Iraq, Iran, Bush And More...


Dec 2, 2006
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In this thread ill be speaking about mainly whats been happening within the past 4 or 5 years in the middle east, how its effecting us, how it started and how to stop it.

Before i start, i am a 14 year old Turkish Cypriot living in England. The following is my opinions, backed up with FACTS. like it or not. I am not anti-Semitic or anti-american. Im not anti-anyone. i have respect for all people and religions. When i say "america did this" or "Israel are that" im talking about their government, it is in no way directed at the Jewish or american people.

To begin with, lets talk about The iraq war. Began 4 years ago, sparked off by apparent "weapons of mass destruction". they were "spotted by American satellites. So in goes America, killing thousands and devastating millions of lives. Cities were torn apart and as of today, 700,000 Iraqis have been killed by the invading forces. Well at least they got the weapons right? lol wrong, what weapons? George bush announced that america had made a mistake not long ago, there were no weapons of mass destruction.
So he should have said, "so in that case, we might aswell leave". But no, the weapons werent the real reason behind the war. Iraq is sitting on billions worth of oil...just waiting for america to steal. Which is what they are doing. Americas oil stocks have rocketed since the iraq war...ironic no?
Some americans say that america are "protecting" iraqis from terrorists in the area. Now i still fail to see how these people can go to sleep at night. Have they not seen the disgusting torture videos? the gruesome army men posing next to dead iraqi people? Do they not see that America has killed more innocent people in this war than any other terrorist organization? Of course not, their minds are to inferior to look BEHIND the propaganda being shoved in their faces.

Palestine and Lebanon. Ahhh..and of course the "terrorists" Hezbollah. Now i consider Israel a Terrorist state. They have 30X more innocent people than Hezbollah have. They constantly bombard the Palestinians and they keep thousands of prisoners in cells, both lebanese and Palestinian.
Now Hezbollah, are not a terrorist organization. Get that out of your mind right now. Hezbollah hate Al-Quaeda and The Taliban. They would gladly fight against them. Hesbollah are part of the Lebanese defence force. Part of their army is you will (although they arent really). The lebanese people love hezbollah. Why? they stopped Israel invading Lebanon twice now. Adnt they are also trying to regain land that the israelis illegally occupy.
Around 20 years ago, Lebanon was attacked, and parts of the south was seized by the israelis. Hezbollah stopped them from advancing into the rest of lebanon. In 2000, Hezbollah won MOST of the land back, however israel still holds alot of the land that belongs to lebanon. Not s far back Israel once again tried to take Lebanon, with the help of America who supplied weapons and tactics. Hezbollah fought back, and...humiliated...the Israeli forces. During this attack, Lebanon was severely bombed and battered. Many people died, and others left homeless.
Hezbollah were able to send bombs to Beirut, however thy didnt. Nice of them i think, it would have been disastrous. Hezbollah simply want the release of all the prisoners Israel illegally hold, and all the land that they illegally occupy. I think those demands are justified.

Iran, Aot been going on there the last few months. Building "Weapons of mass destruction" (where have we heard that before...) and also capturing the 15 british navy men. Well the full story for that hasnt been exposed yet, so ill leave that for later.
Now, I think its pretty obvious that America will be attacking iIran soon. Some americans say that Bush wont want another war on another front...well your forgetting something, Bush is crazy. Hell take on the entire world if he thinks that theres enough oil to be stolen. How ever Iran isnt just about oil....
Iran is a Muslim Country, that refueses to listen to americas orders (like saddam did, and then got executed for it). Iran is a big, brve country. There are only two or three big countries in the middle east that arent pushed around easily, the other two being Turkey, and possibly Pakistan if you want to include them. Now Iran will be a big threat to the US, seeing as how they have a good army and can see what america are doing in the neighbouring countries.
Iran, is also the biggest import/export for OIL. Now yes we already now that america want that oil...but theres something else to go with it. You see Iran are saying that they will most probably be switching from using Dollars, to auction the oil, to Euros. That means that the Dollar, will no longer be used as the currency for oil, the most valueble thing around at the moment. That also means that the Dollar will not be the biggest currency anymore, and it will stop being internationally used. Instead, the Euro will take its place. Now thats something america NEVER want to happen, and Iran knows it.
I personally have nothing against Iran, some people say that they supply Hezbollah with weapons, and bombs that can reach anywhere in Israel. I say so? Like i said before, Hezbollah arent terrorists.
And plus, America give Israel Weapons and bombs that can reach any country in the Muslim world, why dont we go invade them? Answer is simple, If they arent Muslim they arent dangerous. We all know that the western world believes Jewish and Christian blood, is more valued than Muslim blood. Weather you know it or not, you most probably do too, without even knowing!

I will continue this thread, with alot more to come on Iran, and future things, however my hand has turned blue, so its probably time for a break

Feel free to criticise (constructively) and give your opinion. I wont even bother responding if you dont back you opinion with facts, it will just prove your foolishness.
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we cant go to war for no reason so we went in for that. i dont have time to go into a lengthy discussion but on several occassions we found emptied factories remnants of nuclear and otherwise toxic nerve agent factories. we have to follow rules in what we do saddam did not he can move things and cover them up faster than we can plan and organize and ok missions. have you seen what the city of bagdad looks like now people are able to shop eat lunch enjoy a cup of tea in the middle of "sniper road" was this able to be done 5 years ago no it wasnt. this will take time and sadly lives of americans, but that is what the armed services do they risk their lives for our country and its way of life and and the betterment of other countries..........
israel a terrorist state phhh its jewish land and has been since... forever.
uttackle71 said:
israel a terrorist state phhh its jewish land and has been since... forever.
You can't be serious...

It's been Jewish Holy land as well as Muslim Holy land, but America put the Jews there after the second world war. Before that, Muslims occupied it, and considered it as their land.

Also, the reason why America backed up Israel in the conflict between them and Lebanon (using British airports as a stop for American made weapons to be shipped and used by Israel) is because America always backs up the people they buddy with the most.

i think its best for this kind of talk not to take place here, its not allowed on most forums
I don't think it's really an issue here. If it got out of hand, then I would agree, but I say give it a chance.

ottoman said:
To begin with, lets talk about The iraq war. Began 4 years ago, sparked off by apparent "weapons of mass destruction". they were "spotted by American satellites. So in goes America, killing thousands and devastating millions of lives. Cities were torn apart and as of today, 700,000 Iraqis have been killed by the invading forces. Well at least they got the weapons right? lol wrong, what weapons? George bush announced that america had made a mistake not long ago, there were no weapons of mass destruction.
So he should have said, "so in that case, we might aswell leave". But no, the weapons werent the real reason behind the war. Iraq is sitting on billions worth of oil...just waiting for america to steal. Which is what they are doing. Americas oil stocks have rocketed since the iraq war...ironic no?
Some americans say that america are "protecting" iraqis from terrorists in the area. Now i still fail to see how these people can go to sleep at night. Have they not seen the disgusting torture videos? the gruesome army men posing next to dead iraqi people? Do they not see that America has killed more innocent people in this war than any other terrorist organization? Of course not, their minds are to inferior to look BEHIND the propaganda being shoved in their faces.
I completely agree. There was no valid reason for going to war. If there was, the UK and US would have taken out McGarby in Zimbabwe as well. Oil is what the US was interested in. Also, I agree that it's wrong to stay in Iraq for "building a democracy". If the US was truely in favour of democracies, they wouldn't have put Saddam in charge in the first place.

Palestine and Lebanon. Ahhh..and of course the "terrorists" Hezbollah. Now i consider Israel a Terrorist state. They have 30X more innocent people than Hezbollah have. They constantly bombard the Palestinians and they keep thousands of prisoners in cells, both lebanese and Palestinian.
Now Hezbollah, are not a terrorist organization. Get that out of your mind right now. Hezbollah hate Al-Quaeda and The Taliban. They would gladly fight against them. Hesbollah are part of the Lebanese defence force. Part of their army is you will (although they arent really). The lebanese people love hezbollah. Why? they stopped Israel invading Lebanon twice now. Adnt they are also trying to regain land that the israelis illegally occupy.
Around 20 years ago, Lebanon was attacked, and parts of the south was seized by the israelis. Hezbollah stopped them from advancing into the rest of lebanon. In 2000, Hezbollah won MOST of the land back, however israel still holds alot of the land that belongs to lebanon. Not s far back Israel once again tried to take Lebanon, with the help of America who supplied weapons and tactics. Hezbollah fought back, and...humiliated...the Israeli forces. During this attack, Lebanon was severely bombed and battered. Many people died, and others left homeless.
Hezbollah were able to send bombs to Beirut, however thy didnt. Nice of them i think, it would have been disastrous. Hezbollah simply want the release of all the prisoners Israel illegally hold, and all the land that they illegally occupy. I think those demands are justified.
You know a lot for a 14 year old. I agree, and I only conclude that America's "war on Terror" is merely a "war on Islam" in disguise. What have they done about shutting down the Real IRA? Some of the more militant groups like some Animal Rights protestors can be considered "terroists" considering what they have previously done (threatening the lives of anyone connected with animal testing - even a Big Issue vendor in Liverpool got attacked just because the Big Issue had an ad for a firm that did Animal Testing). Where is the war there?

Also, notice the media constantly portrays the Islamic world in a negative light - even if there's no real news, like accusing the Pakistan Cricket team of cheating. Even recent events from Iran. The UK Government seemed to prefer being "right" or "victorious" over human life - all they needed to do was apologise, and now they're even denying that they did just that. We never saw the "conclusive" evidence from the Iranian side. We just got blitzed into the supposedly fool-proof satalite navigation data. Also, I noticed how they constantly went on about where the 15 "sailors" were seized. What did the UN do about it? (considering we were supposedly doing drugs busts and stuff on behalf of the UN).
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Squall7 said:
I don't think it's really an issue here. If it got out of hand, then I would agree, but I say give it a chance.

I say get rid of it cause i already see an argument starting
I am not saying that only Jews should live there, but if muslim states wanted to share a land Israel has given much land to them over the years but that is not enough it is continuously being attacked for terrorist.
Frogger said:
Oh no...
Definitely not on forums...

Actually it is allowed on most forums.

Controversial Issues-Debates
uttackle71 said:
I am not saying that only Jews should live there, but if muslim states wanted to share a land Israel has given much land to them over the years but that is not enough it is continuously being attacked for terrorist.
Not sure what you're trying to get at there. Muslims had Israel before the Jews were there. Jews were put there after the second world war. Not sure about Israel being a terrorist nation, I don't know as much about it as some, but I do know a lot about the UK and US, and they do act like terrorist nations at times. Especially with the selling of weapons to groups and countries that are fighting off US/UK enemies (for example, Soviet influence).

I say get rid of it cause i already see an argument starting
Arguement's start all the time. Look at the PS3 section. How is this any different (apart from being more intellectually involving)?
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Uttackle...your lack of knowledge in this area makes you sound stupid. Jews hav lived in Israel after 1945...thats around 60 years...hardly "forever".

Before that the palestinians were living there. they were thron out to make room for the jews. now look whats happend.
ottoman said:
Uttackle...your lack of knowledge in this area makes you sound stupid. Jews hav lived in Israel after 1945...thats around 60 years...hardly "forever".

That can't be accurate about the jews living there just after 1945. Israel holds the remains of the First and Second Temples of the Jewish People. Completed in the 10th century BC, the First temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The reconstructed temple in Jerusalem, which stood between 516 BC and 70 C, was the Second Temple. You shouldn't be talking to Uttackle like that. Seems to me like Jews have been in Israel more than just 60 years ago.
I now it isn't an accepted source in academia, but wikipedia does give a slight background...
After World War II
Following World War II, the British announced their intention to withdraw from the British mandate of Palestine. The United Nations General Assembly proposed the partition of Palestine into two states, an Arab state and a Jewish state, with Jerusalem to be under United Nations administration. Most Jews in Palestine accepted the proposal, while most of the Arabs in Palestine rejected it.

Violence between Arab and Jewish communities erupted almost immediately. Toward the end of the British mandate, the Jews planned to declare a separate state, a development the Arabs were determined to prevent. On May 14, 1948, the last British forces withdrew from Palestine, and the Jews, led by David Ben-Gurion, declared the creation of the State of Israel, in accordance with the 1947 UN Partition Plan.
Once again, it's the so-called developed countries that produce problems for the world. Virtually everywhere the last of the British Empire withdraws from leaves behind a mess...

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