Is 4th Quarter of 2007 the redemption of Sonic?


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
so we know by now that sonics confirmed in brawl. hes appering in the olympics game with mario, after a the terrible rendition of SONIC THE HEDGEHOG for ps3/360 and secret rings for wii. sonic rush adventure has scored well for ds, so sonics having a good year with the help of nintendo and mario this it enough to bring back his fan base, strenghthen his crediability as a high profile mascot legend? or does he still have a long ways to go?
I dont think that Sonic has anything to prove. Sonic Team has made some steller games IMO. This is just adding to his popularity. You cant deny that Sonic has a pretty big fanbase, (which, I am a member of, sadly)and it hasnever been bigger.

In all honesty, the Secret Rings had mixed reviews, and Sonic nextgen was given a bad rating, but from fans, I havnt heard a bad word yet, and thats where it matters. Sonic has had some flops, but that shouldnt make people forget what kind of games he can make. Look, you cant deny that it made the day of millions to see Sonic announced in SSBB. You wanna know why? Hes a giant in gaming industry, and you should know it isnt for no reason. There are many other gaming franchises that outsell Sonic, but the 9th spot over so many is pretty good.

Sonic is doing fine for now, and TBH I think SSBB just got his weight in gold by adding Sonic. Just from hin being popular.
Good luck, Sonic Team.
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Tails McCloud~ said:
I dont think that Sonic has anything to prove. Sonic Team has made some steller games IMO. This is just adding to his popularity. You cant deny that Sonic has a pretty big fanbase, (which, I am a member of, sadly)and it hasnever been bigger.

In all honesty, the Secret Rings had mixed reviews, and Sonic nextgen was given a bad rating, but from fans, I havnt heard a bad word yet, and thats where it matters. Sonic has had some flops, but that shouldnt make people forget what kind of games he can make. Look, you cant deny that it made the day of millions to see Sonic announced in SSBB. You wanna know why? Hes a giant in gaming industry, and you should know it isnt for no reason. There are many other gaming franchises that outsell Sonic, but the 9th spot over so many is pretty good.

Sonic is doing fine for now, and TBH I think SSBB just got his weight in gold by adding Sonic. Just from hin being popular.
Good luck, Sonic Team.

I couldnt agree with you more, in my eyes he's a legend, a hall a famer. but im 19, so i grew up in the golden days of sonic, and i own every sonic game ever (including gamecube collections). but for this generation of gamers and future gamers, sonic hasent really shown HIS true potental with some of the titles that have been released. compare him to mario as we did in those days, mario can make a stupid basketball game on ds and ppl love it, old gen and new gen gamesers,...the same cant be said for sonic. so yes he technically dosent have anything to prove, but yet he does.
I'm 18 and so do I (I dont have Sonic Jam and Knuckles Chaotix, but i've played them) and all I see with the people hating on Sonic is that they havnt played the games to know enough about him. So many things change after another Sonic game is made, although it may not be obvious, but it's true. H Hes a ges being shafted...
He's a gaming media scapegoat...
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yea i just wanna see sonic back to being something to really really get excited about when a games announced, for everyone. i remember being so excited about sonic heros, still love that game, very challenging, but yet reviewers were kinda hard on it...
i think also alot of people demand alot from sonic, more than deserved.
but titles coming his way like that RPG thats suppose to come and the new sonic riders for wii ....hmmph cant say ill hold my breath for em.
will buy though a fan
What? Voicovers are bad most of the time, but they could be worse.
The Brawl team is very smart. Everywhere you go on the net, there is something about, an article, on Sonic being in SSBB. And now with the inclusion of the TBA on the site release date. All they are doing is Hyping this game up. And it will work, I imagine seeing a reaction simliar to Halo 3 when SSBB comes out.

Also that trailer and including the retro song from Sonic Adventure 2, is bringing in more hype.
Raider704 said:
if sonic would just stfu and not talk i'd be thrilled.
Couldn't agree more. He sounds like a regular old person, unlike other characters who talk.

The only reason I like Sonic in Brawl is because:
1. Now everyone can shut up about him not being in it.
2. My friends might want to play more, seeing that theres more than just the 'mario gang' in the game.
IMO, Sonic hasn't had a really outstanding game in years. The only really good Sonic game I've played on a next gen console is Sonic Rush. But maybe with the hedgehog clinging onto Nintendo gaming, perhaps he could stir up some fans again. I for one would love to be a Sonic fan again.
@nook-Havs any idea how many sonic fansites there are? I'll give you a subtle hint, it's in the thousands. Hes got fans. Like it or not, without those fanboys, it very well would be a dead series.
@lik-Another hater, tut tut tut. If only I could have seen a haters face when it was announced.

@zin-Yeah, it was a good move, but methinks were not out of the woods yet. He looked a bit shaky to me. Well....maybe

Love to watch the fanboys squirm and the haters get proven wrong.
^no no no, dont get me wrong. I was excited as hell about Sonic being in Brawl. I read the update in the school library and jumped up a yelled. Then I listened to the video on virtually full blast, which got me kicked out.

Now, that I've re-read my post, I agree that it sounds derogatory. I assure you that he has been one of my most anticipated brawlers, along with captain olimar and an appearance by both Ridley and King K Rool.
Meh, I figure he will spice things up quite a bit, but I wouldnt have cared if he was in, but hes gonna get some mileage from me, so is Fox and Snake.
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^^ yea sonics definetly gonna be highly used by me.