Hello, hello, everyone!


WiiChat Member
Aug 27, 2009
Wii Online Code
Hiya! My name is Christa and I finally got a Wii the day before yesterday. My years of desperate longing are finally over. It was actually given to me for free by a relative who didn't use it, so I'm pretty lucky! Most specifically, I've really been wanting a Wii for the amazing World of Goo (yeah, I know there's a PC version but it's a lot lovelier on a bigger screen). I've already played Twilight Princess, Bully, Metroid Prime 3, and Okami while visiting my stepdad, and love them all.

I'm interested in making some Wii friends! : )))) I like all of the games listed above, + Grim Fandango, Shadow of the Colossus, the Metal Gear Solid series, the Devil May Cry series, Guilty Gear, Professor Layton, Hotel Dusk, Knights of the Old Republic, and Psychonauts. I love Doctor Who and Star Wars. I also like doing lots of art, which is located riiiight here

Mostly, I'm hoping to meet some people with similar interests, but please feel free to add me whoever you are! Anyway...

My Wii Code =
Hey, welcome to the forum :)

I don't share the same game interests, but you should be able to meet quite a few people with the same interests as you here.
Hey, your art is pretty good! I can't draw on the PC for the life of me. *sigh*

Anyways, welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy it here. There is plenty to do here so start looking around. Some of your game interests are pretty good in my opinion.

Do you like Tim Burton stuff...
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Thanks once again for the welcomes~

Monsteroids said:
Hey, your art is pretty good! I can't draw on the PC for the life of me. *sigh*

Anyways, welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy it here. There is plenty to do here so start looking around. Some of your game interests are pretty good in my opinion.

Do you like Tim Burton stuff...

Eee, thank you. It's fine though, just keep practicing and have fun with it. Maybe think about getting a tablet at some point, if you don't have one? They're *expensive*, like 99$ for a cheap one, but definitely worth saving up for.

And YES! Yes, I do like Burton-y stuff. "9" looks oh my god yes please I have no words. Are you planning on seeing it?
Thanks once again for the welcomes~

Eee, thank you. It's fine though, just keep practicing and have fun with it. Maybe think about getting a tablet at some point, if you don't have one? They're *expensive*, like 99$ for a cheap one, but definitely worth saving up for.

And YES! Yes, I do like Burton-y stuff. "9" looks oh my god yes please I have no words. Are you planning on seeing it?

9 looks pretty interesting to me. It's on my ever-growing list of new films to see. :yesnod: I hadn't actually heard of it until quite recently though.

A Tablet... I hadn't really thought about that. $99 isn't too bad. I currently am utterly broke, but will definitely look into that.
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