What is Terrorism?

No, the decision to attack vulnerable civilians has nothing to do with any prior provocation. By that reasoning, the man who beats his wife can blame it on the economy, his employer, his job, etc. The man who rapes can then blame it on all the sexual advertising around him, or pornography. Etc, etc.

Terrorism is not an act that is provoked. It is a decision to go after civilians who have not provoked anybody. To use any cause as a justification for terrorism says more about the one making such statements, than about the subject being commented upon.
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No, the decision to attack vulnerable civilians has nothing to do with any prior provocation. By that reasoning, the man who beats his wife can blame it on the economy, his employer, his job, etc. The man who rapes can then blame it on all the sexual advertising around him, or pornography. Etc, etc.

Terrorism is not an act that is provoked. It is a decision to go after civilians who have not provoked anybody. To use any cause as a justification for terrorism says more about the one making such statements, than about the subject being commented upon.

I said that they are guilty for their actions. Just like the man who is guilty for "beating his wife because of the economy", even though he was "provoked", he is still guilty. Human beings often make rash decisions because they are provoked in one way or another to act a certain way. Peer pressure is generally tempting. If you go along with the temp, let's say you drink--you get drunk, and get into an accident--you are responsible and guilty, even though you didn't intend on hurting anyone or yourself. So yes, the killing of innocent civilians is completely wrong, but in most cases, it needs to be realized that there is a greater wrong going on that we don't know about and that if it hadn't occurred, neither would have the terrorist attacks. So if you want to stop the so-called terrorism, you need to go to the root cause.
To claim that terrorism has a "root cause" is to legitimize it. I said that the man who beats his wife doesn't have a basis for claiming provocation. If he can't get along, he should get divorced and leave her. There is no right to beat a wife.

Terrorism is not legitimate, and therefore does not have a root cause. The root cause of terrorism can only be seen as the inhumanity of those who practice terrorism.
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To claim that terrorism has a "root cause" is to legitimize it. I said that the man who beats his wife doesn't have a basis for claiming provocation. If he can't get along, he should get divorced and leave her. There is no right to beat a wife.

Terrorism is not legitimate, and therefore does not have a root cause. The root cause of terrorism can only be seen as the inhumanity of those who practice terrorism.

Something being illegitimate does not by any means mean the reason behind doing such an act is completely guilty, though it is. It is guilty: In court, we use Guilty or Not guilty when it comes to verdict, not guilty or innocent. I have clearly stated that terrorism in itself is a wrong act, and I'm not saying that there are ways to justify it. However, I am tracking back to what the original oppression was that eventually led to the wrongful act. Two wrongs don't make a right. Terrorists don't just terrorize for fun--they want to get a message across or are REACTING to something. This is a simple fact, not a confession. I said before that the actual act of terrorism is a horrible act, I am not legitimizing it in any way. You are missing the point--these people have a reason to terrorize (I'm not saying its a good reason, I'm just saying that a reason IS evident). The people partaking in such acts perceive themselves as victims (thus why they are referred to as freedom fighters by many).
Lmao Navarre, teaching terrorists a lesson since blah blah blah? You did one hell of a job with the Americans then [sarcasm/]

I don't get it. Why can't some people just understand that the American Revolution happened? Was it justified? Hell no. Am I glad it happened? hahah yes. It was like a major league baseball team getting their asses kicked by a highschool team, it's amazing.

and terrorism to me is anything that goes against national security.

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