Bring Modern Warfare 2 to wii


Aug 6, 2006
i think call of duty modern warfare needs to come out on the wii too. its only fair. maybe if enough people post in this thread infinity ward will see it and hten theyll HAVE TO bring it to wii.
i think call of duty modern warfare needs to come out on the wii too. its only fair.

Activision must have heard you! They took it verbatim though as it is Modern Warfare that is releasing.

Now if you can just post asking Capcom to port Street Fighter 4 and RE:5 there would be lots of happy people.
i think call of duty modern warfare needs to come out on the wii too. its only fair. maybe if enough people post in this thread infinity ward will see it and hten theyll HAVE TO bring it to wii.

It will come out next year.
Activision must have heard you! They took it verbatim though as it is Modern Warfare that is releasing.

Now if you can just post asking Capcom to port Street Fighter 4 and RE:5 there would be lots of happy people.

He already did it, in the Capcom twitter site the producers anouncce a secret game based on a franchise starting with "Five", I'm sure that is RE5 port to the Wii coming the next year!!

Thank you Sovieto, you really make this possible!!
how old are you sticky, you sound like a kid that gets everything he wants by whining about it.
Last I checked on RE5 and the Wii I believe I read the Wii couldn't handle it, couldn't even handle the intro cinematics to the game. . On the plus side, you probably won't have to pay for that craptacular Versus mode DLC Capcom had the nerve to charge people for.

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