Fixing the Wii Zapper..or..How it should have been designed in the first place


WiiChat Member
Apr 17, 2007
After hearing that nintendo is releasing the wii zapper in November. and reading all the reviews that describe it as awkward I have decided that I will buy one when it comes out, but then I will instantly take the hacksaw to it to fix it.

I Know Japan has very strict gun laws, but they at least have airsoft guns and they have to know that the left hand grips in front of the right hand, when the right-hands trigger finger is used to shoot the "gun". Nintendo should be ashamed that they got it soo wrong.

Therefore I show you my design for the Fixed Zapper. I plan on hacksawing the back off, adding a stock (probably made of PVC pipe), and mounting the Nunchuck in front of the wiimote (using the part I hacksawed off).

The hard part will be mounting the nunchuck securely to the wiimote part of the zapper. I suspect I can use a piece of aluminum channel, do the sensor on the wiimote will not get blocked, but I'll have to look at it to see.


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I know! It seems that people have never shot a gun in their lives before. I had a manip all ready to go, and GIMP lost it. GAHHH

I'll redo it, and post it later.
I've been saying this all along, it's just wrong! Your 'Fixed Zapper' looks pretty nice though! I still think that that pistol type casing is the best gun attachment out there, I believe its cheap as well, less than $15 maybe? The only problem is, I can't find it in England!
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sounds good, post away. I just thought of something else I want to add, to make it more compatible with the upcoming MOH:Heroes 2.

Apperently you rack the nunchuck to reload the shotgun, so I am thinking about putting the nunchuck on a slider, so it can be racked like a real shotgun. and maybe make it removable so you can still throw the grenades.

At least i have till November to figure out how to do it well.
The Zapper is just for the on-rails part of Heroes 2, and I don't think the pump-action shotgun gesture is in that, I think it's only the main game mode...if you do make your Zapper compatible for the main mode then you'll need to somehow adapt it allowing you to act it as a bazooka, and any other gestures that we don't know about yet! I'm just thinking of how they should have made the Zapper, I might post a picture up if I decide to draw one!
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there is a zapper-mode for the main campiagn mode of MOH:H2. but they turned off some of the gestures for it.
"The Zapper doesn't work quite as well in the campaign mode. While doable--the game even modifies the controls and gestures to better suit the single-piece nature of the device--it simply feels cumbersome."

the gesture for the bazooka is to simple hold the wimote upside down (on your shoulder, if you want to look silly). you could do that with the Fixed-zapper, too. The other gesture i remember hearing about is you hold the wiimote like the second hand on the C4 timer, to charge a certain amount of time, this should be no problem. If I can make the nunchuck easilly removable, then just about every concievable gesture could still be done while in the fixed-zapper shell.

PS yes, more pictures are good :)
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Here it is again. The original, lost, work was awesome. This is okay I suppose.

I left the nunchuck be able to do any of the weirder things that devs haven't come up with yet. I just want a freaking pistol dammit.


Oh, here's a rendered version of the zapper for people.

dogon1013 said:

there is a zapper-mode for the main campiagn mode of MOH:H2. but they turned off some of the gestures for it.
"The Zapper doesn't work quite as well in the campaign mode. While doable--the game even modifies the controls and gestures to better suit the single-piece nature of the device--it simply feels cumbersome."

the gesture for the bazooka is to simple hold the wimote upside down (on your shoulder, if you want to look silly). you could do that with the Fixed-zapper, too. The other gesture i remember hearing about is you hold the wiimote like the second hand on the C4 timer, to charge a certain amount of time, this should be no problem. If I can make the nunchuck easilly removable, then just about every concievable gesture could still be done while in the fixed-zapper shell.

PS yes, more pictures are good :)
Ahh fair do's, I wasn't aware of this I don't think...that's good news though!

I'm the same Brawny, I just want a pistol, the one that's available is meant to be alright but you'd have to test it and decide for yourself probably...this is the one I'm talking about. I like that one that you've suggested, it's similar to that Brando one but it's more rounded, it kinda looks like an Uzi as well, I like it.

Here is my quick attempt at changing the Zapper. I did it rather quick on Paint so it's not very pretty but hopefully you'll get the idea. Basically the Nunchuck and the handle with the trigger have been swapped round. the Nunchuck would be enclosed apart from a gap to put your thumb for the analog and obviously the Z and C buttons would be exposed. And the trigger would press the B button using a spring type mechanism, similar to the Brando gun.
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that's not bad. Just figuring out how to actually make it work, and then building it is the hard part. Mounting the nunchuck so your fingers can all reach the buttons and analog seems like it will be the most difficult part.

Probably have to do it like nintendo did when they mounted it to the back of the zapper, with a support just below the Z-button and coming underneath.

I thought about just a pistol, but then you might as well hold it like a remote, so your thumb can actuate the other buttons. A rifle with an actual stock, and maybe a forward grip gives you extra support so you can aim better (in real life at least, time will tell if it works in the videgames).
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here is my latest iteration. the stock part could be a removable stock. Now I'm using the full nintendo nunchuck housing part to securelly attach the nunchuck.

I'm thinking that maybe the front nunchuck grip should be off-center, probably to the left since I'm right handed. This way it would not get in the way of the IR sensor.


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LOL, you throw around the word uzi too much.

I personally think that the linked version resembles a 1911 and mine steals lines from a glock...but w/e
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maybe a mac-11 (they are nice and small)

PS here is my latest, it even has a trigger gaurd. Imagine the nunchuck offset to the left a little, just so it's not in the way of the sensor.


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