Insomniacs assemble!!

My bro linked me t' this the other day. I can get behind that, as half the reason I forget t' finish/play an unplayed game is just-plain forgettin'...

Is also far cooler than the conventional, scrubtastically-organized list I currently have.
It'd give ya somethin' new for your signature, at any rate.

... Says the fisherman who still has a Magikarp banner.
My mom made me watch some Olympic figure skating, and it made me feel like a jerk because I'm more interested in the exposing nature of the girl's outfits than their actual performance. Which were pretty impressive.
I never miss the figure skating lol

Mirai Nagasu should have been picked over Ashley. :p She earned it all the way.
But I really think Ashley deserved higher than a 6.8.
I'd go find a quote of myself, but I'm too lazy. Instead...

Wow. Rude.

In other news:

Mew2King confirmed for badass.
I didn't need sleep tonight anyways.

Said J, who proceeded to fall asleep hours earlier than what I believe to be usual.

In other news, I have come to the conclusion that I should stop browsing the comments of strangers on Facebook completely. The unintelligent jerks who try and act like they're all that blow my foswa levels through the roof.

a retard said:
Wow. Obviously education isn't a top priority for some here. Damn there's some stupid people still breathing!
If this is a problem for you, killing yourself is a good first step towards purging stupidity...