If this game gets more bad reviews...

Well I already bought it. But either way I think id still buy it launch games are just for experiences there usually not super games(besides Zelda)
heres a quote by me this goes for all games
"dont get reviewers to pick your games for you do it yourself some reviewers are f***s"
in touch with the wii said:
heres a quote by me this goes for all games
"dont get reviewers to pick your games for you do it yourself some reviewers are f***s"

x2 :D A little more to the point of course, but same deal non the less. :lol: Almost as useful as consumer reports, only so many people review, and only so many products are lemons. Tomorrow, I'll def be picking up RedSteel (assuming I can get a copy) first, then I'll be debating between NFS:Carbon or Excite Truck. No review is hindering my decisions. :thumbsup:
in touch with the wii said:
heres a quote by me this goes for all games
"dont get reviewers to pick your games for you do it yourself some reviewers are f***s"

AMEN! oh and @ tuned there both pretty short games. my friend got carbon for ps2 an said he beat it in 3 days. excite truck your supposed to beat in one day. excite truck is super fun tho. i say excite truck :ihih: an this isnt a review really :p
Just take reviews as advice, people are vastly differently even if they try to be unbiased. The fact that there IS a pretty bad review when just about everyone is saying good things is proof enough.

And please, don't say "if there are any more", only gamespot has really hit the game hard. Come to think of it, they judged a few ps3 games harshly too.. oh well, their one bad review to everyone elses? They are entitled to their thoughts, but before making a choice read about 4 or 5 reviews, decide if this type of game is usually in your interest, and if you can put most of it's features to use. For example, I have 4 remotes waiting to be picked up, and plenty of people to play with, so regardless I will squeeze SOME fun out of it, and the game still looks great by itself.

We won't know until we play it but..I can say I expect to be pleased with it, and it will make a great start to my wii collection along side monkey ball and zelda, even if it isn't a incredible game. 5.5 is still better then some of the ratings ps3 games have gotten, not to bash the ps3. (Was unable to snag one.. missed out on the pre-order due to the extremely small number... 4 at the eb I am getting my wii at.)
Well due to reviews Im gonna wait. Since everyone is buying it I'll see how they feel and play it at their house or something. Yarr.
I read all bad reviews on it, but i bought it anyway. It's fun, i enjoy it. Takes a little while to get used to though.

you shouldnt really follow game reviews. if something is completely horrible, there will be so many ppl pissed that youll hear about it, even if you dont go spe cificly reading about it. after playing redsteel it seems like an average FPS. its a launch title people, not halo 3. its basics, and an introduction to the new play style the wii has, any other questions? :p
I want a FPS for the Wii, and call of duty seems a better anyway. I'll wait till one of my friends has one before making any decision.
go rent it when you can if you can't decide. any game can and will be fun to different people. the art style and story line appeals to me in red steel, as does the sword play.

one thing I think is funny is how the enemies constantly swear and curse, making this a higher rated game.. yet there is no blood!! I really want some bloody sword fights and I hope there is an option for it after beating the game. at least for the ending of fights where you basically kill them anyhow!