Florida teen finds rocks in Nintendo DS box


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Dec 27, 2007
DeathCage New York
Wii Online Code
Jodi Wykle knew her son would be thrilled when she gave him a new Nintendo DS for his birthday.

Instead, he was rocked.

According to WTSP-TV, the confused teen opened up his gift only to find bunch of stones and a rolled up Chinese newspaper in place of the popular handheld.

All I got was a rock.

Needless to say, mom was equally stunned.

"When he opened it, he was pulling the seal off, my sister-in-law carries a pocket knife and she opened it and that's when he pulled it out and it was Chinese newspaper and a bunch of rocks," she explained.

The troubling discovery prompted the Florida woman to contact the local Wal-Mart where she bought the curious box and complain, but reportedly workers there told her it wasn't their problem and that she should contact Nintendo instead. Of course, Nintendo told her roughly the same thing, leaving mother and son with a $138 box of rocks.

"They don't want to do nothing. They want me to keep the box of rocks. I'm not buying a box of rocks for $138," she said.

Amazingly enough, however, Wal-Mart soon caved after learning that the same box of rocks had been previously returned by another disgruntled customer. How exactly it made it back onto store shelves remains a mystery, but for her troubles, Wykle was given a full refund and a $20 gift card.

It's not the first time Wal-Mart has gotten into hot water for selling a questionable handheld. Earlier this month, a PSP system bought at a different Wal-Mart store in Florida was found to contain a memory stick filled with pornographic images.

SOURCE http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged-in/florida-teen-finds-rocks-in-nintendo-ds-box/1308945
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... ... Walmart again? Jesus, what the hell is wrong with these moronic stores lately? First they threaten the economy, now they threaten selling you a "suprise" for a lot of money. Their reputation just gets worse and worse. [/rant]

It seems like they repackage gaming systems and sell them as new, rather than refurbished/old. And this is why, we stick to our local Gamestop/EB games for gaming needs...
... ... Walmart again? Jesus, what the hell is wrong with these moronic stores lately? First they threaten the economy, now they threaten selling you a "suprise" for a lot of money. Their reputation just gets worse and worse. [/rant]

It seems like they repackage gaming systems and sell them as new, rather than refurbished/old. And this is why, we stick to our local Gamestop/EB games for gaming needs...

It's not usually the individual store's fault. Stuff ships to the main warehouses, and get shipped out from there to the individual buildings. The shippers at the main warehouses are usually the ones who do the switcheroo.
Ahh, I see... I said something rather stupid, then.

Then that means some employee must of stolen the DS, then replaced it with said contents. ... That's deplorable, although clever.
I'll stick to the internet, kthnxbai. Gamestop is such a ripoff.

Dude, Gamestop Rulz.
You walk in and there all like "Hey, how are you?" and "Can I help you" and "You pWn d00d".
Yeah does the internet do that? Does it?? Yeah the internets a cold heart-less brute... You support f*cking computers who give you virus and send you a box of rocks when you ask for "Rock"Band.

Hope that makes you happy...
Wow... Y so srs, Lastwords.

Gamestop is just in general conveniant for me, Rob. If you can tell me a better place to find games, please do so. I'd appreciate it. :)

Although I will agree Gamestop does have a lot of ripoff prices. ... Especially for reselling used games. -.-; eBay is the place to go for that. Costs less money than Gamestop sells, and sells for more than they give to you.
Wow, you've been brainwashed. (Lastwords?) xD
They charge you full price for a brand new game that has been scratched by their little "protective" sleeves. You pay twice the price for a "refurbished" system when you could get the same thing in better condition for a cheaper price on ebay, and it usually includes a game or two when you get it on the 'bay. If you sell a used game there, you're an idiot. If you buy anything there, you're supporting a money hungry corporation that is up in the ranks with wal-mart.
Have a nice day. :)

/mini rant
:lol: This happened last christmas with a PS3 box. Poor sap, now THATS and expensive box-o'-rocks!
Wow, you've been brainwashed. (Lastwords?) xD
They charge you full price for a brand new game that has been scratched by their little "protective" sleeves. You pay twice the price for a "refurbished" system when you could get the same thing in better condition for a cheaper price on ebay, and it usually includes a game or two when you get it on the 'bay. If you sell a used game there, you're an idiot. If you buy anything there, you're supporting a money hungry corporation that is up in the ranks with wal-mart.
Have a nice day. :)

/mini rant

-.o" Your supporting a heartless brute! Gamestops my best friend [not really] and is a living breathing creature with feelings!/Rant]

Emo] -.\\ your horrible! you mistreat our pointless bretherin. Im guna go cut my... no, Whats the point of life? To support gamestop! ... Its not worth living anymore (x.x) /Emo] Dead]
You all realize Gamestop is getting assessed for not following federal laws? And that they are selling used games as new?
You all realize Gamestop is getting assessed for not following federal laws? And that they are selling used games as new?

Ah, really? ... Well, screw gamestop then. Terrible ripoff artists. Not as bad as getting rocks in exchange for your DS lite, but you all get my point, no? I'm certainly done shopping at Gamestop. Screw those guys, I'm shopping at home. (... that pun was ****ing terrible)

I'm sure they'l get majorly fined, or even shut down for disobeying federal laws. That'd be a turn for the better; people would stop wasting their money on them. ... It's ironic how quickly my opinion's changed...
It's not usually the individual store's fault. Stuff ships to the main warehouses, and get shipped out from there to the individual buildings. The shippers at the main warehouses are usually the ones who do the switcheroo.

And not only that, the rocks were packing with Chinese newspapers, so the switch may have happened long before it even entered the country.

But on the other hand, people try some pretty crazy stuff to rip off stores, so it's no surprise if stores are a bit suspicious at times.