I see this in a lot of places...


WiiChat Member
Jun 16, 2006
I keep reading posts from people saying "Oh I hope they sell the nunchuk and wiimote together" and "Will I have to buy the nunchuk seperately?" And to these people I say what would be the point of selling them apart o_O I don't know if I'm the only one to see this but could these people please explain to me how I would play LoZ:TP or MP3:Corruption or Mario:Galaxy without the nunchuk part o_O? What, you can't?

I could be wrong and have misinterpreted the queries and they simply meant "Can I buy a part seperately if one of mine breaks?" but I don't think I did.

Anyone else out there think it would be completely retarted to a)not get a controlled when you buy the Wii and b)Have to buy the initial controller in seperate pieces o_O?
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some people would think it would be sold seperately to make more money for nintendo, but thats not what nintendo does. maybe microsoft or sony, but not nintendo
On the N64, there were some games that you couldn't play without a controller pak, but you still had to buy that separately. Not saying it will be separate, but just another point of view on it.
the whole memory card thing with GC too. but i think nintendo will be nicer to us this time...with all the secret ports and flaps
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Yeah I can understand that it has precedent from the past somewhat or does it? I can see your point with the rumble pack was it? And the games needing to have it to play, but that's a minority rather than a majority. the way I view this is that it would be like having holes on the N64 or GC joypads where the analogue sticks go and saying "Oh by the way, you have to buy these seperately" because almost every single game I've seen for the Wii NEEDS both to function.

Okay I admit now there are a couple ish games that spring to mind that dont, those being Sonic Wildfire and Excite:Truck, sports and orchestra due to their nature and the way you play but there are a lot lot more that do require it 2 o_O
I think it should come with the nunchuck

In the box I'd like to see:

-Power Cord
-A/V Cable (not component or hdmi until next gen)
-2 Wiimotes with nunchucks and wrist straps
-Sensor bar
-WiiSports (this one is wishfull thinking.)

I like to think we will get 2 wiimotes because it goes well with the 2 people theme that Wii evokes. However it could just be one. I would be let down if there were no nunchuck, but not surprised.

Nintendo is a company and they do need to make money especially with the low sale price of the wii. I imagine we will be able to buy individual nunchucks, individual wiimotes, and combo packs for a small discount. I would like to see this on shelves

wiimote $20
nunchuck $8
wiimote w/ nunchuck $25

NOTE: there is no basis for my suggestions other than personal opinion and preference
phiggey said:
I like to think we will get 2 wiimotes because it goes well with the 2 people theme that Wii evokes. However it could just be one. I would be let down if there were no nunchuck, but not surprised.

Nintendo is a company and they do need to make money especially with the low sale price of the wii.

I think that's what a lot of game companies think about their games; if we sell our games for $20 or $30, we won't be able to survive.

This is most likely untrue. If games were sold for $20-30 a piece, more people would buy them and the end-profit would probably equal, or exceed what they make when they charge $50 and now $60 per game.

The N64 was sold for $200 at launch and was one of the best selling consoles in history; 35 million units sold and it had 4 contoller ports standard, where the PS1 and PS2 required a seperatly sold multi-tap.

Nintendo isn't a company to sell what is basicly half of a contoller, especially when they want to appeal to both casual and hard-core gamers.

That's my 2 cents.
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yeah the wiimote and the nunchuck are pretty much one controller. It'll be like not including the analog stick and the L1 and R1 stick in the gamecube or n64 like Taero said above
NateTheGreat said:
I think that's what a lot of game companies think about their games; if we sell our games for $20 or $30, we won't be able to survive.

This is most likely untrue. If games were sold for $20-30 a piece, more people would buy them and the end-profit would probably equal, or exceed what they make when they charge $50 and now $60 per game.

Umm - Im sure that these companies have economists and are aware of what the best selling price is based on capital costs and competitor's pricing in addition to the supply and demand thing that your highschool mind decided was the only deciding factor for selling point. I say it all the time and I mean it now more than ever. Nintendo are not idiots. Dont take any offense to this, just saying that there is no need to question nintendos practices because they have been doing this sort of thing for a long time
Well The knunchuck is a big part of playing any of the games it is the Dialog STICK!! OF cousre it will come with the controler!
This is stupid... of course Nintendo will include the Nunchuk attackment with the Wii! If one or two games required the Nunchuk attackment to work then I could understand Nintendo selling it seperatly, but almost all of the games require it to work which means they won't sell it seperatly.
registerednerd said:
On the N64, there were some games that you couldn't play without a controller pak, but you still had to buy that separately. Not saying it will be separate, but just another point of view on it.
And that was because the controller pack was needed to play the game, or else it wouldnt work out at all.

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