Funniest Moments


WiiChat Member
Nov 26, 2007
Post all your funny MSC stories!

I was just playing online, and this guy chose Diddy Kong, and right when the match started he would go backwards and hop his own goal. He did it 7 times and just disconnected. I busted out laughing, haha.

Another time I was playing, the opponents Kritter had the goal, and he passed it to one of his players that were unconscious, so the ball rolled over to my side, heading straight for my goal, and I went to try and get the ball, but you know how the closer you get to your own Kritter the more he backs away? Well, I did just that and the ball ended up in my goal, haha. The replay was hilarious, you see my opponent throw the ball right into my goal.
I Passed The Ball To My Hammer Bros. And He Ran Down The Wing With It. Then I Passed It To The Opponents Defender And He Walked Into His Own Net With It! It Was Soooo Funny:lol:
Wii-Bhoy said:
I Passed The Ball To My Hammer Bros. And He Ran Down The Wing With It. Then I Passed It To The Opponents Defender And He Walked Into His Own Net With It! It Was Soooo Funny:lol:

Yeah, the same thing happened to me...not exactly the same though, but my opponent walked into his own net with the ball:p
I think I had passed it to Shy Guy, and used his Bullet Bill Skill Shot (or I might've used a bob-omb, im not sure), but there was an explosion next to my opponents net, and it knocked out Kritter, and the opponent caught the ball as it fell to the ground, and he mustn't have realized he had the ball, and his Birdo (the player who caught the ball) had walked into his net in the confusion lol:lol:

At first I couldn't believe I had to watch the replay:lol:
But yes, my opponent had given me a free goal lol.

Anyway, I'll be back with some funny Strikers Moments:thumbsup:

Happens all the time, especially when I'm putting or getting serious pressure from Boo teleport attacks.
I once played a match where my opponent's Kritter passed the ball to someone, who evidently didn't catch it, and it just kept rolling... right up to my Kritter, who casually stepped aside and watched the ball roll into my net, so you're not alone, Cyanide!
Hilarious, even though it was the score that inevitably won the match for him.
Wii-Bhoy said:
I Passed The Ball To My Hammer Bros. And He Ran Down The Wing With It. Then I Passed It To The Opponents Defender And He Walked Into His Own Net With It! It Was Soooo Funny:lol:
that happens alot
Jeff25 said:
I think I had passed it to Shy Guy, and used his Bullet Bill Skill Shot (or I might've used a bob-omb, im not sure), but there was an explosion next to my opponents net, and it knocked out Kritter
Bombs don't knock out Kritter.

PS. I hate your colors.
i was playing 2v2 a team of petey and all the fat badger guys and they just tackled constantly the entire time the first game, then did it a lot the second game but shot some and won and the third time just played normal and kicked my butt. regardless it was really funny
I Think Its Funny When Guys Just Walk Into Their Own Net With The Ball.:lol: I Do It Myself Sometimes, But Its Still Funny!:yesnod:
When I did the Kritter chase glitch. Here's what you do: Ok, be Boo and go to the edge of the goalie box, I think, and start to charge up your move. Just before Kritter gets you, teleport backwards and start running, because he'll chase you!!!....but it doesn't always work. Also, I think he'll only chase you on his side. If you go to the other side, he won't chase you.
unska said:
Bombs don't knock out Kritter.

PS. I hate your colors.

Well It must've been Shy Guy's Skill Shot I used, not bombs.
But the goalie wasn't able to move:lol: anyway (which was good:p)

PS: I don't care if you don't like my font colors...It catches ppls attention:smilewinkgrin:
So I wont stop using them:ciappa:

Bob-ombs can jar the ball from Kritter's grip.

So Dumbass, you're saying you can get Kritter to chase you far outside the crease?
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I kinda think it's a bit funny when your opponents batteries die in their remote, and their player just stops cold on the field, and when you see him just standing there, you kinda know somethings wrong. I always assume its their batteries, so what I do is just run around with the ball and just go crazy lol:tard::p. I don't go straight for their net tho, cuz it'd be a bit unfair if the other team can't move:sick:
It kinda makes me feel sorry for'em too...coming to a Strikers match with poor battery power:lol:

Anyone else think that when your opponents batteries die its a bit funny to see'em just standing there:p?
Me and my bro think its funny when Monty Mole makes his little "Eee Bee Bee" noise:p or whatever it sounds like.
It just sounds soo funny to me, cuz it sounds like he's screaming in terror:p...especially when he's on fire by Bowser's Fire Storm or from the fire balls in the Lava Pit:lol:

Good O'l Monty:)

Whoops...sorry for double posting:blush2:
I'll try not to do it in the future!
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Jeff25 said:
I kinda think it's a bit funny when your opponents batteries die in their remote, and their player just stops cold on the field, and when you see him just standing there, you kinda know somethings wrong. I always assume its their batteries, so what I do is just run around with the ball and just go crazy lol:tard::p. I don't go straight for their net tho, cuz it'd be a bit unfair if the other team can't move:sick:
It kinda makes me feel sorry for'em too...coming to a Strikers match with poor battery power:lol:

Anyone else think that when your opponents batteries die its a bit funny to see'em just standing there:p?

Sometimes you're just matched up against a really humble newbie who's accepted defeat.
BigORhyme said:
Sometimes you're just matched up against a really humble newbie who's accepted defeat.

I've done that a couple of times. Then I realized that it would be better to try to train my defense... :D Yes, in some games when I have my *** kicked, I start to give the ball to my opponent just to train my defense. Nice, huh? :)