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Dec 2, 2006
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Ahh yess. Yet another controversial thread by Ottoman, Go check out my thread on the current war in the middle east, for more controversy :lol:

Well staying on topic, im sure you all know by now that i am of course a proud Muslim. Others may also know, is they have spoken to me or read some things i have said, that i respect all races, all nations and all religions.

"To You Your Religion, And To Me Mine" - Glorious Qur'an

The basic purpose of this thread, is your general view on Muslims. Since the iraq war, many western citizens have been led to believe that Islam is a violent, hating religion that is led by terrorism. If you believe this then...

1) I laugh in your face, twice.
2) i suggest you read the Qur'an or at least get to know my religion before you judge it.
3) I hope that Allah guides you from here on...

The true morals of the Qur'an teach respect, equality, justice and tolerance. We are taught to respect others religions, and accept them.

Im sure the more educated ones out there will already know this, and probably laugh off all the bullshit about Islam that is spoken of in America, and other western countries. However im also sure there are some idiotic fools that do not know anything about Islam, yet choose to judge it upon what ever happens to be on the TV screen this morning.

Well speak on, and dont worry, another controversial thread is already in the making!
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LOL I laugh at SOME Muslims

This guy at my College says he's a Muslim yet he:

Does Drugs
Drinks Beer

Im pritty sure you can't do one of those at least?

As for you following it or not I don't know but my mate told me. And I do agree with him

'Religion only casues agruments' and it does

I stand by that, Think about Iraq for one second and it's mainly a war based on Religion. It is and UK should be in it lol

Anyways Im an Athiest and I don't believe in any of this but thanks for hoping Allah guides me from here
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Wii_Smurf said:
LOL I laugh at SOME Muslims

They guy at my College says he's a Muslim yet he:

Does Drugs
Drinks Beer

Im pritty sure you can't do one of those at least?

As for you following it or not I don't know but my mate told me. And I do agree with him

'Religion only casues agruments' and it does

I stand by that, Think about Iraq for one second and it's mainly a war based on Religion. It is and UK should be in it lol

Anyways Im an Athiest and I don't believe in any of this but thanks for hoping Allah guides me from here

Thats were your wrong, War is started becuase of HATE of religion. If the Western world didnt hate the muslims so much, we wouldnt be on the verge of WW3 right now.

Iraq isnt a war, its a crime. An illegal invasion, occupation and murder of over 700,000 innocent people. Not to mention Afghanistan. Religion doesnt start wars, Racism does.
Ya I don't have anything against Muslims. Its just a religion and I don't see it different from Christianity and all of the other religions out there. Alot of people are stupid and think that all Muslims are terrorists, or evil people which is definitely not true. For example at my school in geography we had a section on the Middle East and they were showing us videos and stuff that imply that all Muslims beat their wives and shoot you if you do something they don't agree with which is entirely untrue.
ottoman said:
Thats were your wrong, War is started becuase of HATE of religion. If the Western world didnt hate the muslims so much, we wouldnt be on the verge of WW3 right now.

Iraq isnt a war, its a crime. An illegal invasion, occupation and murder of over 700,000 innocent people. Not to mention Afghanistan. Religion doesnt start wars, Racism does.

But if there wasn't religion none of this would have started. It's only a belief. And apprently they are trying to help Iraq, Which if they really wanted to they'd pull out lol
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Wii_Smurf said:
But if there wasn't religion none of this would have started. It's only a belief. And apprently they are trying to help Iraq, Which if they really wanted to they'd pull out lol

same if oil hadnt been discovered, or everyone actually got along, or if he world wasnt so small....i could go on for hours.

You can blame lots of things, religion is just one of them.

paintba||er said:
Ya I don't have anything against Muslims. Its just a religion and I don't see it different from Christianity and all of the other religions out there. Alot of people are stupid and think that all Muslims are terrorists, or evil people which is definitely not true. For example at my school in geography we had a section on the Middle East and they were showing us videos and stuff that imply that all Muslims beat their wives and shoot you if you do something they don't agree with which is entirely untrue.

Something ive heard tooo many times, its just a part of propaganda your government issues. it happens everywhere. Love it or hate it, the current american government has waged war on Islam. What you saw in class is just a small part of it.
Well Ottoman

No offence but I see you live in London. I myself live in Manchester and I think that the reason why alot of people in UK mainly mate Muslims and people from pakistan etc is because ALOT of Illegal Immigrants in UK are/Have been proven to be Muslims and that doesn't help the hatred of the religion too..
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Wii_Smurf said:
Well Ottoman

No offence but I see you live in London. I myself live in Manchester and I think that the reason why alot of people in UK mainly mate Muslims and people from pakistan etc is because ALOT of Illegal Immigrants in UK are/Have been proven to be Muslims and that doesn't help the hatred of the religion too..

I fail to see how tha would make a religion think that you can hate a religion becuase the illegal immigrants in your country is mostly muslim? thats pathetic, and you know it. And i think your implying that i am also illegal, if so then once again your wrong. I was born here, and so were my parents. British Citizen...Turkish Cypriot.
I wasn't saying that lol
Im saying that maybe people hate Muslims because of what they do 'Coming into countries Illegally etc'
Anyways im not going to tell you my personal opinion because Tbh I think your a cool guy and I don't really want to get banned so I'll leave it at that
ottoman said:
same if oil hadnt been discovered, or everyone actually got along, or if he world wasnt so small....i could go on for hours.

You can blame lots of things, religion is just one of them.

Something ive heard tooo many times, its just a part of propaganda your government issues. it happens everywhere. Love it or hate it, the current american government has waged war on Islam. What you saw in class is just a small part of it.

Well those Islamic extremeists did their part waging war with the US also. Something i have come to realize is that it's impossible mixing Islam and Democracy. Thats why is going to especially get really sloppy in Iraq.

ottoman said:
If the Western world didnt hate the muslims so much, we wouldnt be on the verge of WW3 right now.

you seem to be looking at in one sided. many muslims hate the depise the west in its culture. Like i said they just can't mix. Many of them gather in rallys saying "Death to Americans!" over and over again. Theres a lot of hate coming from both sides.
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Wii_Smurf said:
I wasn't saying that lol
Im saying that maybe people hate Muslims because of what they do 'Coming into countries Illegally etc'
Anyways im not going to tell you my personal opinion because Tbh I think your a cool guy and I don't really want to get banned so I'll leave it at that
Kind of like Mexicans in America. Many people dislike them because there are many Mexican illegal aliens. Its not fair to judge the whole race/religion based on what only a small percentage of them do but it still happens alot.
ottoman, i don't think we are explaining it correctly. people don't hate muslims because of the muslim religion. people just tend to associate muslims with middle easterners because to my knowledge, many middle easterners follow some form of the muslim religion, and those are the people we hate. if you don't like that, then too bad. we're at a war in the middle east, we're not going to like those people. its all ignorance really. people hate muslims by association, not because of their religion.

oh, and people find it strange that muslims make their women wear all that clothing. its the 21st century and many americans find it strange.
Oh noes, just like the Christianity thread. I wiil debate you, just not right now. I'm tired....

Trust me, I'm well educated in this religion (above average at least, but looks what's average now).....
callme.nasty said:
ottoman, i don't think we are explaining it correctly. people don't hate muslims because of the muslim religion. people just tend to associate muslims with middle easterners because to my knowledge, many middle easterners follow some form of the muslim religion, and those are the people we hate. if you don't like that, then too bad. we're at a war in the middle east, we're not going to like those people. its all ignorance really. people hate muslims by association, not because of their religion.

oh, and people find it strange that muslims make their women wear all that clothing. its the 21st century and many americans find it strange.
I might be wrong but I thought that those clothing were optional and they choose to wear them.
Hey, btw everyone, I'm Muslim, don't I seem like a nice Also, I would just like to say, that nobody should judge any group of people by their religion or by "association"
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