Its about that forum with Darkprinny leaving and i have to say something about it


Turkish RPG Master
Aug 2, 2006
Somewhere in New Jersey
NOTE: if u didnt c Darkprinnys thread about his leaving at Wiichat, then dont even bother to look at this thread (unless u r curious of course), as it does not concern u. Thank you!

Anyways, Darkprinny stated that he hates Muslims, and i heard that his offensive actions and comments about Muslims lead him to his leaving and possibly banning...

I just want to say that his information about the "Muslim guy at work" who said that all religions r dead and everyone should go to hell but muslims is VERY misleading...altho it may have happened, he used an example from someone he saw at work who had a certain hate for Jews...i bet u i can find a Jew who hates Muslims just as much as that one Muslim guy hated Jews! like Darkprinny!

Elhamdulilah i am muslim, and i do not hate Jews and i accept everyone for who they r not what they r. i am a respectful person who is not what u would perceieve as the Muslim guy he talked about there...this gives a background for all Muslims when u hear that one of them did something bad; but u never hear what happens to the Muslims or c any clips of torture done to the Muslims... as well, he made it sound like all Muslims have the same opinions just because they have the same religous beliefs (and actually there r a couple different branches of Islam that follow different ways FYI like Sunni, Shi'a and Suffi, i am Sunni)...u dont think that any jew has ever badmouthed any Muslims? TRUST me, ive taken worse from jews and christians alike just for being Muslim; please, dont get the wrong idea ppl, and dont b misled by his ignorant brainwashing techniques...let me tell u if u dont know already, and this is a fact, that most of the Media in the U.S is OWNED by the Jews, so everything u hear on TV could b altered or distorting the truth so that the Jews r defended most. u dont think that this plays any role in the information we get on the News? To add on, people perceive that whatever Muslims do is always according to their religion and is always supported BY the religion and that it is correct in the religion to do...this is not always true, some ppl dont even follow the religion correctly, as with all religions, there r ppl who dont follow it well or correctly often leading them to trouble.

Please dont make this into an arguement, my main message is to tell u that there r many misleading brainwashers out there and that one person cannot just define the rest (in this case, the muslim guy he claimed to have badmouthed Jews and all religions in general besides islam) , which goes for ALL religions (i know lots of Jews who eat pork but i still know that they cannot eat pork and that not all Jews do it)
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Well, good point, but I think we should leave it like this, Darkprinny is just an idiot for the racism and religius.

I'm from Colombia and here there is a lot of racism in a good and bad way, but I don't, I accept every skin color and religion they have.

In my country almost 90% are catolic and cristians, but I'm not from them, I'm not Ateo (I don't know how to say it in english but it means someone that doesn't beleave in god) and I'm not from any religion, I just beleave in god and some things and thats it, I like all the cultures and things and here people see me as someone extrange if I say I'm not catolic or cristian, thats why I just shut up myself and I don't tell anybody it... but here everyone is racist and complaining with the religions, as I'm not.... hope you understood.

Ah and the religion anyway I like most is the Budism, because they are really spiritual.
All religions are the same, its just the way people interpret it that is bad. What people dont realise is that religions are all different paths, converging to the same point.
Arcadium said:
Well, good point, but I think we should leave it like this, Darkprinny is just an idiot for the racism and religius.
Well I was contimplateing coming back every now and then to post funnys (found loads more) but now im not to sure (if im not wanted)
but as a person I try to get allong with all people.
90% wana kill you more than be frends
a lot dont even bother to lean english (im in the uk remember)
so now I wont
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Darkprinny said:
Well I was contimplateing coming back every now and then to post funnys (found loads more)
but as a person I try to get allong with all people.
90% wana kill you more than be frends
a lot dont even bother to lean english (im in the uk remember)

so now I wont
Who are u talking about
Mulslims but Arcadium maybe
Im gona try not to be rasiest (its pissies me off and other people)

To the frist poster
What your on is a forum all the topics are threds and the messagies are posts
m7ticalm - I agree with your statement about the whole religion converging to a point despite differences in people's interpretation on religion.

Fundamentally all religions are the same. Its the interpretations that confuse people and cause them to alienate themselves from other 'religious' people of different perspective.

Darkprinny - I've known alot of muslim people at my uni and they're all nice people. The ones you are concerned about are the extremist muslims not muslims in general.
I think m7ticalm is quite right here. I don't belong to a religion myself, but from what I understand all of the world's major religions preach a general message of peace and tolerance towards other people. It's a shame that a few terrorists and racists can string together a few lines from the Bible, Quran, or whatever, and turn them into a message of hate and war without first making the effort to properly understand them.

If you look throughout history you'll see the greatest mass-murderers and tyrants, such as Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, were people who could not tolerate other cultures and religions. I just hope society can learn to accept different people and not make the same mistakes again.
Ok, i guess everyone read my comment and alot of u guys agreed with it. The thing is that i did not make it up so i will not take any credit, the real man is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. (AKA Mahtma Gandhi, AKA the Great Soul) Iam Indian myslef and when we had to do an assignment on someone who had an impact on the world, i chose Gandhi. His story is the most inspirational, im telling u, if u ever have free time read his life. If you read about him u will come across many interesting sayings and very valid information on different religions. I will write more about him, i might even make a thread on him because his story is one that in my opinion, needs to be heard.
m7ticalm said:
All religions are the same, its just the way people interpret it that is bad. What people dont realise is that religions are all different paths, converging to the same point.
i just as it happens to be written an essay on this very subject but to think that this will come up on a gaming forum especially a wii fourum were it is based around a game console aimed to bring people together so i think this is a subject that should be left alone that are darkprinnys view you may not like them i odnt like them but you are as bad as him if you go against him because of his beliefs so i think this isnt a topic that should be brought up in this forum yes you hva eht eright to free speech but also you need to draw the line there is no place for the conversation on this forum if you want to start up a religon forum go for it but there isnt a place for this in the forum even in the lounge so just drop and yes i know it seems im going on about not gping and im being hipercritical but i just want to finish this once and for all
Sam_Harris said:
i just as it happens to be written an essay on this very subject but to think that this will come up on a gaming forum especially a wii fourum were it is based around a game console aimed to bring people together so i think this is a subject that should be left alone that are darkprinnys view you may not like them i odnt like them but you are as bad as him if you go against him because of his beliefs so i think this isnt a topic that should be brought up in this forum yes you hva eht eright to free speech but also you need to draw the line there is no place for the conversation on this forum if you want to start up a religon forum go for it but there isnt a place for this in the forum even in the lounge so just drop and yes i know it seems im going on about not gping and im being hipercritical but i just want to finish this once and for all

Fine :lol: i wont start a thread about gandhi, but i never said dark prinny's beleifs are wrong, i just like u do not like them but i never wrote that. But i still stand by the fact that everyone should read gandhis story, not everything had to do with religion. He started satyagraha, figthing with no violence. He would get thousands of people to go up to the government and they would smash them up, but no one retaliated at all, they just stood their and took the beating... Yes, im basically telling his story now so sorry, i wont mention gandhi again. Once again i will say that i was never taking sides against or with darkprinny ok? Just wanted to make that clear, i just have different views and just because people have differnt views, it doesnt mean that they do not have to get along. End - story
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Napalmbrain said:
I think m7ticalm is quite right here. I don't belong to a religion myself, but from what I understand all of the world's major religions preach a general message of peace and tolerance towards other people. It's a shame that a few terrorists and racists can string together a few lines from the Bible, Quran, or whatever, and turn them into a message of hate and war without first making the effort to properly understand them.

If you look throughout history you'll see the greatest mass-murderers and tyrants, such as Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, were people who could not tolerate other cultures and religions. I just hope society can learn to accept different people and not make the same mistakes again.

thanks for bringing this up, this is exactly my point and thanks to everyone else as well:yesnod:
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linkzeldagame said:
m7ticalm - I agree with your statement about the whole religion converging to a point despite differences in people's interpretation on religion.

Fundamentally all religions are the same. Its the interpretations that confuse people and cause them to alienate themselves from other 'religious' people of different perspective.

Darkprinny - I've known alot of muslim people at my uni and they're all nice people. The ones you are concerned about are the extremist muslims not muslims in general.

yes this is also what im trying to get at thanks for helping me prove my point
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So im guessing 'master turk 91' is a turk then? well, Me and my family have a lot of turkish friends!we go three times a year, to a place called icmeler. And all our turkish friends are msulims, but theyre great! and no, they dont hate different religions, cos my mums a jew.

yes lol i am turkish :yesnod: :smilewinkgrin: thats awesome i love hearing things like that and i appreciate your comment :yesnod: plus this also slightly proves my point :smilewinkgrin:

EDIT: yes, i know i just triple-posted here, but please excuse that triple post. i havent been on for almost a day and i needed to respond to things that required 3 quotes which required 3 different and seperate posts. thanks for understanding :yesnod:
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