Gamecube titles remastered for Wii U.


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2011
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What Gamecube games would you like to see remastered in HD and put on Wii U's virtual console? They can be exclusives and third party titles. Perhaps you'd like to see some even online enabled? There are many that I'd like to see.

1. Mario sunshine.
2. Geist (With online).
3. Resident evil 0.
4. Beyond good and evil.
5. Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker.
6. Resident evil remake.
7. Eternal darkness.
8. Medal of honor: Frontline (With online).
9. Metal arms (With online).
10. James Bond 007: Nightfire (With online).
11. Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess (Gamecube/Wii).

That's just a little of what I'd like to see! :D

I didn't really know where to put this under; it's considered as Wii U gaming, but they're also Gamecubes games. I took a dive...
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3. Resident evil 0 - Out on Wii (In Japan)
4. Beyond good and evil - Got a HD make over on other consoles
6. Resident evil remake - Out on Wii
8. Medal of honor: Frontline (With online) - EA are more arsed with there new badly titled games
10. James Bond 007: Nightfire (With online) - Eurocom are getting out of console games
11. Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess (Gamecube/Wii) - Its out on Wii, whats the point?
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3. Resident evil 0 - Out on Wii (In Japan)
4. Beyond good and evil - Got a HD make over on other consoles
6. Resident evil remake - Out on Wii
8. Medal of honor: Frontline (With online) - EA are more arsed with there new badly titled games
10. James Bond 007: Nightfire (With online) - Eurocom are getting out of console games
11. Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess (Gamecube/Wii) - Its out on Wii, whats the point?

Reason for number 3: It's in Japan and not in HD.
Reason for number 4: Yeah. It's out on other consoles, but not the Wii U.
Reason for number 6: Not in HD.
Reason for number 8: This is an old title and I would still love to experience it in HD.
Reason for number 10: It can still be passed down to other developers. Eurocom isn't the only ones that make James Bond games.
Reason for number 11: It sure is, but not in HD.
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So rather than making new games you want them to start on the remake trail?
I kinda liked the idea of making The Wind Waker series to Wii U. Even though I haven't played The Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, they should make a new Wind Waker after Spirit Tracks, basically, and make the Wind Waker part of the Zelda series onto the consoles again, not handheld. But Zelda games are getting good on handheld ever since the 3DS, with Ocarina of Time 3D being really good, and I glad I got it. So, maybe get them on both Wii U and 3DS?
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So rather than making new games you want them to start on the remake trail?
I never stated that. Did I even imply that? No. I just want to see some of these classics in the best quality. These could just be mere in between projects.
Well, I was a BIG Wind Waker fan when I was little, having be born in the Gamecube/ Gameboy age back in the late 90s. I think Wind Waker would be a priority to me to have it remade on the Wii U. I thought it'd be remade for the Wii, when I saw a video on Youtube of Link's sister, Aryll, controlling him with a Wii Remote... sadly, that hadn't happened. Just a Nintendo short video, probably from a Zelda 25th Anniversary thing or something.
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I thought it'd be remade for the Wii, when I saw a video on Youtube of Link's sister, Aryll, controlling him with a Wii Remote.
I remember that video. I got all excited for it as well, until I looked more into it. XD
Games I'd like t' see in no particular order:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance because that ****'s ****in' rare and I've been dyin' to play it. I don't care if it's a re-release, remaster or what. I just want it as a downloadable at the least. I'd happily throw my money at Ninty if they did anythin' with FE: PoR to make it more obtainable.

Super Mario Sunshine since my copy disappeared somewhere.

Wind Waker 'cause I've never played it...

SSBMelee with online. yesz.gif
You want a remake of Wind Waker because .... it's got bad graphics...? Why exactly do these need remakes?
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You want a remake of Wind Waker because .... it's got bad graphics...? Why exactly do these need remakes?
No. It seems that you have my post all wrong. I would like to see it remastered in HD, not the graphical appearance of it being change. The game's visuals (cell shading) are amazing, but it would be nice to see it in the best quality. Perhaps in 1080p and 60 frames per second? Yeah, that would be nice. If they don't do it, then I'll just be fine with the original, but it would still be nice.
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I've never played it. I'll make sure to check the game out. :D
^You need four people to play PacMan Vs. Solo play is a lonely pontless existance.

>Bad graphics
Pick one

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