Cant use GCN controller for wii version of Loz

Just learned about it. No major loss, but perhaps a little annoying because you don't get the choice of controller without having to choose which version of the game you buy.
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True true but i think that i i will definately buy the wii version over the gcn one any day, i want the wii cause of the new style of playing so using the gcn controller does not appeal to me at all
yeh id rather the wii version anyday because you get to control a cool fairie :) and you fish...ohhh nothing like fishing on a hot summers day

MetroidZ said:
new controlls all the way. :)

Definetly! Why be excited about the Wii and LoZ:TP if you arent even going to use the Wiimote. Then its just another LoZ. Should be a good LoZ either way, but the Wii mote will make it soo much better!
why do u want to use that controller? its just stupid for me, a new gen console completely innovative, and use a past gen controll console? no way man
isn't the gamecube version meant to be sligthly cheaper? wither way I'm getting the wii version
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I think that the wii version will be like 3x better cause gcn discs can only hold 1.4gig while wii can hold 4.6+gig so wont that mean that the wii versiojn will be much better?
Yeh but then again it would need more space for the wiimote info and stuff like that
Icetrash said:
yeh id rather the wii version anyday because you get to control a cool fairie :) and you fish...ohhh nothing like fishing on a hot summers day


Cool fairy? :confused: That thing was the second most annoying thing in Ocarina (after the owl). If the fairy starts giving me blindlingly obvious advice again, I'm taking the game back! :lol:
The fairy is where you wiimote is pointing at the screen like in super mario galaxy is a star

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