Boyfriend trouble


Ngiyabonga, my friend.
Jul 19, 2006
I just got into a HUGE religious and political fight with my boyfriend. We've been dating for a long time and got past all that and learned to accept eachother as we come.

I have been soooo open minded about his Catholic religion, looking into it and everything. He constantly tells me things that "disprove" my religion and I humbly tell him that I don't know and I need to do more research on both our religions to get a better idea of what I believe in.

I didn't even believe in voting all my life and I've seen his side of it and have decided to vote this coming year - He knows I'm so much more open-minded and understanding to him. He is constantly saying things about my religion that don't quite fit and I still accept it and don't get mad or anything.

Today I questioned him on a few things about his religion and we were talking about it (Note: I almost never challenge him about his religion, but today I had some questions) and he starts getting really pissy and saying that EVERYTIME we talk about religion, I get all mad which is such a bull-faced LIE!!!! He stormed out on me saying "Believe whatever the hell you wanna believe, IM GONE!!!!" and then just leaves.

I feel like how dare he say I always get upset, I am so open minded about him and his beliefs and respect him and tell him CONSTANTLY that I accept and love him for who he is. We even made an agreement to calmly question eachother about things we don't understand because we want to know eachother's religions and find out which of our two (plus others we're looking into) is right for us. That's our AGREEMENT! And he has the damn nerve to treat me like crap.

Can someone please tell me if you've had this same problem? Or any advice on what you would do in my situation? I've come so far and worked so hard to make this work and for him to say I haven't changed at all hits me really hard because I know he's lieing. I'm just so hurt because I thought we were past the fighting. He's being such a jerk!!!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
oy sounds like a problem and a half i do say!

sometimes if people are religious they get VERY sensitive about it. you dont have to be a "die hard" about it but if you say went to catholic school you could still be "offended" by the simple "ignorant question" ( im not saying that your questions are ignorant so dont take that in a disrespectful way)

i think he needs to lighten up if you have questions about his faith. ill use my best friend ilana as an example. ilana grew up in an orthodox jewish enviornment after the age of 10 or so. when she hit HS, she was problematic. she observed her faith but would drink, have sex, drugs everything but when the jewish sabbath came around, she was so jewish it wasnt even funny!

towards the summer 2 years ago, she hooked up with one of her instructors from jiu jitsu (shes a 2nd degree blackbelt). his name was joe and he was openly catholic. this was never a problem up until their relationship hit the plateu. basically they questioned EVERYTHING about eachothers faith and had arguments almost every day! she believed that the christians stole all their beliefs from the jewish people and that their religion and bible was correct. joe was adiment about how she was wrong and that jesus christ was the messiah (the jewish faith does not believe that he is the messiah and that our messiah will one day come).

anyways, they both went to israel last summer together and realized that they can not get married because they dont share the same belief systems. Joe would never convert for ilana and ilana would never do the same. Ilana later moved to israel and got married not too long ago.

you see, the love was still there but their views were so different. as i can tell, youre going through the same sort of problem.

political issues are different. im republican this we know. am i going to not talk to you becuase youre anti bush? absolutely not everyone is entitled to their opinion. see me? i want a republican in the house, unfortunitly the one we have chokes on pretzels lol am i proud of that? not really but you know after 9-11 he was there for us and ill never forget it. clinton that assh*le set it up and bush cleaned it up. without him we would of been doomed. again, am i happy my friends and some family are in iraq? no way. but we need our troops there to help bring iraq to civilization. weve come so far in finding sadaam and getting him hung so why stop? so far we're doing alright.

i think you should vote. look into each canidate and find out what interests relate to your own. your one vote helps take away another voters canidate you know! your political view is nothing but your own and if your bf cant respect your decision then he needs to go and mature a bit! sorry to say

all in all, your situation could be worse. if you cant see eye to eye like mature people then he needs to go. you need to find someone who can understand your point of view and also not cloud his.
if thats the way he treats you, imo it's not worth it.
but love is complicated. and it makes you forget things or push them aside. you need to let him calm down, and express your feelings, tell him not to say a single word, and just get it all out, and a calm, and low toned manor.
All the problems religions cause... perhaps he himself created religion as a meens for our people to disasemble themselves:devil:

Sorry but you should "respect" my beliefs.

Anyway if it's that big of a deal to him then it probobly always will be, don't chase what you can't catch.
What religion are you anyway? I'm Catholic. The only religion I think has major holes is Scientology. There full of it.
musselwii said:
um Wii Chat not RelaChat

its in the lounge......easy does it there killer

by deff the lounge is where we discuss off topic things such as relationships and everything else that doesnt pertain to the wii.....:tard:
if you really love him and he loves you then there's no need to fight about the religions you follow, there doesn't even need to be any type of parents have different religions; my mother is Methodist and my father Catholic and they never talk about religion, as long as they believe in an all mighty, omnipotent force above, everything is should tell him that, I guess, I don't know how your bf is but I would tell him that, there's no point in criticizing different religions just because they are not the same as the ones one follows
Religion isn't for me, so I'm used to this happening to me (especially living in Oklahoma, with at least 4 churches on every street corner), but I'm going to say it seems, though I could be completely wrong, that he is either questioning his religion and displaying insecurities by "bashing" yours, or he is slowly trying to convert you and is getting upset that he's not succeeding.

Like mentioned earlier, people take religion very seriously, some more than others. If you're certain his religion is not right for you and he's certain his religion is something he wants to be forever part of, then there will always be static between you two, whether it be something as minor as an awkwardness, or something major like this, a huge argument.
Don't date someone who truly BELIEVES (rather than just has faith in) 100% (or close to) of his/her religion unless you feel the same way about it. My bf and I both really dislike organized religion. It makes life way easier.

I'm surprised. Catholics are generally a lot more open-minded and accepting of other beliefs than people of most other sects of Christianity.

No offense, but I think religious people in general are trouble.
If you're in a relationship that shares different views on relegion and politics, it's usually REALLY bad to get into a conversation about it. xD I can't really give you first-hand advice, because my girlfriend and I aren't relegious or political people, so we don't really have discussions about it.

In my opinion, if you both feel totally different on the subject, then you shouldn't be planning a future together or anything like that. I know that could sound very horrible, maybe one of the worst things you could think about right now. But sadly, unless you two can come to an agreement, the relationship won't work out.
Honestly, this is the reason i hate religion. in my eye, religion is a bunch of crap. the only thing you should really take out of religion is its main message. LIVE A GOOD HAPPY LIFE AND BE KIND TO OTHERS. I think this is one of those cases where you may have to agree to disagree and pretty much don't let it effect your lives
Sounds like hes a retard. U shoudnt be hanging around a guy like that. He shouldnt be telling u to convert ur religion or wateva. Its ur life not his. Another thing could be that he might have had a shitty day and he might have just lost his anger... But i dont think he sounds like someone to be hanging around with if hes telling u to change your beleifs.
~Marisa~ said:
I just got into a HUGE religious and political fight with my boyfriend. We've been dating for a long time and got past all that and learned to accept eachother as we come.

I have been soooo open minded about his Catholic religion, looking into it and everything. He constantly tells me things that "disprove" my religion and I humbly tell him that I don't know and I need to do more research on both our religions to get a better idea of what I believe in.

I didn't even believe in voting all my life and I've seen his side of it and have decided to vote this coming year - He knows I'm so much more open-minded and understanding to him. He is constantly saying things about my religion that don't quite fit and I still accept it and don't get mad or anything.

Today I questioned him on a few things about his religion and we were talking about it (Note: I almost never challenge him about his religion, but today I had some questions) and he starts getting really pissy and saying that EVERYTIME we talk about religion, I get all mad which is such a bull-faced LIE!!!! He stormed out on me saying "Believe whatever the hell you wanna believe, IM GONE!!!!" and then just leaves.

I feel like how dare he say I always get upset, I am so open minded about him and his beliefs and respect him and tell him CONSTANTLY that I accept and love him for who he is. We even made an agreement to calmly question eachother about things we don't understand because we want to know eachother's religions and find out which of our two (plus others we're looking into) is right for us. That's our AGREEMENT! And he has the damn nerve to treat me like crap.

Can someone please tell me if you've had this same problem? Or any advice on what you would do in my situation? I've come so far and worked so hard to make this work and for him to say I haven't changed at all hits me really hard because I know he's lieing. I'm just so hurt because I thought we were past the fighting. He's being such a jerk!!!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
religion is pretty much that genre that has made up stories using historical facts (historical fiction you could say i guess) so theres no reason figthing about it, just believe in religion for your own sake to have someone to look at for guidance or whatever you guys do. but besides that its all made up so you might aswell fight about if there were 8 dwarves and not 7

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