does anyone know if any of these game will come to the Wii? (add your picks too)


WiiChat Member
Jun 30, 2006
The Blackhole
Wii Online Code
I have a few games that I would like to see on the Wii:

and Age of Empires, or another good RTS

I think it would be especially cool to have an RTS so we could use the wiimote like a pointer and select units and scroll across the screen. I played starcraft 64 and I didn't like the controls because it wasn't as good as a mouse (in my opinion) but the Wii could be really good at it. :) In fact it could be good at many things.
Interesting topic, I think an RTS would be cool.
I can't w8 to try out games like proj. hammer and LoZ.
I think a Castlevania game would be really cool on the Wii
I wouldn't want them to make a 3d contra game on the Wii, but I will definitily download one off the VC.
I hope they make a new tru Donkey Kong game (those bongo game are cool but not true to the series).
Dav_4550 said:
I have a few games that I would like to see on the Wii:

and Age of Empires, or another good RTS

Unfortunately I don't think Age of Empires III will ever be ported to the Wii, as Microsoft are the creators and owners of the game and I don't think they would want to help XBOX 360 competitors.
MetroidZ said:
hell yeh, i love that guy, and no drum s**t this time nintendo (even tho they probably will because of the new remote)

Hopefully there will be a new Donkey Kong game for the Wii, and I hope it is similar to Donkey Kong 64. And I agree in that I hope they don't have any of the drumming stuff that we had on the GameCube.
Yes, DK 64 was GREAT, I beat it and man was it fun, especially because it seemed like it lasted 4ever (which is a good thing) A new one for the wii would be great, maybe a new mario kart and other mario sports.
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stickey_label said:
Unfortunately I don't think Age of Empires III will ever be ported to the Wii, as Microsoft are the creators and owners of the game and I don't think they would want to help XBOX 360 competitors.

Good point, I wasn't thinking about that. Well, I'll just have to put up with another RTS, because I think it would be a good fit for the Wii.
could anyone imagine how they can rejuvinate the mario party franchise with this thing?

mario party one was a GREAT game, and i still play it today.

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