Blu ray vs hd dvd sales figures


Jan 6, 2007
In what is yet more proof that the next-generation DVD format war really is tied to the video game console space, new statistics from Adams Media Research in Carmel, Calif., as reported by The Wall Street Journal, reveal that the vast majority of HD DVD and Blu-ray players are either PS3s or HD DVD add-ons for the Xbox 360.

Adams Media states that there are currently 695,000 consumers that own a hi-def player of some sort. Breaking that figure down shows that about 400,000 are PS3 consoles, while only 25,000 are standalone Blu-ray players. Additionally, roughly 120,000 standalone HD DVD players have been sold compared with about 150,000 people that have purchased the add-on player for 360.

Some quick math will tell you that almost 80 percent of all hi-def players are game consoles or console add-ons. If either of these formats is to truly become mainstream to replace standard DVD, then that statistic is going to have to change.

The Consumer Electronic Show starts today, but the HD-DVD camp started early with a press event late Sunday.

They used the event to present sales figures for the format. An estimated 175,000 HD-DVD players (Standalone, XBOX 360 Add-on and Laptops) have been sold from the format's launch until January 5th 2007. When it comes to sold titles, the figure reaches 28 titles per sold player.

Blu-ray software sales have now surpassed HD-DVD for the first time the week of December 24 and they did so by an impressive 20 percent. The sales gap is expected to widen further in 2007 based on research conducted by Twentieth Century Fox and Blu-ray is expected to outsell HD-DVD by a 3.5-to-1 ratio by the end of the first quarter.

Its looking pretty good for Sony right now. Its bound to get better after the ps3 is released in Europe and Australia.
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rip sovieto. This isnt meant to flame the ps3. This is meant to be a good thing for it.
Wii&Ps3 said:
rip sovieto. This isnt meant to flame the ps3. This is meant to be a good thing for it.
i know xD i was just joking around considering all the anti-sony flaming threads that pop up constantly around this section
Wii&Ps3 said:
How are you still posting? It says your banned.
omg, u fell for it xD! anyways, blue ray is too expensive atm. ill keep using dvds untill they become (obsolete). like vhs.
lmao @ using to prove blu-ray is doing awesome.

Actually all the links are just dumb. Yes, obviously if they count the ps3 as a blu-ray player, there are going to be more blu-ray players sold, seeing as how everyone who buys a ps3 will have a blu-ray player. HDDVD players are expected to sell multiples more in 2007.

And look at all the morons who made comments on that article rofl.

"The PS3 is the most powerful gaming machine on the planet to date. To build a PC with the same power would cost over $5,000."

If there is a god, he will be struck by a car.
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It's called common sense. There will be alot more blu ray players in homes than hd dvd. Who will sell more software? I guess maybe everyone who owns an hd dvd player could refinance their homes and purchase every single movie ever made for hd dvd. Then it might come close to blu ray sales.

If your looking for an arguement, why not post some facts to prove me wrong? Instead you post an arguement based on a hate for the ps3 with no real facts. Typical vagrant ramblings of nonsense.

The content advantage that Blu-ray enjoys is another major factor that should become more and more evident now that the Blu-ray exclusive studios (Disney, Fox, Sony, MGM and Lionsgate) are starting to release more titles in the format. When looking at the 20 top selling DVDs of 2006 almost all were released by movie studios supporting Blu-ray, which means that titles such as Pirates of the Carribean and Cars will only be available for Blu-ray. The content advantage should further shift in Blu-ray's favor as the format neutral studios (Warner, Paramount) catch up their Blu-ray release schedules with HD-DVD so that the same movies are available for both formats.

Overall the Blu-ray backers are confident that it's only a matter of time before the Blu-ray format becomes the dominant format in the US market, just as it already accounts for 96% of the market in Japan.

Thats a kick in the crotch to hd dvd
lol using as his source. Go to doubt you are going to see them praising the PS3......why? lol common sense here.

Either way the ps3 is a console first. Standalone units are what really counts here. Please inform us when you find actual evidence or proof of your statements :D
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Its sales figures which are evidence. Standalone units dont mean crap. Its whats selling and what company is producing what. blu ray is selling more, and more companies are producing blu ray.

Drum roll please........ Blu ray is gonna win!
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I know it hurts because the majority of people here hate the ps3. My suggestion is just let it marinate for a little while. You will soon come to terms that blu ray and the ps3 will come out on top.

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