I'm extremely disappointed in the WII

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motherbrainrulez said:
all i want is an unbiased review

Good luck. I'd be happy to provide it, but I'm not going to buy a PS3 or an Xbox 360. If the WII had priced itself at a price point that I personally feel is more realistic, I'd buy one at launch and hope for the best.

The problem with unbiased is everyone has a bias -- even if it is in the frame of personal preferences. If you asked my daughter to give you a review of Resident Evil 4, she'd give it a 0.0/10. She has absolutely no interest. Ask her the same about Star Wars Lego? 10/10.

You'll have to go play the units in the stores and be your own unbiased reviewer...
hhahahaha i hope alot of people dont buy a Wii till a year later...leaves one more for me!!
kenn said:
If the WII had priced itself at a price point that I personally feel is more realistic...

How is it possible to say something so dumb in a public place and not be embarrassed that other people are going to read it?

The Wii comes WITH A GAME. That alone brings the price for the actual system down to $200. And I know that Wii Sports isn't exactly a huge priority on anybody's "games I want" list, but it's a game nonetheless.

The only conclusion that I can come up with from that statement is that you are either very poor, or lack a fully functional brain. Either way, I feel sorry for you.
I too would have liked a stronger Nintendo but look at the price, controllers, and the awsome Nintendo games - don't see how you can argue that
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the_peripheral said:
How is it possible to say something so dumb in a public place and not be embarrassed that other people are going to read it?

The Wii comes WITH A GAME. That alone brings the price for the actual system down to $200. And I know that Wii Sports isn't exactly a huge priority on anybody's "games I want" list, but it's a game nonetheless.

The only conclusion that I can come up with from that statement is that you are either very poor, or lack a fully functional brain. Either way, I feel sorry for you.

So you'd pay 50 bucks for wii sports? It's a pack in to show off the consoles new remotes -- nothing more. It isn't a $50 game by any stretch of the imagination. It most certainly doesn't "bring the game down to $200". It's still $250 game included or not. That's the same "Save 20%, this weekend only mentality". You aren't saving anything -- you are still spending. That's a weak argument -- especially given the weakness of the title as a "real" game.

Let me put it to you this way. I'd agree the WII controls are new -- worth some money. The CPU and the GPU are upgraded, but in terms of bits per dollar, are lower cost than when they went into the unit as a Gamecube. Almost all of the remaining video and audio i/o architecture is the same. Make so mistake, Nintendo has a fair profit margin on the unit but is definitely on the high side. This is exaggerated greatly by the fact that MS and Sony are LOSING money on their consoles. The delta in price-performance is therefore artificially increased.

Nice, by the way, of you to come off as an a-hole. Great way to get your point across. You simply show yourself as ignorant, shallow-minded, and incapable of forming a reasonable counter-argument.

I can assure you that I'm both very comfortable financially and quite intelligent. Are you familiar with the Mensa society?

If, by the way, the only conclusion you can come to based on my post is that I'm poor or lacking a fully functional brain, you really should take the time to go back and read the post. I've offered an opinion that is well thought out and quite well grounded which you clearly didn't take the time to read carefully. Time will tell how the Wii does and I do hope it does well. My personal opinion remains, though, that it is one of two things at launch -- over priced for the power or underpowered for the price...

Have a nice day!
Very lame imo. Just another graphical powerhouse fanboi. All you want is better graphics. The more polygons, the more detailed textures, the more better physics of a game, all that just to make what you see more prettier. That is ridiculous. Graphics aren't all. what do you do in a game? You play in it. What does it require? gameplay. You don't just stand there and only look at the scenery.

Let me also add, that I'm not a hater. I really do want to see Nintendo successful because there are games for the console that I can't get anywhere else that are fun for my daughter and wife. I'd love to see the Wii sell 50 million units worldwide so the 3rd party CAN'T ignore the platform. I just think they have made a few critical mistakes that are going to prevent it from happening. I'll buy a WII -- just not at the $250 price point plus another 200-250 for four Wii-Motes/Nunchucks. I'll wait for a price drop, pick it up, and get rid of my daughters GC console since I'll still be able to use everything else.

You only need to buy 3 Wiimote+Nunchucks and it's only $180.

All of this said, there won't be a "revolution" in the quality of games in the next year that many keep saying will happen.

What do you know about quality? To you, quality is better graphics. To everybody else, it's not all about the graphics. The 'Revolution' you are talking about is the new way to play your game. Nintendo didn't say anything about a revolution in graphics, or else they would have called it a "graphics revolution". The quality of games is the time the developers spend on a game. A game without glitches or bugs and works exactly the way the developers mean, that is quality. "quality" does not equal better graphics. What's wrong with the Graphics of the Wii? It's a 'game' console. Not "real Life". If i wanted photorealistic high tech graphics, all i have to do is look out the window. That is real enough for me. And if want the best graphics, get a PC. Don't even think about consoles.
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I give up. You've beaten me. Though I don't own 360 or PS3 I'm apparantly a hater. I should have known better to post an opinion and hope to get constructive counter-points.

Too many people don't read and put words in other mouth's. That's the problem with the internet. Too much anonymity. Too many knuckleheads.

I completely agree :( I was watching some direct-feed of Red Steel and Call Of Duty 3 and the graphics were terrible. I know, I know your saying gameplay over graphics, right? Well honestly, some gamecube games looked better than some of the launch titles. Although Nintendo did create an amazing experience with this controller, the graphics lack so bad the gameplay can barely make up for the graphics. I mean, it would be truly revolutional if Nintendo made their console nearly or as powerful as the Xbox 360 or PS3, great gameplay and graphics, but no, Nintendo lacks the graphics this generation. Even in Red Steel, there is like 3 swings you can do based on my experience with many direct feed videos, how fun is that? It's just my opinion, flame me if you want.
If he was so disappointed then you might as well not get a wii.
On another note, It doesn't sound like you are EXTREMELY disappointed with the wii. Kind of a harsh word...
Anyways i think that your post has some reason. I can't tell you what i think of the wii since i have never tried it, But i can tell you that In a way i disagree with what you are saying, The GCN would not have been a good idea for playing Wii games, First of all , The GCN only reads SMALL discs so The graphics would have to be 'minimized' to fit on the small disc. The wii is a great system up until now, And i respect your opinion. Nice post And Now i hereby give you the:
GreyKirby Post Award!!
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well then go waste your money on a PS3......Just Kidding!!!!
If you want a good console go buy a 360 please!
Youll save A LOT OF MONEY!!!!
Every single one of your points had to do with the graphical power of the Wii. You have to keep in mind, that graphics aren't what make the game. Sure, it makes it a bit nicer, but it barely changes it. For example, pac man. EVERYBODY knows what pac man is. Why? Because it is legendary. It wasn't known for it's graphics, but for it's gameplay.

Also, brought up by another user on these forums, "If you take away the graphics in a game but leave the gameply, you still have a game. If you take away the gameplay in a game but leave the graphics, you have a movie." And that is exactly what it sounds like you want. If you want amazing graphics, go rent a movie and watch it on your DVD or Blu-Ray player.
Hmph, throwing numbers of power consumption and what not are truly irrelevant. Specs dont mean jack, sure you are another "its not high def enough" kind of guy. Maybe you should have played something else. Prejudice over excitetruck? Try zelda before you blast a system. But do yourself a favor dont buy one, just another system for someone who will enjoy it. Not bash it with modest BS.