

WiiChat Member
Aug 30, 2009
Wii Online Code
Hey everyone, how're all of you? I'm not entirely new here. I'm a returning member, but I couldn't remember my log-in username or password. I also changed my e-mail so I was out of luck and had to make a new account. Hope it isn't too much trouble. I'm not here to spam this forum, honestly.

The reason I came back here was because I got hooked to AC:CF again. Haven't played it in months since today. If anyone wants to add please go ahead and do so. (I'll post my FC in that other thread if it is still there); I'm really looking forward to making new friends and anyone can add me either my Wii and/or to AC. Don't be shy people! I actually just started a new game so I could use some people to perk it up some!

Anyways, thanks for having me,!

Best regards,
Hey, I don't have the Wii AC unfortunately. I can barely manage my sleep schedule. A virtual town would be far too much work!
Welcome back, Kanako. Glad to see you remembered us and decided to return. :) Enjoy the forums.
Hey Kanako, welcome back to Wiichat. =) As I've said time and again, it's always great to have old members returning.

I also know what it's like to lose an account, for whatever reason. Such a shame, really.
Hi Kanako and welcome back! We should be able to get your old account back. PM me if your interested!

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