Longest Thread Ever


Aug 6, 2006
Hmm, this has probably been done else where, but I thought it would be cool to try out. Basicly, we talk about stuff, fight, debate, post funny stuff, and try to make this thread hella long! I'll try to start off with a good topic.

Religion, I think the world would be better without it. All major religions are based around peace and not killing and being kind. Yet all they do is cause war! The most deaths in wars are from wars about Religion in the world, what does that tell us?? Nowadays we really don't even need a god since we understand a lot, but for someone for guidance, sure go to God or whomever, just don't ***** about yours being better, first, or the right one!
I'm not realy sure what would be worse, - having relegion or not. Having it allows you to beleive in something, and strive for something, also sets rules. But on a side note, it is a cause on alot of wars. But think about it - without relegion, there would still be wars - wars over territory.
I agree with your statement. There could be some divine being but we don't know, there's never been an event like God popping up in the sky and saying, "hey guys, i'm real btw lol". Also, the miracles and such could possibly be just luck, but that's what i think. But if there is some divine being out there, if you're reading this, i'm sry :)

All these wars made is just crumbling our world :/
eh, i dont want to put hope into something that could possibly be false. Religion is for people who need to deal with issues or have something better in their life, im not religious in anyway yet i find it fun learning about the differences in ones all over the world. I know i did good, and did my best i don't need religion to tell me that or tell me what to do or what i cant do...
I'm not relegious in any way, nor do I enjoy learning about it. xDD It bores me, realy. It's just that without it, there would still be wars. No relegion won't solve anything.
I agree. I used to be Catholic (forced onto me). George Carlin put it all in perspective for me. In one of his acts he says how if you sin, you will be put in a fiery place full of torture for eternity, yet.. God still loves you. i.... and i think its so stupid because religion does nothing for you. it makes you waste your money and thats it. i honestly think that science is the ultimate power of earth (kinda like that south park where Cartman wants the Wii and he goes into the future)... it is logical, it always works, its not abstract, everything can be proven.
I also beleive in the science perspective more than a relegious one. For example, science is progressing in which we are getting close to being able to actually change how a person IS. Not just how they talk, but WHO THEY ARE. By knowning some of the biological coding of the chromosomes, we are able to get inside and "tweak" them to change the person totally. Some people beleive it isn't needed, and somehow relegion can do it for us. >_>

btw... 1000th post. =)
not this again... if you want to know my views, read the religon thread i made a while back
Theres some pretty long threads out there... Ive seen one with about 17K posts. You guys think you can do that?
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well its more of religious extremeists who cause problems, they need to get a life, religion shouldnt require your life, and if you die in a war you go to heaven faster? thats something to tell their wives...
Jenova said:
I also beleive in the science perspective more than a relegious one. For example, science is progressing in which we are getting close to being able to actually change how a person IS. Not just how they talk, but WHO THEY ARE. By knowning some of the biological coding of the chromosomes, we are able to get inside and "tweak" them to change the person totally. Some people beleive it isn't needed, and somehow relegion can do it for us. >_>

btw... 1000th post. =)

""My own opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn't that superious. IQs aren't that much different. Those Indians and medieval men were just as intelligent as we are, but the context in which they thought was completely different. Within that context of thought, ghosts and spirits are quite as real as atoms, particles, photons and quants are to a modern man. In that sense I believe in ghosts. Modernman has his ghosts and spirits too...the laws of physics and logic...the number system...the principle of algebraic substitution. These are ghosts. We believe in them so thoroughly they seem real."

"[Ghosts,] They are unscientific. They contain no matter and have no energy and therefore according to the laws of science, do not exist except in people's minds. Of course, the laws of science contain no matter and have no energy either and therefore do not exist except in people's minds...It's best to refuse to believe in either ghosts or the laws of science."
-excerpts from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

The book goes on and on about this for about a whole chapter but those are my most favorite and what I think to be, the furthest reaching parts. Pirsig here has a very valid point, society over the past few hundred years has migrated from a more spiritual one to a more definitive one. A society based more on reason, numbers and more well-sounded explanations. As we all know this idea is not new :idea: and the debate has gone on for hundreds of years and will continue to go on for a hundred years more.

The idea that religion gives something for an individual to live for is completely subjective. The greatest and most wide-spread monotheistic religions being, Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam are consequential, restrictive, and law encompassing religions. To put it more simply "Do this you go to hell...do this your going to heaven...sex is for procreatoin only...you mother must have Jewish blood." Some people need to a part from a social institution such as this to lead lives of moral goodness, humanity and civility. Other on the other hand find that it is self-satisfying to be a good person, to help others and to give means to live a decent lifestyle to those who cannot afford one on their own accord and actively participate in other forms of charitable works. And still there are others that live by not a single moral conviction and do what makes them happy regardless of the implications it may have on others around them, maybe to them religion is "out of style" and for the sad part many people do believe. But this does not mean living a life of compassion is not.

Religion, faith and spirituality are things I believe to be lived by an individual individually. The views and beliefs of one Catholic to another or a Jew to a Jew are bound to be different. A personal relationship with God, or a good self-handle on your own spirituality I find is the best solution for all. Although I do not at all find this to be doctrine, I strongly believe that people doing good for whatever reason they find suitable is good enough and that as long as there is no oustanding harm being done to one another that is good enough. So yes, are these religious wars absolutely contrary to their very own religion and much of the time based on misinterpreted or miscontrued texts? Absolutely.

So I say to myself, I am not going to take up the cross of a faith created thousands of years ago that has created problems for itself, I will not become part of an insitution and thus, their problems become mine. I myself am able to be a good person, kind-hearted and caring without the consequences of a fiery eternity after life. Being able to do my miniscule part in making this place where I live better is enough for me.
I'm not sure what could be worse - The PS3 causing cancer, or the word "hella" I freakin hate that word. What does it mean!? Rhetorical by the way, I know what it means, even though it's not real. Webster doesn't acknowledge it. Probably thought up by some gay kid who can't cuss and wanted to do it without getting in trouble. I hate it. We should make a post about how retarded that word is. If I could shoot and kill one person without getting in trouble, it would be this kid at my school, Zach. But if I could shoot two people, the person who invented that word would be one of them.

By the way, I don't know if God is real. I mean, I believe in him and all, but if he were real, he'd be just. And if he were just, I wouldn't have acne. I don't think it's very fair that some guys are "beautiful" or "hot" or "dreamy" and get all the babes and are amazing football heroes and everybody loves them. What happened to respect for the minority. Why aren't I acknowledged, why aren't I 'cool' and most importantly, why the f*** aren't the ladies all over me!?!?!?!?!? With all those TV shows giving the morale "It's inner beauty" or "It's the person inside who counts" you'd think I'd be able to get on lousy date for a dance. Society sucks. And now on to my next topic.

What is the deal with that airline food!? I mean, the high altitudes make you hungry, not to mention you lose every crumb inside of you goin' through security. You'd think that since everybody is starving, they'd make it easier to open.

I love meatball subs. Does anybody else agree? I'm gonna say, meatball subs are the best thing since spray cheese.

TV's great. I wish there were more interesting things to watch though. I'm gettin bored of watching Power Rangers in my jammies while puttin away my 16th microwave burrito everyday around noon. Christmas doesn't come soon enough. What do you like to watch?

Music's cool too. I'm a rocker. Country sucks. I think my favorite bands are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Mars Volta. Of course, there are some other good bands out there.

Movies too. I need more. I was so bored last night, I watched 'Failure to Launch.' It wasn't that bad, but it definitely wasn't great. I'm usually one to watch comedy movies. Horror movies scare the crap out of me.

I've ran out of things to say...here are some vampires: ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;'

Band-Aid: ( : : [ ] : : ) I am stuck on Band-Aids, and Band-Aid's stuck on me ( : : [ ] : : )

Disco Kirby:

<("<) <( " )> v( " )^ ^( " )v <( " )> (>")>

Oh no! The vampires are gonna kill us!
';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;'

Kirby will save us!
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Kirby wins, we're alive, bye bye

P.S. "Hella" is still the most retarded word ever!
ThatGuy127 said:
I'm not sure what could be worse - The PS3 causing cancer, or the word "hella" I freakin hate that word. What does it mean!? Rhetorical by the way, I know what it means, even though it's not real. Webster doesn't acknowledge it. Probably thought up by some gay kid who can't cuss and wanted to do it without getting in trouble. I hate it. We should make a post about how retarded that word is. If I could shoot and kill one person without getting in trouble, it would be this kid at my school, Zach. But if I could shoot two people, the person who invented that word would be one of them.

By the way, I don't know if God is real. I mean, I believe in him and all, but if he were real, he'd be just. And if he were just, I wouldn't have acne. I don't think it's very fair that some guys are "beautiful" or "hot" or "dreamy" and get all the babes and are amazing football heroes and everybody loves them. What happened to respect for the minority. Why aren't I acknowledged, why aren't I 'cool' and most importantly, why the f*** aren't the ladies all over me!?!?!?!?!? With all those TV shows giving the morale "It's inner beauty" or "It's the person inside who counts" you'd think I'd be able to get on lousy date for a dance. Society sucks. And now on to my next topic.

What is the deal with that airline food!? I mean, the high altitudes make you hungry, not to mention you lose every crumb inside of you goin' through security. You'd think that since everybody is starving, they'd make it easier to open.

I love meatball subs. Does anybody else agree? I'm gonna say, meatball subs are the best thing since spray cheese.

TV's great. I wish there were more interesting things to watch though. I'm gettin bored of watching Power Rangers in my jammies while puttin away my 16th microwave burrito everyday around noon. Christmas doesn't come soon enough. What do you like to watch?

Music's cool too. I'm a rocker. Country sucks. I think my favorite bands are the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Mars Volta. Of course, there are some other good bands out there.

Movies too. I need more. I was so bored last night, I watched 'Failure to Launch.' It wasn't that bad, but it definitely wasn't great. I'm usually one to watch comedy movies. Horror movies scare the crap out of me.

I've ran out of things to say...here are some vampires: ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;'

Band-Aid: ( : : [ ] : : ) I am stuck on Band-Aids, and Band-Aid's stuck on me ( : : [ ] : : )

Disco Kirby:

<("<) <( " )> v( " )^ ^( " )v <( " )> (>")>

Oh no! The vampires are gonna kill us!
';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;' ';..;'

Kirby will save us!
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Kirby wins, we're alive, bye bye

P.S. "Hella" is still the most retarded word ever!
Your Hella Lame!

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