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Loaf-head said:
Yet their whole bullshit religion should be washed down south, with a nice glass of Kool-aid.

Can you make a post without pissing someone off once?

You're pretty messed up inside if that's the only way you can gain satisfaction in life, stop being such a prick!
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En4Neo said:
Can you make a post without pissing someone off once?

You're pretty messed up inside if that's the only way you can gain satisfaction in life, stop being such a prick!


Since I'm in such a jocular mood... yeah, why not?


Brawny, your first answer was good, but do you have to use the term 'gay' in a derogatory fashion?

Loaf-head, your first post isn't really needed now is it? Although, contrary to En4Neo I agree with the second point you made

captainff said:
At least one UK newspaper carried a story this week about prisons having to redesign their toilet facilities to accomodate muslim inmates. According to the articles the inmates were unhappy at having to face Mecca while they defecate. I've been thinking about this for a while and was wondering if you guys could answer a couple of simple questions for me?
That is so pathetic, thats such a waste of money to change a prison bathroom because some stupid Muslim doesnt like which way the toilet faces. who ****ing cares what way it faces, if they dont like it, go live in Mecca, then you can always face Mecca, no matter where the toilet is...
Scrup said:
That is so pathetic, thats such a waste of money to change a prison bathroom because some stupid Muslim doesnt like which way the toilet faces. who ****ing cares what way it faces, if they dont like it, go live in Mecca, then you can always face Mecca, no matter where the toilet is...
1) If you go back and re-read carefully you will find that the problem, apparently, is that the loos DO face Mecca.

2) I'm trying to ask a serious sensible question.

3) You don't seem to agree with Islam as a whole, but reacting in this way makes you seem unreasonable.

4) If only you'd said "prisoner" instead of "Muslim" in your post then I'd have agreed with you. Who cares about prisoners' rights. I mean, they're in prison for a reason.. .. .. .. ..

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captainff said:
4) If only you'd said "prisoner" instead of "Muslim" in your post then I'd have agreed with you. Who cares about prisoners' rights. I mean, they're in prison for a reason.. .. .. .. ..
I hope that was sarcasm. If it was, please disregard everything I am going to say.

Think of it this way, not everyone in prison is actually guilty of anything. No justice system on Earth is fool-proof.

Secondly, is it really okay for us to take away prisoners rights when they've taken away someone elses'? Wouldn't we be just as bad?

Thirdly, what about prisoners in war? Should soldiers all over the world be treated without "rights", simply because we're in prison?

Fourth, is prison really working? Isn't there a better solution?

Also, (specifically to Scrup and Loaf-Head) please leave racism out of this thread. It is not progressive and it just shows how little you understand.
Squall7 said:
I hope that was sarcasm. If it was, please disregard everything I am going to say.

Think of it this way, not everyone in prison is actually guilty of anything. No justice system on Earth is fool-proof.

Secondly, is it really okay for us to take away prisoners rights when they've taken away someone elses'? Wouldn't we be just as bad?

Thirdly, what about prisoners in war? Should soldiers all over the world be treated without "rights", simply because we're in prison?

Fourth, is prison really working? Isn't there a better solution?

Also, (specifically to Scrup and Loaf-Head) please leave racism out of this thread. It is not progressive and it just shows how little you understand.

That wasn't supposed to be conveyed as racism.

All religions are a load of hoo-hah, with no empirical evidence supporting the bunch.

Disagree? - prove it.
Squall7 said:
I hope that was sarcasm. If it was, please disregard everything I am going to say.

Think of it this way, not everyone in prison is actually guilty of anything. No justice system on Earth is fool-proof.

Secondly, is it really okay for us to take away prisoners rights when they've taken away someone elses'? Wouldn't we be just as bad?

Thirdly, what about prisoners in war? Should soldiers all over the world be treated without "rights", simply because we're in prison?


wow... that's about the most 1/2 decent thing i've heard anybody, on this forum, say :|

i thought i was the only one who thought that way... :cool:

everybody has equal rights... just because they do something wrong doesn't mean they should have their rights taken away...



En4Neo said:
Can you make a post without pissing someone off once?

You're pretty messed up inside if that's the only way you can gain satisfaction in life, stop being such a prick!

Wow, Last night it sounded like you liked him and said he won a so called argument, and i was making him look good because he was 'owning' me...
Loaf-head said:
That wasn't supposed to be conveyed as racism.

All religions are a load of hoo-hah, with no empirical evidence supporting the bunch.

Disagree? - prove it.
Fair enough, but to go on a Muslim thread and saying "Yet their whole bullshit religion should be washed down south, with a nice glass of Kool-aid." Isn't exactly going to endear you to anyone who is taking this discussion seriously. Also, making it explicit that you think all God-related religions are wrong would have been conveyed better.

Whilst I agree, I do not believe in any God-related religion (and reject all evidence I have currently seen - rather than all evidence of God), I do realise the possibility (rather than plausability) that there could be some form of God.

Also, even if one does not believe in God, does that mean that you have to be insensitive or discourteous to them? If your Gran kept calling you "Billy", would you not just stop correcting her, and play along, if only for the sake of peace?

Are you a nihilist? (Belief in nothing) or Aethiest (belief in no-God)?
Loaf-head said:
That wasn't supposed to be conveyed as racism.

All religions are a load of hoo-hah, with no empirical evidence supporting the bunch.

Disagree? - prove it.

"hoo-hah"... :cool: lousy American phrases...


that's because everybody need something to believe in... it gives people 'false' hope... and some people are willing to believe anything to make life seem anything other than a tragic mistake...

Empirical evidence... :| ... of course there wont be! Religion is subjective knowledge... there isn't any empirical evidence anywhere! - IT CAN'T BE PROVEN.. but at the same time it cannot be dis-proven =|

the_flood502 said:
that's because everybody need something to believe in... it gives people 'false' hope... and some people are willing to believe anything to make life seem anything other than a tragic mistake...
Also, I do believe that religion has been used to control as well.
But heck, is it really important to take away that hope?
Also, let's not forget that the most likely religion for one to choose is a local one. If a Christian got amnesia and somehow ended up in a Muslim country, would he still believe in God, rather than Allah? ...Actually sounds like an interesting film idea...

Empirical evidence... :| ... of course there wont be! Religion is subjective knowledge... there isn't any empirical evidence anywhere! - IT CAN'T BE PROVEN.. but at the same time it cannot be dis-proven =|
Such is the nature of "Faith". If it was provable, it would simply be knowledge. To have faith in something, you'd have to believe it is true without knowing. For example, if you have faith that someone will do their job properly, you do not "know" they will, but you believe they will. Or another example, the phrase Leap of Faith. If it was a Leap of Knowledge, it wouldn't have the same meaning, it would be an action that would have a definite outcome, rather than one that that only has an expectation.
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Squall7 said:
Also, I do believe that religion has been used to control as well.
But heck, is it really important to take away that hope?
Also, let's not forget that the most likely religion for one to choose is a local one. If a Christian got amnesia and somehow ended up in a Muslim country, would he still believe in God, rather than Allah? ...Actually sounds like an interesting film idea...

Such is the nature of "Faith". If it was provable, it would simply be knowledge. To have faith in something, you'd have to believe it is true without knowing. For example, if you have faith that someone will do their job properly, you do not "know" they will, but you believe they will. Or another example, the phrase Leap of Faith. If it was a Leap of Knowledge, it wouldn't have the same meaning, it would be an action that would have a definite outcome, rather than one that that only has an expectation.

:| like the kinda 'faith' my teach has in my to get my coursework in on time?

it may sound like a good movie idea to you... but it sounds pretty lame to me... would there be zombies?

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