IGN: Wii Zapper review.


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Aug 13, 2007
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Nintendo Wii Zapper Review
Has the first-party gun bracket improved since E3?
by Gerry Block

November 16, 2007 - Way back at E3 2006, months before the Wii launched that fall, Nintendo showed off a pretty cool looking prototype of a possible design for a Wii Zapper. The pistol-like design looked sexy and highly reminiscent of the original Zapper for the NES. Somewhat disappointingly however, the pistol was dropped in favor of a new tommy-gun looking design that premiered at E3 2007 to rather under whelmed hands on reports.


Today we've finally got the hardware in the office for official review, and unfortunately, nothing has changed. Our big complaint with the Wii Zapper has always been the fact that Nintendo pursued the tommy gun layout, which is the cause of every one of the Zapper's problems. The biggest of these is the implementation of a plastic trigger in the forward grip that presses against the Wiimote's own B trigger. In use this connection doesn't work well, as the mechanical trigger has a very squishy, imprecise throw that makes it really difficult to tell when the actual button is depressed. The issue is exacerbated in gameplay moments that require rapid shooting, as all too often the trigger doesn't fully extend in between shots, which mean you'll only end up getting about half as many bullets or cross bow bolts out of your weapon as you think you should.


Back at E3 we weren't permitted to take the Zapper apart, so we assumed Nintendo hadn't put a strong enough spring in between the mechanical trigger and the Wiimote trigger. Now that we've got a Zapper in hand, we've discovered there is no spring at all, which we believe may be the whole problem since there is not enough force to make the triggers go through their entire range of motion during rapid fire moments. We've got some plans to do a bit of modding to add a spring ourselves, so stay tuned to see what difference that makes.


The other problem the tommy gun layout causes is the fact that it's pretty much impossible to access any of the face buttons on the Wiimote when it's in the Zapper bracket, at least with the speed that's require for gameplay. This makes the Zapper useless with games like Red Steel and CoD, which is disappointing.

To Nintendo's credit, the Zapper is by far the highest quality lightgun bracket available in terms of general build quality. The white plastic is lightly textured in grip areas and feels high quality overall. The Wiimote is secured quite well via a pair of grey plastic spring-loaded hooks that latch into it in the holes to either side of the Nunchuck connection point. The Nuncuck, too, is nicely secured in its place by plastic shivs that extend into the screw recesses. A protected wire run leads from the Nunchuck and into a space behind the forward grip where it can be coiled conveniently before jutting out the side to make the connection to the Wiimote.


Were the Zapper sold individually, we might suggest avoiding it in favor of a more adaptable third-party model. Such is not the case however, as the Zapper is bundled with Link's Crossbow Training, which is tons of fun. As such, we're pretty sure the Zapper will find its way into masses of homes. The telling issue will be how long owners will care to use it before abandoning the bracket altogether in favor of free hand shooting. We suspect not long.


IGN's Ratings for Nintendo Wii Zapper
Rating Description
out of 10
5.0 Performance
Squishy mechanical trigger has a major impact on the useful performance of the Zapper.

9.0 Build Quality
The highest of any Wii lightgun bracket.

10 Ease of Use
Seating the Wiimote and Nunchuck in the Zapper bracket is easy as cake.

10 Value
$20 for just the Zapper would be a burn. $20 for the Zapper and Link's Crossbow Training is a steal.

6.0 Comfort
Tommy gun shape isn't the most comfortable. Trying to shoot fast gets tiring very quickly because of the squishy trigger.

(out of 10 / not an average)

SOURCE- http://gear.ign.com/articles/836/836064p1.html
I really dont like the looks of it. Does Nintendo or a third party going to make one where just the remote is in something that looks like a gun because i dont like the fact that you have to hold the nunchuck in front of you like its shown with the remote in front of that.
I agree, I don't like that the nunchuk is held where it is. I actually bought a light gun shell from some totally random Korean company about two months ago. It's a pistol shell that cradles the Wiimote, and has a pass-thru in the the butt where you plug in your 'chuk. (I'm obviously new here, and need to figure out how/when I can post pics... I could save myself a few thousand words...)

It's pretty nice, actually, and allows for freedom of movement with the left hand/nunchuk (i.e. Red Steel, where you must swing the nunchuk to perform certain actions). The Wiimote's face buttons can be a bit hard to reach, but this seems to be a common problem. Funny thing-- this no-name knockoff does use a spring. The action is pretty tight, and rapid-fire shots aren't a problem.

This company could release a new version of the shell I bought that costs maybe $5-10 more, but has an even better spring, slightly improved fit/finish, and re-mapped face buttons to make the reachable by thumb... and it'd blow Nintendo's effort clear out of the water. (If they wanted to really get nuts, they'd add a dedicated wireless nunchuk that worked only with the gun shell it came with. Maybe even shape it like a grenade, or something.)

By bracketing the nunchuk to the shell, you remove that left-hand-is-doing-whatever-while-right-hand-continues-to-aim-and/or-fire gameplay mechanic. That seems like a step backwards.
def-1 said:
I agree, I don't like that the nunchuk is held where it is. I actually bought a light gun shell from some totally random Korean company about two months ago. It's a pistol shell that cradles the Wiimote, and has a pass-thru in the the butt where you plug in your 'chuk. (I'm obviously new here, and need to figure out how/when I can post pics... I could save myself a few thousand words...)

It's pretty nice, actually, and allows for freedom of movement with the left hand/nunchuk (i.e. Red Steel, where you must swing the nunchuk to perform certain actions). The Wiimote's face buttons can be a bit hard to reach, but this seems to be a common problem. Funny thing-- this no-name knockoff does use a spring. The action is pretty tight, and rapid-fire shots aren't a problem.

This company could release a new version of the shell I bought that costs maybe $5-10 more, but has an even better spring, slightly improved fit/finish, and re-mapped face buttons to make the reachable by thumb... and it'd blow Nintendo's effort clear out of the water. (If they wanted to really get nuts, they'd add a dedicated wireless nunchuk that worked only with the gun shell it came with. Maybe even shape it like a grenade, or something.)

By bracketing the nunchuk to the shell, you remove that left-hand-is-doing-whatever-while-right-hand-continues-to-aim-and/or-fire gameplay mechanic. That seems like a step backwards.

i believe u were referring to this?

yea i like the looks of it better than da zapper.. u cud play RE:UC dual wielding this :D i want to try haha
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hahaha looks good, but i dont like how there is no socket for the nunchuck
phillepino said:
i believe u were referring to this?

yea i like the looks of it better than da zapper.. u cud play RE:UC dual wielding this :D i want to try haha

We have a winnah!!! That's the one! :smilewinkgrin:

On the back of the gun (you can't see it at all from the angle in the pic you posted), there is room for 'A', '-', and '+' (and maybe the '1' and '2', also) buttons. I'd buy that!

I'm with you on the dual-wielding... hmmm...
Hey all,

I have looked at the prototypes for the different guns out there -- and the main reason I plan on getting the zapper is for Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Now, since the new RE is a rail shooter, I don't foresee having to remove the nunchuck quickly to be able to use it independently.... In that case, the zapper is fine for that game...

I guess it's best suited for games that don't require nunchuck removal....and that means that any games "designed" for the zapper won't require the removal of the nunchuck...


Well I dont mind the nunchuck there and the trigger up front. I think you can still move around good with the chuck in there.

My biggest dissapointed ( when reading this review ) was:

The strange B button button. No spring? That means no rapid button sp@mming :p and thats something you need in shooting games.

And something that hasnt accured to me before but like they said you cant acces the top buttons that easily >.<

So Im not sure yet. I was, but im not sure anymore
i dont know how reviews are done, but if you get the average of the scores. the average is 8 not what they gave it. :wtf: do they average out the scores, or just give it whatever they want overall? someone enlighten me, please :lol:

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