

Aug 6, 2006
hey i0n can you host a nice colorful contest like they do on other wii forums (when i say color i mean colors in the text which makes it attractive :p ) (by the way we need more happy smileys) anyways i dotn know, another forum was doing Box Art contest which seemed cool (even though someone posted gamestop's box art and got away with it) so i dont know your creative! but contests are fun! even though the photoshoppers will win
[moved to lounge]

Sure contests are :cool:

I plan on starting some monthly competitions up soon, prizes like WiiChat t shirts/mouse mats and stuff for the winners - maybe a DS game here or there.

Im just waiting on a few things that should be ready in the next few weeks, then i can get the ball rolling on these mini competitions.

In the meantime there's a referal comp going on, see sig for info :)
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  • #3
woah!? shirts hats and what not for wiichat? are you rich??? or do you just makes loads of cash from this site somehow. at any rate, what if we dont have a ds (its so hard to not buy one of thoes new ds lite blacks they look SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sleek!) i know about the referral comp but no one i know is that into the wii
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  • #5
hmm? photoshoppers will win casue tey have the best technology for that type of stuff (that a user can get)..does that awnser your question?
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  • #6
hmm? photoshoppers will win casue tey have the best technology for that type of stuff (that a user can get)..does that awnser your question?

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