've said in previous posts that the HD DVD camp was fighting what looks like a very half-hearted war, but perhaps they're actually fighting it far smarter than is immediately apparent.

Source: National Post
Well one thing I would like to point out is that Sony isn't in charge of Blu-ray. There are a bunch of companies in it and most of them don't want to allow porn on it, it isn't really Sony's choice like the article suggests. Also porn isn't such a big factor anymore, since most of it is acquired through the internet. But movies are a very big factor. A format can't really win if it only has half the movies of the other format.....
porn in high deff makes you see things in detail that you really dont want to see :sick:

theres a reason why porn back in 1970's was "classic" achem....
the reason bluray is going to win (i think at least) is because -these are rough estimates, i forgot the real numbers and the source- but roughly 70% of movies are coming out exclusively on bluray, 20% on HD-DVD and 10% on both.
XwiimasturX said:
the reason bluray is going to win (i think at least) is because -these are rough estimates, i forgot the real numbers and the source- but roughly 70% of movies are coming out exclusively on bluray, 20% on HD-DVD and 10% on both.

theres a bigger market now for blueray because its the newer technology. think of when HD came out and how many movies went HD? now its trying to upgrade itsself......

i hate technology! :sick:
i dont think blu-ray will win but what do i know but if you have to get a new play just for blu-ray that sucks
Blue Ray has two major flaws. It costs too much. Movies like Die Hard 1 on Blue Ray sell for $34. You can buy Die Hard 1 on DVD for less than $10. The second flaw is loading. Not as noticeable in movies, but more so in games. Blue Ray holds more data, and takes longer to load that data.

If Blue Ray was offering 3 movies packed onto a single disk it would be a serious advantage. But to say it can make stuff look 10% prettier is a lame excuse for charging 2x-3x more money for old movies. Better, cheaper technology is always around the corner, never base your market on being #1 because you're cutting edge for a few years.
sagema said:
Blue Ray has two major flaws. It costs too much. Movies like Die Hard 1 on Blue Ray sell for $34. You can buy Die Hard 1 on DVD for less than $10. The second flaw is loading. Not as noticeable in movies, but more so in games. Blue Ray holds more data, and takes longer to load that data.

If Blue Ray was offering 3 movies packed onto a single disk it would be a serious advantage. But to say it can make stuff look 10% prettier is a lame excuse for charging 2x-3x more money for old movies. Better, cheaper technology is always around the corner, never base your market on being #1 because you're cutting edge for a few years.
Not true. BD players like the PS3 are slower only cause the drive is slow. Its actually better and faster then DVD's.
betmax vs.vhs porn battle is way different then hd dvd vs. blu-ray. at the time of betmax and vhs , home pornograghic media was so new, it made a huge difference because you didnt have to go to a porn cinema, you could take it home. i really trully believe that high def porn is not going to be as big of a factor as it was back in the day, dont get me wrong its a factor right now but its not enough to bring back hd-dvd back from there losses. come on guys, blu-ray is supported by more studios and most people are starting to accept blu-ray as the standard. soon enough there will be more blu-ray pornos for those horny people that need it.
sagema said:
Blue Ray has two major flaws. It costs too much. Movies like Die Hard 1 on Blue Ray sell for $34. You can buy Die Hard 1 on DVD for less than $10. The second flaw is loading. Not as noticeable in movies, but more so in games. Blue Ray holds more data, and takes longer to load that data.

If Blue Ray was offering 3 movies packed onto a single disk it would be a serious advantage. But to say it can make stuff look 10% prettier is a lame excuse for charging 2x-3x more money for old movies. Better, cheaper technology is always around the corner, never base your market on being #1 because you're cutting edge for a few years.

the cost is a given like any other technology. remeber when dvds came out, everyone was like ohh why would i pay that for the same movie on vhs for a 1/3 of the price. well look at it now, dvds are cheaper then ever. in a few years blu-ray disc will be cheaper and a high def standard.

secondly if you have ever seen a blu-ray disc on a hd tv then you would not say it looks 10% prettier because it looks 110% better then dvd. no jags, blurs, its very crisp. once you have high def blu-ray, you say why would i want to buy another dvd unless its something that wont make it to blur-ray like some tv show dvds. seriously its way better quality then dvd.

as for more data and longer load times, the ps3 for blu-ray disc has a feature that allows you to put soem data on the hdd so it loads really really fast, plus a regular dvd can only hold 9gb, blu-ray can hold 50gb, and yes your going to need it for games in the future.
paintba||er said:
They must be pretty popular. I just went to three stores trying to find 300 on BD and it was sold out in all of them. There were two other people at the same time at Hastings asking for it.

i had to have a friend at bb hold a copy of 300 on blu-ray for me because the got a shipment of 500 and sold out the same day!
ejmonkey3 said:
a regular dvd can only hold 9gb, blu-ray can hold 50gb, and yes your going to need it for games in the future.

No a regular dvd can hold 4.7 gb and a DVD-DL can hold 8.5 (DVD-DL is a movie disk) and blue ray is not 50Gb ok
Bigjake52 said:
No a regular dvd can hold 4.7 gb and a DVD-DL can hold 8.5 (DVD-DL is a movie disk) and blue ray is not 50Gb ok
DVD-DL is a dual layer. It is still a DVD, and has nothing to do with movies. (movies are put on them, but so are games and everything else that can be on a DVD) Just like a single layer BD can hold 25GB and a dual layer can hold 50GB. So you are wrong, it can hold 50GB.
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