is the wii becoming hardcore yes or no your opinion


Nov 25, 2007
Well im back in wii chat i was gone for a minute trying other systems like the 360, and the psp but now im here to stay with wii. Well to tell you the truth i really missed the wii i just have a strong attachment to the fully interactive system and also seeing these hardcore games starting to surface in 09 im getting really excited like i did when the wii first came out, So my question to you is do you think the wii will push more towards hardcore gamers. Also i would like to have some wii friends to chat with on my system, hardcore gamers only, no little kids and also no noobs.
i say yes!

i think sales of the games they think hardcore gamers would like does play a factor.

ds has so many sales and now gta is available for it.
if wii keeps sales up rockstar might b forced to make gta for wii as well.

remember that systems or games arent hardcore only gamers are.

also keep in mind that companies think in terms of what they think they could sell a lot of. if any 3rd party thought a game would sell they would make it and sell it.
YES, Absolutelly!!

I think Nintendo concentred the casual market so much that right now will be saturated, they need to diversify and expand the market offering contend for everyone. Is the same with the xbox360 oversaturated with hardcore games that Microsoft now tries to offer casual and family titles, the counterparts try the sucess in the other side. The gaming market needs to be very balanced.
If the PS2 was a hardcore system, then the Wii is a hardcore system.
Similarties between the two systems are:

Sales: Most system sold in their generation.
Exclusives: Most software exclusives in their generation.
Shovelware: Most shovelware software in their generation.

When it comes to the best games, it's just a matter of preference/opinion.
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ok good opinions now its time for us wii owners to rise up and take up our swords and take over the gaming world lol just kidding but serious i would like to get some really good wii friends to add to exchange friend codes. Also is wii chat any good
Id say NO.

There are a lot more Mature titles coming out but the main focus of Wii will always be Casual Gaming. You'll continue to see Shovelware and party games being the mass of the games released.
I don't think the Wii can ever truly become hardcore without some kind of major overhaul. Being a hardcore console isn't just making M rated games or even adding online playability. Hardcore players want things that can make a game truly have a community. Like making clans, playing tournaments, easily chatting with friends or clanmates, etc. etc.

I mean sure they can start making online games like CoD:WaW and more mature games like MadWorld and the upcoming Conduit that's looking great but those are just the games. You need to do much much more things to make the complete console a hardcore hardware overall. Things that I doubt will ever happen to the Wii because it's just not practical. Maybe next generation Nintendo will do it, but who knows?

As for the Wii having more GAMES that are hardcore, then yes. But the console as a whole? Not really :/
I agree with T3kNi9e, Wii won't ever fully be hardcore because it still will have titles like "Beach Sportz" etc. Yes there are a lot more mature games coming out and that's great but it doesn't make the Wii a hardcore system in the least.
Wiispeak is only for certain games. Nintendo should have let it run separate from the game, but at least they are trying.
I think 2009 will be the year of the Hardcore gamer for Wii owners. However I think hardcore gaming is about more than just online multiplayer, hell people were cranking out thousands of hours on Super Mario 64 and Final Fantasy 7 way before online multiplayer came out. In the end though, a console is what you make it. There is enough shovelware trash and kid-friendly games on each console to make them Non-hardcore as well. And there are enough Hardcore titles on Wii to make it Hardcore. It just depends on what you buy. Don't go out and buy Animal Crossing and Wii Play and then come back and B!tch about the Wii not having any hardcore games when you could have just as easily bought Metroid Prime 3, Madworld, No More Heroes, or Zelda.
There isn't really too many "hardcore" games in the Wii library, but eventually I can definitely see Wii appealing to more "hardcore" gamers.
I don't think the Wii can ever truly become hardcore without some kind of major overhaul. Being a hardcore console isn't just making M rated games or even adding online playability. Hardcore players want things that can make a game truly have a community. Like making clans, playing tournaments, easily chatting with friends or clanmates, etc. etc.

As far as consoles go most of those things only really came to the forefront with the Xbox 360 (Xbox and PS2 had a bit of it but it was rather limited). So did 'hardcore consoles' not exist before then?

Actually they probably didn't officially, as it seems to be quite a new term. In past generations gaming was rather a niche market so all gamers and consoles were likely to be reasonably 'hardcore'.

Most 'hardcore' gamers nowadays do seem to equate M rated games as being hardcore and cartoony games as kiddy; even though a lot of the M rated games are a lot easier than the games of old. So games like Madworld and The Conduit should help push the Wii as a more serious console than it has been perceived by many so far.

Anyway it's all subjective, one persons view of what constitutes 'hardcore' can be quite different from anothers. To me it means games either with some substance and difficulty to them; or gamers who bust through games quickly and need a constant supply of quality titles.
I think 2009 will be the year of the Hardcore gamer for Wii owners. However I think hardcore gaming is about more than just online multiplayer, hell people were cranking out thousands of hours on Super Mario 64 and Final Fantasy 7 way before online multiplayer came out. In the end though, a console is what you make it. There is enough shovelware trash and kid-friendly games on each console to make them Non-hardcore as well. And there are enough Hardcore titles on Wii to make it Hardcore. It just depends on what you buy. Don't go out and buy Animal Crossing and Wii Play and then come back and B!tch about the Wii not having any hardcore games when you could have just as easily bought Metroid Prime 3, Madworld, No More Heroes, or Zelda.

WOW!! AMAZING post!!

has anyone checked out the IGN Wii page today?? Not a single casual game!!

Cursed Mountain looks pretty sick. And I think we could forgive Dead Space Extraction if it's more than IR aiming. Twisting the Remote sounds cool and what if they added MotionPlus where you could bash an enemy's face using your gun!
The Wii is only hardcore in certain vids

I hope she cleaned the controller afterwards

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