Getting fit


WiiChat Member
Aug 27, 2006
Wales, UK
As we know, nintendo are planning to get non-gamers into games; aiming the wii at a much wider audience, and i think this will work, as long as they can be convinced to buy he console... Bring on the new games of exercise. Just a couple of stretches etc using the wii-mote, giving instructions on how to diet and exercise properly.

Lets face it, a lot of people want exercise, but look outside after work and decide that a run amongst the rain is probably not worth it. So although the wii won't be an excellent exerciser, i think people may buy such a game because they want the excuse of being able to exercise inside; give them a reason to buy the console, then give them some more games they like; wii sports, wii music, etc.

I don't think nintendo will convince people with games like zelda/ mario/ smash bros; people want games that achieve something. Like brain training for the DS. I wonder how many businessmen and busy people brought a DS and Brain Training JUST to exercise their brain at lunch... and then they saw wario:touch, tetris, Big Brain academy, nintendogs, and BANG. It's not just their lunchtime that's occupied with gaming...

Ive seen posts on this and other sites suggesting that the wii won't be successful because most of the gamers who are prepared to buy games will get other consoles, and your average adult whom the wii is aimed at aren't interested. So interest them. And im sure nintendo know this. So don't panic those of you who think wii will fail, because nintendo wouldn't have done all this if they didnt have the games to follow it up.

Bring on the wii.

And fast.
Wii Music Will Just Strengthen You Wrists...

They Need To Make A Diet Game...
your wrists? doesnt playing guitar and other instruments do that already? masturbation does that too, i mean if you do neither of them i guess you could use the wii controller to build up arm muscle
Jakobthelyre said:
your wrists? doesnt playing guitar and other instruments do that already? masturbation does that too, i mean if you do neither of them i guess you could use the wii controller to build up arm muscle

Well THAT Came Out Of Nowhere!:lol: :lol: :lol:
lol there are so many different views on diet, so a dieting game wouldnt b good at all--there will b so many disagreements and complaints and such so it wont even b worth it. Besides, America would b the pinpoint of this view due to the obesity levels here. Would it really make sales for Japan? thats another factor we have to consider...
well put RPG, well theres a diet game for EyeToy on the ps2, and its more of a honor-system game, you can either cheat or accutaly do it for the work out, this is what it would probaly be like for the wii
yea true a diet game like that for the Wii would b good, as long if it only comes out for America, and u could use it as an excuse to buy the console so your parents dont bother u saying how much u play games and how little u go outside and get some excersize. This does not happen to me btw cuz i do go outside every day and am skinny :)
Sovieto said:
well put RPG, well theres a diet game for EyeToy on the ps2, and its more of a honor-system game, you can either cheat or accutaly do it for the work out, this is what it would probaly be like for the wii
That's the most f****ed up thing i've ever heard!:lol: Omg, I can stop laughin!:lol: Cheat at a workout:lol:

There r no cheats in life u know...but I guess if anyone's gonna do it it would be the PS fanboys!:lol: Jk, they shouldn't make cheats for workout games, that stupid!
lol noooo their not CHEAT CHEATS like codes, but things like not reaching this thing the way your suppose to
Sovieto said:
lol noooo their not CHEAT CHEATS like codes, but things like not reaching this thing the way your suppose to

LMFAO! I think he understood you the first time. :lol:
You Mean "Shaking The Eyetoy Rapidly Back ANd Forth"

Yeah... I Do That On Eyetoy® Play 2

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