interest game for Ps3 !!


WiiChat Member
Jun 24, 2006
more interest games are for ps3 ! like mgs4

so why should we buy wii ?

do u think the games like halo 3 coming for wii ?
If you want MGS4 so bad spend the 500 bux so you can play it. I just think thats waaay too much money for a gaming system.
mgs4 same **** diffrent plot
halo 3 ditto
wii will have a better way to play games thats wii ill be geting one first
yeah, ps3 are going to WAY too expensive, they are 500-600 dollars and the games are going to be 60-80.... people are going to get like 2-3 games a year only. I hope halo3 goes back to the Halo1 style that required skill (such as weapons that can kill ppl fast, better gernades throwing, fall damage, and no auto target) if it doesnt i will cry..again.

But back to the wii, its going to be awesome, i hope they come out it some games that would be good for tournament play (i know ssbb will)
Unreal said:
in your idea Red Steel in wii can be a mgs4 in ps3 ??!!
Completely different style of game. I suppose I can see why some people would think that MGS4 for the PS3 would be just like Red Steal for the Wii, but the story line, story setting, type of shooting and fighting, graphics looks nothing alike. I will say that hands down (and I would think Nintendo would agree as well) that the graphics in the PS3 and XBOX 360 are much more "advanced" than the Wii's but 1, they didnt see the need to make their visuals as uber as possible, and 2, the games are just going to be much more fun!
motherbrainrulez said:
halo is owned by microsoft so no it wont be for wii.

Not "owned" Halo is made exclusive for the Microsoft Xbox, So yes your right halfway, it will more than likely not be for the Wii, But i have been wrong before.
PS3 to expensive $1000 AUD get lost I'll take a Wii over that
(thats sounds so funny, Wii hehe)
Bleh said:
Not "owned" Halo is made exclusive for the Microsoft Xbox, So yes your right halfway, it will more than likely not be for the Wii, But i have been wrong before.

Actually Bungie is owned by Microsoft, so yes, they own the Halo series.
Also ive heard that you will not be able to rent PS3 games b/c once the game is played on a ps3, it can only be played on that specific ps3 (I have not tried to find out if this is true or not however)

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