Internet Safety


Wii online moderator
Jun 1, 2006
Missouri, United States
I think it may be interresting to hear some ways people protect themselves online. Especially the wild and whacky ways.

For example: in any webspace of mine, I use locks to make it so anyone who wants to view anything that would identify me, they have to have my approval (and I only approve people I know IRL)
i don't protect myself at all and nothing bad has ever happened to me, although if you remember going on a thing called habbo hotel it kinda warped my sensitive little mind

they had a competition you phone up you get some virtual money and... you might win the competition

i started phoning ever moment no one else was around or on the phone i ran up a bill of £50(that's $92.92 US) that was a lot of phone calls considering it costs 25p a call
i have my router firewall and BitDefender 9.0. i have had a few DOS attacks on me but i just unpluged me router for a few hrs and it stopped
DOS attack is a Denial of Service attack. they just keep flooding your connection and make your connection and PC really slow (only make your PC slow if your FW doesnt block it). it sucks ass because you cant use your net for a few hrs
I have one of the greatest and easy to use proptections. I have dialup. mNo one even bothers trying to do anything to me on dialup, and if they do, just disconnect and redial. I also really dont need any antivirus because I dont do much downloading here at my house, If I do any downloading its in town at public computers.
Yeah but dialup takes ages to view websites and download stuff off the net compared to the faster internet connections.

I don't use any protection on the internet as the software used for internet protection and firewall slow down the CPU when im doing something on the computer. Best option if I have a very hard to remove virus or adware on the computer: reformat the hard drive
I actually veiw websites pretty quick. Unless there are a ton of pictures web surfing is pretty quick, but you are right, downloading is very slow, thats the main reason I go to town for downloads. Its free to use their internet. I only pay $9 a month for my dialup at home.

I would get better if I could though. If we had DSL out here I wold get it in a heartbeat. We dont even have basic cable out here.
linkzeldagame said:
I don't use any protection on the internet as the software used for internet protection and firewall slow down the CPU when im doing something on the computer.
depends on the firewall you got. i got Bit Defender and it does it all (firewall, anti virus, anti adware, anti spam, anti spyware, ect). it does need 5 things running but the 2 things that take up the most CPU still take up less than running a web browser

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