Guess the character


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Ill start by describing three characters (easy med hard) from 3 different games and the first person to get all 3 right wins and sets the next 3 and also gets a good post bonus. if no one gets it i will add new descriptions every day
1. I am the main character but my name is rarely in the title (with a few exeptions : addventure of link (zelda 2) Link faceies of evil (cdi)
2. Have been on all consoles that have external store ridge (eg CD cart) (Pac man has been on all consoles to date (out soon for 360live)
3. I dress in blue (see pic)

next 3
1. Not all my games are buy nintendo (capcom made some on gbc and phillips made the cdi ones)
2. I run throw maizes (pacman does that as well)
3. I am a different kind of knight (rocket night)

new ones
1. I can use a big hammer (forgot its name )
2. I have also been in my company's main racing game (unlockable in ridge racer 5)
3. I destroyed the pig star in one of my games (rocket night addvetures exelent game)
I'm thinking that number three will be a pain to guess

since 1 and 2 have been guessed I'm only doing number three
3. I have a rocket strapped to my back (see pic)
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  • #3
One of them is right
the other two are not
we are not talking about hacks here offical games only
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  • #5
Sod it since theres no intrest heres the next three
1. Not all my games are buy nintendo
2. I run throw mazies
3. I am a diffrent kind of knight
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  • #7
not one is right
confusing is it not
and bomber man has not been on all consoles
Darkprinny said:
Sod it since theres no intrest heres the next three
1. Not all my games are buy nintendo
2. I run throw mazies
3. I am a diffrent kind of knight

i was doing this one not the first one
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  • #9
There all the same one the three clues all point to the same 3 charicters
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  • #11
from now on all of my clues will appear in the first post
Darkprinny said:
Ill start by describing three characters (easy med hard) from 3 different games and the first person to get all 3 right wins and sets the next 3 and also gets a good post bonus. if no one gets it i will add new descriptions every day
1. I am the main charicter but my name is rarely in the title
2. Have been on all consoles that have external store ridge (eg CD cart)
3. I dress in blue

next 3
1. Not all my games are buy nintendo
2. I run throw mazies
3. I am a diffrent kind of knight
Hmm... Is number one Link (Oracle of seasons/ages was by Capcom)?
Is 2. Crash Bandicoot (though not sure about him on Xbox).
And 3. I thought Zero Suit Samus, but not sure how it fits in with the second clue...
i think from now on you should stick to 1 character instead of 3 because its confusing alot of people. anyways
2: Pac-man
3: Nights (or whatever that sega CD game was)

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