How to put SSBB replays on computer?

You have to connect your Wii to the computer with a video capture device and record the replays. Unlike snapshots, you can't just convert a replay because replay files only contain data about the button presses made during the match, not actual video.
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Doh! well where can I get this device that you speak of
You have to connect your Wii to the computer with a video capture device and record the replays. Unlike snapshots, you can't just convert a replay because replay files only contain data about the button presses made during the match, not actual video.

It uses RE-ENACT, which can't be viewed by computer. :yesnod: just use a jolly capture card, they are cheap, and worth it. :) (That's why you see sometimes the replays can be flawed merely if it forgot a certain button.) Try ebay, they sell lot's of those.
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Hahaha I just noticed you said jolly hahaha and it was Christmas
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WTF I just a got a video camera, shoes, wii sports resort, and wii point cards for 8,000
WTF I just a got a video camera, shoes, wii sports resort, and wii point cards for 8,000

awesome! :) my camera is my cam - corder lolz, but im gonna start using this web-cam on my camera. Time to talk to them porn starz! O-LAI! j/k :lol: and i got some nike shoes, since i outgrew my old shockz. :lol: are you using the video recorder for ssbb?
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Still looking for one but need to get one for the 1 vs 1 league

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