LOL about ps3

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An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Put back
a few high class developers complaining
robing ideas
few exscluisive games (that we havent seen)
HDTVs only (not all people have this)
and blue ray probs

So sony failing fast
i thought that the ps3 also played on normal tv's.

If not id be REALLY pissed off with sony
(not that i am going to get a ps3, lol)
Omg, how are they even going to expect other people to buy their crap, u probably have to spend like a couple of thousand just to be able to play the ps3 on a freakin TV. This is certainly the Paystation.
you forgot the L in Playstation......anyway that would be so gay if you had to buy a TV AND the console. I guess its their way of making money because of the few people who buy the PS3 maybe 10% of them would buy a new TV and maybe of those 10% people who buy a new TV maybe 25% of those TV's would be Sony's TV's. So you know each companys have their own way of making money, but Sony has taken it to far!
Icetrash said:
you forgot the L in Playstation......anyway that would be so gay if you had to buy a TV AND the console. I guess its their way of making money because of the few people who buy the PS3 maybe 10% of them would buy a new TV and maybe of those 10% people who buy a new TV maybe 25% of those TV's would be Sony's TV's. So you know each companys have their own way of making money, but Sony has taken it to far!

Dont u understand? ----> PAY <---- station. Meaning u have to pay alot of money.
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