Can Wii get Street Fighter 4 please


WiiChat Member
Oct 22, 2007
A talk with Street Fighter producer

1UP: There's been some talk from Capcom -- I can't remember if it was you or someone else who said this -- that if there's enough demand for it, a Wii version of Street Fighter 4 could be possible. So where are you with things now? How would you view a Street Fighter game on the Wii -- would you keep it as "Street Fighter 4" or do some sort of "Street Fighter Kids"?

YO: Yeah, it's definitely true that we've had a lot of requests for a port for the Wii. And it's definitely doable. We just don't have any plans for it yet, that's all. If we feel strongly enough that it would sell, I'd imagine we'd do it. But it definitely would be Street Fighter 4 -- not some dumbed down version.

1UP: So is there really any question within Capcom that a Wii version would sell?

YO: Going back to my philosophy for Street Fighter, the game is essentially a tool, not just a unique piece of entertainment. I think of it like chess -- that game can be played anywhere. As long as people want to play Street Fighter 4, it could be on anything -- even this iPhone, for that matter [Points to the iPhone on the table]. It really could be on any platform that could support it. So let's just see what happens.

Can Wii get this please
As long as people want to play Street Fighter 4, it could be on anything -- even this iPhone, for that matter [Points to the iPhone on the table]. It really could be on any platform that could support it. So let's just see what happens.
Can Wii get this please
It couldn't be on the Atari 2600
(Believe me ive played Street fighter 2 on the Amiga with one button controls and it wasnt a pleasant experience)
If people want to play it that much they will just get the 360/PS3/PC version (or get the console to play it on)

Just get a PS3/360/PC and play it arcade perfect (with more stuff) rather than play a down graded version
It couldn't be on the Atari 2600
(Believe me ive played Street fighter 2 on the Amiga with one button controls and it wasnt a pleasant experience)
If people want to play it that much they will just get the 360/PS3/PC version (or get the console to play it on)

Just get a PS3/360/PC and play it arcade perfect (with more stuff) rather than play a down graded version

first of all ps3 is a waste of money, I had one i should know. The only game worth playing on ps3 is mgs4 which was excellent. How can you water down a fighting game? Really, all you do is fight. The wii can handle street fighter 4. all you have to do is turn the wii mote sideways or use classic controller. and 360 breaks down alot. I rather play street fighter 4 for free online then waste money for xbox live!
considering how well street fighter 2 did on snes it would be do very well on the wii. plus the success of ssbb shows that people love fighting games.
How can you water down a fighting game? Really, all you do is fight. The wii can handle street fighter 4. all you have to do is turn the wii mote sideways or use classic controller. and 360 breaks down alot. I rather play street fighter 4 for free online then waste money for xbox live!
Turning the wiimote side ways

Ive had my 360 for well over a year and its yet to break down as is my mates (hes had his since launch)

Nintendo dont know what there doing with online games where as the 360 has one of the best services (mines not online) but that mentioned mate plays his online all the time
(I do agree about the lack of PS3 exclusive games tho)
There have been talk about the Wii not being able to handle the detail
considering how well street fighter 2 did on snes it would be do very well on the wii. plus the success of ssbb shows that people love fighting games.

Street fighter 2 sold well on most formats that didnt mean it was a good conversion
Spectrum version anyone ?
Wii Version would be cool, but I'd just play it on the 360 come November.
plus the success of ssbb shows that people love fighting games.

I don't think so. While super smash bros. is a fighting game, there is nothing like it in the genre. When you say "the success of ssbb shows that people love fighting games”, I assume you refer to wii users and not people in general. There are people who hate Brawl.

Features of Super Smash Bros. Series
-Platforming is an important issue in the series. Completely unique to other fighting games.
-Winning depends completely on knocking people off a stage/platform.
-No Auto-facing
-No rounds (Uses lives or a ring out for scoring).
-Unlimited Health
-No directional control input (always the same universally)

Features of most fighting games
-No platforms
-Winning depends on depleting the enemy's health
-Auto facing
-Game is divided into rounds
-Limited Health
-Control input is based on direction.

Besides that, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a form of fan service. It is only meant for those who are fans of Nintendo. Some people just play to their favorite Nintendo characters beat the crap out of each other.

Also, just because it is a fighter doesn't mean people like it when they buy fighters. Generally speaking, I hate 3D plane fighting games compared to the 2D plane fighting games. The only 3D fighters I ever liked is Soul Calibur 2 for the gamecube (I only liked it because it had Link), Power Stone and Power Stone 2. I hate games like Dead or Alive, Tekken, Virtua Fighter and of such. In fact I own the original Soul Calibur game for the Dreamcast and hate it. Yet it is considered one the best games of all time.

Besides, the controls wouldn't work to well on the wii. Street Fighter is played using 10 buttons; up, down, right, left, light punch, medium punch, heavy punch, light kick, medium kick and heavy kick. To properly play Street fighter, you would need an arcade stick, a classic controller or gamecube controller. The best input I can come up with is the analog stick for a D-input, waggle the nunchuck for kicks, waggle the Wii Remote for punches and the buttons A, B, C and Z will be used as modifiers. Another modification could be made such as A to LP, B to LK, C to MP, Z to MK, A+C to to HP and B+Z to make a HK. It just wouldn't correctly.

Power Stone 3 would be better for the Wii. A to punch, B to kick, C to jump, Z to grab, the analog stick to move around, the D pad to use final attacks while in power drive. In addition, it would work perfectly with the Classic Controller and the Gamecube controller. In addition, Power Stone 3 would be better geared to Wii users as opposed to Street Fighter 4. The game should include an Arcade mode, Adventure mode, Party mode. Versus mode. The whole cast of characters are pretty strange and unique. Maybe they could add some exclusive characters such as Mario or Link. The game would be awesome.
Besides, the controls wouldn't work to well on the wii. Street Fighter is played using 10 buttons; up, down, right, left, light punch, medium punch, heavy punch, light kick, medium kick and heavy kick. To properly play Street fighter, you would need an arcade stick, a classic controller or gamecube controller. The best input I can come up with is the analog stick for a D-input, waggle the nunchuck for kicks, waggle the Wii Remote for punches and the buttons A, B, C and Z will be used as modifiers. Another modification could be made such as A to LP, B to LK, C to MP, Z to MK, A+C to to HP and B+Z to make a HK. It just wouldn't correctly.
Controls wouldn't be an issue because you would play it with a Classic or Gamecube controller, I mean how many people actually play SSBB with a Wiimote and nunchuck? Probably not many.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom seems to work fine on the Wii, in fact I'd rather that got a US release over SF4.
Controls wouldn't be an issue because you would play it with a Classic or Gamecube controller, I mean how many people actually play SSBB with a Wiimote and nunchuck? Probably not many.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom seems to work fine on the Wii, in fact I'd rather that got a US release over SF4.
Have you tryed Capcom vs SNK 2 on the game cube ?
That pad isnt made for fighting games
Heck the only controller that was made for them was the mark 2 Saturn pad
Tatsunoko vs Capcom seems to be a bit pointless as theres a handfull of cahricters that most know and the rest are unknowns exept the ones on capcoms side
Id rather see Marvel vs Capcom 3 or better yet Capcom vs SNK 3 (with out those stupidly powerful bossies)
Power Stone 3 would be better for the Wii.
Anything is possible...

all you have to do is just turn the wiimote sideways!
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Have you tryed Capcom vs SNK 2 on the game cube ?
That pad isnt made for fighting games
Heck the only controller that was made for them was the mark 2 Saturn pad
Tatsunoko vs Capcom seems to be a bit pointless as theres a handfull of cahricters that most know and the rest are unknowns exept the ones on capcoms side

To be honest I never was a big fan of the NGC controller. My favorite SF adaptations were on the SNES and 3D0; so using the Classic controller would be ideal.

I'd like Tatsunoko vs Capcom just to be able to play as Ken/Mark/Ace from Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets/G-Force. Any Marvel vs Capcom type game would be cool too though and they'd still interest me more than SF4 has so far.
To be honest I never was a big fan of the NGC controller. My favorite SF adaptations were on the SNES and 3D0; so using the Classic controller would be ideal.

Bonus point for the mention of the 3DO version (even tho it did need the six button controller to play it properly)
(Still prefer the Saturn pad for fighting games I preorderd the new Fighting pad for my 360 on the sole reason that its bassed off the Saturn mark2 pad)

I'd like Tatsunoko vs Capcom just to be able to play as Ken/Mark/Ace from Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets/G-Force. Any Marvel vs Capcom type game would be cool too though and they'd still interest me more than SF4 has so far.
Street fighter four has a Street fighter EX style taste to it (Dear Lemmy I hope Akumas warp dosent do the same thing it did on that)
But im looking forward to the new King of the fighters
Controls wouldn't be an issue because you would play it with a Classic or Gamecube controller, I mean how many people actually play SSBB with a Wiimote and nunchuck? Probably not many.

Let me put it in a simpler way.

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
But now that we've reiterated how the mechanics work, which are identical to the PS2 version, we can finally address the most problematic element of Accent Core for the Wii: the controls. Right off the bat, we should mention that there's no pointer support - it's all button-presses and motion controls. As for the controller setup itself, you have a couple options, and fortunately they're very easy to switch around. The default option, and the greatest damage-dealer to the game, is using a Wii Remote and Nunchuck (the Nunchuck is required in this case). If you have a Classic Controller, you can plug that in instead, or you can just snag an old GameCube Controller and use that. The best thing about these varying options is that they just sort of work, on the fly: in the middle of a match, we cycled through all three without having to change any settings, so that's good. As long as things are synced up properly, you'll be ready to play with whatever scheme appeals to you.

So let's talk about your best options first. The Classic Controller has about the same functionality as a PS2 Controller; it just feels a bit different in your hands (of course). Using this option, you have complete and perfect control over your character, but you may want to have a glove or long shirt handy, because the D-Pad will destroy your thumb (as does the PS2 pad) if you don't cushion it. Guilty Gear demands a lot of movement input, and you'll be working that D-Pad like your life depended on it. Besides this minor inconvenience, the Classic Controller is how Guilty Gear is traditionally played on consoles, and it's great.

The GameCube Controller's D-Pad is actually defaulted to "off," so take note of that if you start panicking when your fighter doesn't move. Once you've adjusted that minor setting (the joystick just doesn't cut it), the controller works just fine, and although the button layout is a little strange for the game, it's a much better option than the default.

But using the Wii Remote and Nunchuck is terrible. Accent Core is a member of a long line of extremely fast 2D fighters, and you don't use motion controls for those types of games. It just doesn't work. The only way to get around it is to use the buttons instead, which means that you use the joystick to move (which is tragically inaccurate, especially when dashing) and the Wii Remote's D-Pad for inputting attacks. Left, down, up and right are punch, kick, slash and heavy slash, respectively. No. This will not work either. It's uncomfortable and clumsy, and it ruins the game.

On the other hand, using the motion controls is almost worse, because it not only throws the accuracy of your interface completely out the window, but it starts damaging the actual fighting mechanics, too. For example, swinging the Wii Remote lightly will execute a slash attack, while swinging it fiercely will do a heavy slash (how are we to execute advanced combos like that?). And to do Special Moves, you hold down either C or Z and swing the Wii Remote or the Nunchuck. That's it. The techniques that should take time and skill can be accomplished by waving your hands.

What's worse: pulling off an Overdrive, some of the most powerful attacks in the game, can be done by holding down C and Z and then swinging. This terrible dynamic requires absolutely no skill or timing, and ruins the Overdrive techniques. As you can plainly see, using the default setup really hurts this title, and that's a shame.

Everything about the game but the controls were well received. Keep in mind that buying a Classic Controller makes the game a $70 dollar game, not a $50 game.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Nintendo has allowed the option to control the game in whatever fashion you choose, be it with the Wii remote, Wii remote and nunchuk, classic controller, GameCube pad, or even the Wave Bird. (It must be noted that Brawl is not well-suited to a standalone Wii remote; it plays much better with an old-school pad.) Just plug in and the title will immediately and very intuitively recognize your preference; you can even play against friends, all armed with different controllers. And if that weren't all enough, you can fully customize the control configurations for every pad. It's an incredibly flexible system sure to accommodate even the most discerning and finicky players. How could it not? You can play exactly how you want to without many restrictions.

Notice how the controls were not an issue. This meant the game was already placed and ready to be played.
I have a Hori joystick for Wii.
That's what I use to play Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom and would obviously do the same for SF4.
I know a few people who are more fond of using normal controllers over arcade sticks to play fighting games anyway, so I can see a lot of people just using GC/Classic controllers with customized controls.
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For those saying turn the Wiimote sideways.....are you forgetting the Gamecube controller and the Classic controller?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thats all they would need to do......allow for those control options and Wii are set....C'mon guys I thought you where real Wii owners......turning the Wiimote sideways is wack for Street Fighter!!!!

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