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Dec 15, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Wii Online Code
Please take this thread lightheartedly, as that was my intent. Know that the person this is directed at will pwn you if you don't. :ee5k:

Soo.......@ Fellow Christians. What will happen to Jews if they follow the "old testament"?

@ muslims.... what do you believe is a Jew's and Christian's place in a world where Muslim is the true religion?

@ Jill...... :cornut:

</I love bacon>
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this only leads to big debates which end up as a flame war. religion is a no no on a forum. idk bout here, but i dont think its a good idea. sorry
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Just following the trend. The christianity and muslim threads went decently well.
except for a few people who got owned.

The only jew, at least who openly calls themselves one, shall smite any unrulyness. Or just close it.

Go yell at all the pokemon threads, THEN come back here and tell me what to do.
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Um, what do you believe is a Jew's and Christian's place in a world where Muslim is the true religion?

Edit: Edited the first post
The bible is a tool that is used for knowledge, shouldn't be followed as a religion, hell it's been changed too many times over time and that makes every little thing about it, that much more of a storybook you can't believe in.
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Spiritshotgun said:
The Bible is a tool that is used for knowledge, shouldn't be followed as a religion, hell it's been changed too many times over time and that makes every little thing about it, that much more of a storybook you can't believe in.

Dang, that's the most ignorant thing i've seen at least within the last hour or so.

Most ancient history books we take as fact have less copies, more disparities, and longer time in between copies, than the Bible. The Jewish Scribes had the toughest job EVAH.

Also, just because you don't believe in it, please capitalize Holy books. I know you don't even think of things like that, but it is just something that would be very helpful.
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You want a mormons thread? :p

Atheists got the evolution thread. you guys basically storm into the other ones and unleash hell.
Brawny said:
Dang, that's the most ignorant thing i've seen at least within the last hour or so.

Most ancient history books we take as fact have less copies, more disparities, and longer time in between copies, than the Bible. The Jewish Scribes had the toughest job EVAH.

Also, just because you don't believe in it, please capitalize Holy books. I know you don't even think of things like that, but it is just something that would be very helpful.

That's because we live in america where nobody really values the books =/. it's fact though, it was only meant as a tool to learn, not something to follow by.
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How do you have a tool to learn from but not follow? Are they not the same thing?
Brawny said:

How do you have a tool to learn from but not follow? Are they not the same thing?

No a tool is something you use...not something you start a religion on. people dont worship hammers (at least the sane ones :lol: ) I don't have a problem with christians or muslims, but I certainly cant stand for the types that are psychotic about it and shove it down your throat about how if you aren't following christ and god, youre going to hell lawl.

No, I'm not doing the same, just sharing my opinoin :p. im wiccan.
^ die Jew! lol, jk I'm Muslim and i don't mind any other religions as long as they don't come and try to shove there religion down my throat or try to kill me...
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