DPresents : This weeks UK vc games


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code

Sonic spinball 800

Sonic Spinball is essentially the logical continuation of a tradition of pinball themed levels that started with Spring Yard Zone on Sonic the Hedgehog. The game features four large pinball 'tables' - a sewer level, a geothermal power station, a robot factory, and a launchpad system. The player must guide Sonic through each of the four levels and collect the Chaos Emeralds to fight Dr. Robotnik.
The main difference between this game and an actual pinball game is the ability to control the "ball" (Sonic) while in motion. The D-pad is used to control the flippers within each zone. The A button raises left flippers, the B button raises right flippers, and the C button raises both at once. Classic platforming gameplay as in Sonic the Hedgehog is kept to a minimum.

Not the best pinball game ever
But some people will like it

Story of Thor : 800
(discussed in the zelda topic on the VC part)

Beyond Oasis (NA title; released as The Story of Thor in Europe and Japan) is an action-adventure video game released in 1994 for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis console. Beyond Oasis was released on the Wii's Virtual Console on March 19th, 2007 in North America for 800 Wii points.

Screenshot of Beyond Oasis

The player takes the role of Prince Ali, who has discovered a buried gold "armlet" which once belonged to a wizard who waged a long war against the evil wielder of a silver armlet. The silver armlet was used to create chaos and destruction, while the gold armlet had the power to summon four spirits: the water spirit, "Dytto"; the fire spirit, "Efreet"; the shadow spirit, "Shade"; and the plant spirit, "Bow". Ali travels the land of Oasis, gradually acquiring the ability to summon all these spirits, in an attempt to stop the person who has discovered the ancient silver armlet and is once again using it for evil.
Music for the game was composed by Yuzo Koshiro

Not played personaly
But I hear its good

Vectorman :800

Vectorman, as the name suggests, uses pre-rendered 3D models in its level and character designs. This gives the game a smooth, computer-generated feel. The original name of the villain, Warhead, was Raster - as in raster graphics, the opposite of vector graphics.
The game itself is a straightforward 2D action platformer. Vectorman is an orbot (something like a robot) powered with a ball gun in his hand; powerups include a machine gun, "bolo" gun, and triple-fire guns.
Vectorman possesses the ability to transform, through the use of powerups, into several different forms - including a drill, to cut through floors; a bomb, to destroy all surrounding enemies; and an aquatic form, useful for swimming underwater. In addition to powerup transformations, 3 levels host unique morphed forms with which to combat bosses in. Overall, the game consists of 16 levels.

Also on the Mega drive/Genesis collection
Its okish

That is all

Edit : Also for AUS
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They are exactly the same as the ones from AUS. (Thought I'd put that here rather start a whole other thread)
Personally not tempted by any of them, from looking at what's been rated recently, there will be some good games coming out on VC soon!:D
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There was
Last week
Dragons curse
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As am I
But according to Game they gota half price offer on the wiipoints card
Buy anything and get one half price

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