Blue light doesnt live on


Jul 29, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok as when surfing the web about the wii i found this article about the wii light (blue)

The last few days everyone has been wondering what the deal is with the blue light on the Wii. We have seen it on, we have seen it off, and most recently, we have seen it completely turned off at all the stops of the Fusion Tour. I saw the discussion of the blue light pop up in an earlier comments section today, which was filled with back and forth confirmations. I made a point to talk to a Nintendo rep about the blue light so we can put an end to all the rumors!

The final retail version of the Wii will indeed have that beautiful blue light beaming from the media slot. The thing is, it will not be lit up the entire time you are using the console. The only light that will be on the entire time is the tiny green indicator light, showing that the system has power. The blue media slot light is turned on when you power up the Wii. This is utilized so that you can see the slot in low light situations, and still be able to slide in a Wii or Cube game.

The rep was quick to point out that he had no idea whether or not there was an option in the Wii setup that allows you to leave the light on at all times. He said as far as he knows, that option wasn’t there…but he could have missed it. Most likely there isn’t an option there, but I guess we won’t know for sure until the Wii launches.

I hope that clears up the situation for everyone. Now how do you feel about it?!

Ok well to me this is a slight loss because it just adds to the whole demena of the console like the sleekness of it im sorry to you guys light will be absolutly crushed (i know there will be one or two of you guys). Well i think i is a bit of a shame what do you guiys think ?

OH NO!!! SERIOUSLY! ever single trailer i have been addicted to seeing and hearing the sound and light from the console when it is playing like when link destroys the boss or catches a big fish it lights up and makes the wuurring sound! OH THE HUMANITY!!
Really? Well, I'm gonna go cancel my pre-order for the Wii. If they can't deliver on a light, then they probably can't deliver on giving me a gaming revolution.


Kidding :D.
That would be horrible! I would really like that sexy looking light at ALL times. Yes all times, thats how much i love it, and probably lots around here too as well. Too bad they had to cancel the feature.
(they could also change the lights with the skin, for example red with the black skin or yellow with the green. That would be cool!)
My wii will be in my bedroom, so im gald its not on all the time. It would probably ahve kept me awake, then i would end up having to turn it off at the switch (Oh, the horror)
I love the way everyone's all "Meh, doesn't effect me!" as if the topic title was "z0mFg the light ISNT DER - NINTENDO PHAIL!!!"

When, of course, this topic should be used for saying "The worlds sexiest console, just got a little less sexy" :D
meh, who cares. its not like the light was a vital part of the system. i could understand people getting worried if they took out the motion senser or something. the light is just something to make it look cool but its whats on the inside that counts lol
Okay, here's a little information to counter that:

If the light can be turned off based on functions the system performs, then, naturally, it can be turned back on via another function. This most likely means that it will have an option to either turn on/off or (hopefully) dim the light to various settings.

I actually appreciate that the light doesn't remain on at all times, because it's tremendously bright. Everyone thought the novelty of the PS2's blue and green lights would never wear off, but that only took a few weeks for me; I ended up covering the buttons in black electrical tape because they became so obtrusive.

Now, here's a thought: What if the light was multicolored and would shine based on what the console is doing, ie: if you recieved a message it would flash accordingly and shine in the color of whose message it was.
i <3 the blue light :(

It's alright, i'll be staring at the screen more than my Wii