Ds skins and personolized appearences


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
I thought it might be cool if we shared our personlized ds appearences,
whether it is a skin or some stickers that u put on:cool:

I will post pictures of mine when I get my hands on a camera
Good idea:
Closed DS.JPG
I want a different skin for it now, but the company that makes that skin doesnt have it anymore:(

*EDIT oh, and my GC has the same skin on it too.
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great skin there Mr. Stoukaph
ive found no interesting skins at my region so ive been customising some of them.
I just need to find my camera
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both diomedes and mr_stoukaph, u both have really cool skins, can u make them your self? And diomedes, your second link of the open skin isnt working for me! i want to see what the inside looks!
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ive fixed it now,
not that flash but please give me some ideas on how to improve my skin

and yes ive made it myself,
i cut out the pictures from my guides and game booklets (cries), so it was a big sacrifice for me
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Arcadium said:
How do you make your skins?
Can you do it for a Nintendo DS Lite
i bought mine at the store so there should be Lite skins. but Diomedes just taped a bunch of pictures onto his. either that or theyre stickers
Arcadium said:
How do you make your skins?
Can you do it for a Nintendo DS Lite
Go here. I bought a skin for my iPod Mini from them and it was really nice.

I think you can even download templates and make your own or send in a picture you want made into a skin or something.
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I dont have a ds lite and what I did was contact pictures all into one set, cool hey?
Any way the site posted by Mr. Stoukaph has some awesome skins and im thinking of getting one there for this DS,
or maybe the wii

But also downloading the templates seems a great idea, since you wouldnt have to wait weeks for the skin to come.:cool:

and please keep the ideas and pictures coming:)
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you wait so long because they havent made the skin until you buy it. i dont know why they do that, but thats what they do xP
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possibly to save money, thousands of unwanted pieces of plastic wouldnt really make a profit would it?:p

anyway, ive gotten some heap cool ideas so ill just sketch them onto paint

would there by any chance you could send customised designs to a company and they would print it out for you?
That would be heaps cool:cool:
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