full body motion sensor....


Chapter .1
Aug 20, 2006
Miami Beach, fl
...i've been thinking about this for some time, do you think that maybe in the distant future say..mid or late 2007? that they will make like "pads" with sensors like the wiimote to wear on you? say you buy product and it brings pads for your feet, hands and head (headband)....then u register/calibrate the movements or what not to the system, and play games...just a thought, but on second hand, the wiimote is perfect the way it is:tard:
they have that fighting game where you have sensors on your arms, fists, kness, and legs i think, it was some third party thing for xbox i think (no one really cared for it)
lol i think it they wont do that just have the remote it will suit all of your motion senor need i no ive been to E3 and played on it
in touch with the wii said:
lol i think it they wont do that just have the remote it will suit all of your motion senor need i no ive been to E3 and played on it

Wow did you? What games did you play?

And on a side-note, that might happen NeMeZyZ, but not for a long long time. Who knows, mabe it'll be on the next Nintendo Console cycle?
tp mp3 orcitra oh oh yes i also played with the drums those where so cool and the numchuk was so soft i feel weird at first but then it felt right
"do you think that maybe in the distant future say..mid or late 2007? that they will make pads to make people playing video games, look more like idiots?"

oh yeah definatley
Not so sure. I mean, it would be useful for cetain genres, but probably not as versatile as the wiimote. Would be excellent for some sort of Dance games though...
or virtual reality where you get placed in settings and scenarios, some for fun, some for action, some for scenery
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hmm...just a thought, i remeber playing tekken 3 with a full body kit, and it was at boomers or someplace simliar to it, and it was horrible, you would have to like swing your leg completely to give a simple kick
NeMeZyZ said:
hmm...just a thought, i remeber playing tekken 3 with a full body kit, and it was at boomers or someplace simliar to it, and it was horrible, you would have to like swing your leg completely to give a simple kick
amen, yeah, it didn't follow your actual movements but just whether or not you were moving a certain way instead of pressing a button.
Hrm, maybe.

I work at an animation studio here, and we have a 3D character that is activated by Motion Sensing as you describe there.

But it takes like 15 minutes for them to calibrate all the points, with an $80,000 piece of machinary. But the only thing with that is, the model person has to wear a full suit with sensors everywhere (and when I say everywhere, I mean... EV-ER-EE-WHERE *shudders*), with the Wii you could get away with probably 4 wiimotes. Two straps on your arms and two for your legs, velcro straps, then fasten the Wii motes in.

Much like that idea with the Wii-Glove for boxing games... Hrm.
STOP STEALING MY IDEAS! :p just kidding. It's a common thing that a lot of people want i think but i did just put this in my 8th generation console thread. I'd say that nintendo will make something like this for their next system.

System not console.
I don't think they would actually. The approach they had for the Wii (I know you said "system not console") was so that you could either be immersed in your game, OR simply pick up the Wii-mote and have a short burst of fun... a Woody-Allen-in-the-sack if you will (very short burst probably o_O).

The idea of them making a full-body motion sensor controller will probably seem too immersive, and that's the sort of thing they kept away from this gen, one of the reasons why the Wii is becomming so gob-smackingly anticipated.

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