

WiiChat Member
Aug 7, 2006
hi. i am going 2 preorder the Wii, and hav already preordered twilight princess.
my money is pretty much used up there, however. anyway, the holidays will refill my wallet, and get me a few games, and a memory card.

anyway, any1 who has played a zelda game knows that, without saving, it would suck. so my question is:

do u need a memory card 2 save, or does it save 2 the system?

i also heard that u can save 1 game at a time 2 a controller. is that true?

please help me. i have no intention of starting twilight princess over and over again until the holidays, so if u have an answer, post it.
Search before you post, this things have been answered countless times...

You do not need a memory card since it saves the game on the Wii internal memory. The controller memory is for saving game settings like the Wii-mote sensivity and other stuff, so it won't affect your game saves.
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Yeah, Wii will, like Evi1d33d said, have memory built in; 512MB. Also, there's a port for an SD memory card and on the back are two USB ports so if you have a flash drive or an external hard drive, you will most likely be able to save everything to those, which would give you limitless space.
NateTheGreat said:
Yeah, Wii will, like Evi1d33d said, have memory built in; 512MB. Also, there's a port for an SD memory card and on the back are two USB ports so if you have a flash drive or an external hard drive, you will most likely be able to save everything to those, which would give you limitless space.

512mb? Eek, thats not that much. But the whole USB ports and SD Card compatibility is cool. Hate to say it but Xbox 360 Hard Drive > Wii's Storage.

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