I'e a big question: what are 3rd party characters???


Not Banned
Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code
I've noticed that in SMBB there is gonna be something called third party which are going to be new so what is that exactly???
Dwaltin's right, characters like sonic, megaman, viewtiful joe, etc. are third-party characters (and possible fighters in SSBB...)(in other words anyone who isn't owned by the maker of the game, in this case nintendo, is a third party character.)
ssbb_lover said:
Dwaltin's right, characters like sonic, megaman, viewtiful joe, etc. are third-party characters (and possible fighters in SSBB...)(in other words anyone who isn't owned by the maker of the game, in this case nintendo, is a third party character.)
In the video game industry, a third-party developer is a developer that is not directly tied to the primary product the consumer is using. The primary product may be hardware or software. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-party_developer

Dwaltin said:
Third party is them including characters from other systems such as PS2 and Xbox
That said, it's unlikely that characters that have never appeared on a Nintendo console will appear in Smash Bros (so no Dante or Sephiroth unfortunately). Though if a Final Fantasy VII remake or Devil May Cry title was announced for the Wii, there could be a chance... ...Though a small one...
Squall7 said:
In the video game industry, a third-party developer is a developer that is not directly tied to the primary product the consumer is using. The primary product may be hardware or software. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-party_developer

That said, it's unlikely that characters that have never appeared on a Nintendo console will appear in Smash Bros (so no Dante or Sephiroth unfortunately). Though if a Final Fantasy VII remake or Devil May Cry title was announced for the Wii, there could be a chance... ...Though a small one...

ok 3rd party is indead characters that are on other systems but that isnt it. They are on ALL systems hence 3 systems 3 parties. Not just one or two but all 3. Now if you are talking a character on another system. They are not 3rd party they are a single party unless there game exsists or has existed on the other systems.
A third party character (eg Sonic) is simply a character who isn't owned by the maker of that console (eg Nintendo). So Mega Man would be a third party character on the Wii as he is not owned by Nintendo.
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(From Nintendo's point of veiw) A third party character (eg Sonic) is simply a character who isn't owned by the maker of that console (eg Nintendo). So Mega Man would be a third party character on the Wii as he is not owned by Nintendo.
That's wut I just said...T_T. And thats the correct way to explain it to, italianboy I have no clue where u got ur info from but that's not even close to wut it means. U must of just made it up or something.
Ya he said ItalianBoy is incorrect... not you.
Why would he say "Thats what I said, and your completely wrong!"
Come on... think before you act.
k sry I thought I knew exaclty what I was talking about. But I did look it up and it does indead meen to not be directly tied to what its on. Therefore nobody was wrong about the basic idea. Personally I think this thread needs to be closed cuz the basic question has been answerd. This is just my oppinon.
Trickz said:
Ya he said ItalianBoy is incorrect... not you.
Why would he say "Thats what I said, and your completely wrong!"
Come on... think before you act.
Oh God I'm a idiot... I'm sorry I really should read things properly. Damm, how dumb of me.
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Well I think there are chance for RAYMAN and SONIC... no megaman... since is like the same for SAMUS
i dont think that they will ever put in third party chars, i think that it would cost them loads of money to do so as they would have to buy the third parties permission and they are doing perfectly fine with the original nintendo characters.
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m7ticalm third party characters are already confirmed