Modern Warfare 2


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code
Modern Warfare for Wii

Wii owners will be getting their own Modern Warfare fix this fall, as Activision will be releasing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare for Nintendo's best-selling platform in November alongside the release of Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be a port of Infinity Ward's blockbuster hit Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, originally released in 2007 on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The Wii version of that game is planned to arrive on November 10 of this year, the same day that Modern Warfare 2 ships to retail.

Activision is expected to announce the Wii port of the original Modern Warfare tomorrow. Call of Duty: World At War developer Treyarch will be handling development duties on the port.

Treyarch's entries in the series, Call of Duty 3 and Call of Duty: World At War, have already seen Wii iterations, with the latter moving over a million copies since its release. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare skipped Nintendo's console in 2007, something publisher Activision seems more than happy to remedy.

Activision announced a Nintendo DS entry in the Modern Warfare series, dubbed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized, earlier this week.
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It's the first Modern Warfare, not the second ;P.

After reading the article, Treyarch will be doing the port. Good news for those fans of CoD5 on the Wii.\

EDIT 2: After reading further, they're also coming out with another Modern Warfare for the DS.

I really hate Activision. REALLY hate them.
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I'll buy it if it's better than WaWii (which it should be).

That would be true except WaW actually reduced random frag grenade spams, which was a good thing. And that Throw Back perk was great against Martyrdom.

But other than that...yeah, pretty much better.
I'll get MW2 for 360 or PC but will definitely be picking this up for the Wii just for the controls.

Hopefully it is not too gimped, even better if it added things that were not in the 360/PS3 versions.
is it gunna b the exact same thing??? or kinda diffrent like WaW for wii is diffrent from the PS3 and xbox 360 versions ffs i hate activision y dun they just make it for wii u wuld actually make more money!@!@

wait i just re read and r we getting a version of modern warfare or the new modern warfare 2?
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is it gunna b the exact same thing??? or kinda diffrent like WaW for wii is diffrent from the PS3 and xbox 360 versions ffs i hate activision y dun they just make it for wii u wuld actually make more money!@!@

Aside from the misspelling if Activision just made it for the Wii it wouldn't sell as well as it has on the other two platforms, and those other two platforms happen to bring out the full potential of the game whereas content for the Wii has to be cut back and scaled down.

Not our fault you get the short end of the stick, blame Nintendo.
is it gunna b the exact same thing??? or kinda diffrent like WaW for wii is diffrent from the PS3 and xbox 360 versions ffs i hate activision y dun they just make it for wii u wuld actually make more money!@!@

wait i just re read and r we getting a version of modern warfare or the new modern warfare 2?

We'll be getting the first Modern Warfare. The reason why this is coming out for the Wii so late is because Activision wishes to make some extra money and turned to Treyarch to port it over, as IW didn't want any of it.
so will we get Modern warfare 2 a little later as well because i was thinking of purchasing a new system for the sole reason of purchasing Modern warfare 2 cause i need to know if i shuld buy a new system or not
so will we get Modern warfare 2 a little later as well because i was thinking of purchasing a new system for the sole reason of purchasing Modern warfare 2 cause i need to know if i shuld buy a new system or not

Yes, Modern Warfare 2 will most likely be released in the future.
thankyou for clearing that up for me but shuld i still purchase another system for modern warfare 2 or wait for the wii version
darklord personally i think you should buy a new system(ps3). cuz not only is the online free the exclusive fps M.A.G is also coming out soon.
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I say go for the Xbox 360, then make some friends who own a PS3:lol:

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