Metroid Prime 1 and 2 (not about 3)


WiiChat Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I know there is a lot of buzz about Metroid Prime 3 coming out later this year, but I was wondering if 1 and/or 2 are worth picking up? I'm not interested in catching up on a storyline before playing the 3rd, I'm just looking for a shooter a bit of the beaten path.
Prime 1 is the best Gamecube release IMO. Prime 2 is damn good too, but not as good as the original. Don't forget the 2D games on the NES, GB, and SNES. Those are great as well. Super Metroid is one of my favorite games of all time.
I actually never liked any of the metroids but i know the wii will not be a dissapointment.
well as for 1 its great fun and just amazing... as for 2 while it is great fun and amazing it is really easy to forget what you are doing and get lost because of the two worlds and the ammo system its not horrible it just takes some time to get used too. so i say get both but i know you will enjoy 1 more than 2 but 2 has some great fun to be had.
cookiemonsta11111 said:
Metroid one is definately one to pick up, howevrer i have not played No 2 but it i thiunk that it is very much the same but has Multiplayer capabillities

Metroid 1 and 2 are very different, concerning the story lines and worlds, the only similar things are that they feature the same types of uprades and the same amount. The variety in ideas between both games is very different.

PS: whatever you do dont play 2 first, its alot harder.
I would say absolutely both are worth picking up. I literally bought a used gamecube just to play those two games, and it was worth every penny.

1 was definitely better than 2, but both were pretty great overall. I had no desire to even get a Wii until after I beat 1 and had started playing 2, which was then when I thought I had to get a Wii before 3...

It's also a good thing to do just to get yourself up to speed with the story...
I suggest that you pick them both up (or just one, for now, and two later) right now. They are nearly as essential to your gamecube collection as ssbm is. The graphics are simply incredible for a gamecube game, hell, they could even pass as a wii game.

Although, i do suggest that you play through Prime 1 first, because I doubt you'll be able to go back to playing 1 after seeing the graphical advance made in Prime 2. Imo, Prime 1 was ALOT better, but that, in no way, is to say that Prime 2 isnt a great game either. Prime 1 was harder, imo, I got into the storyline more, and the bosses were more impressive. 9+ rating on both games.

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My brother had one and I bought two. Almost finished with the first, haven't started the second. I thought Prime one was really well done, there is a point where I was a bit annoyed with the backtracking, but I suppose that is part of metroid games. One is definitely worth picking up, I'd say wait till you finish it to decide whether to get the second. No rush, two will be waiting for you with those puppy eyes and its $20 price tag.
I'm agreeing on a few things:
Metroid Prime is the best GameCube game in my opinion, too. I definitely loved LoZ:Wind Waker but Metroid Prime was the game to make me feel like buying the GC was totally worthwhile. It's one of those rare games that just makes me feel like I'd really be missing something if I wasn't playing these games.
Metroid Prime 2 is a lot harder. I actually never finished it cuz as I got closer to the end I started to feel like I wanted to backtrack and look for the stuff I missed... Then I got so far that I just felt like I'd rather just start over from scratch and I just never did.
Both are worth picking up. I think GameStop sells used copies of both for somewhere around $6 each so that's not bad at all.

I'm curious why Ronald would look forward to MP3 if he hasn't liked the others though? I mean the biggest difference will just be the controls, really, but it's still Metroid Prime. Hopefully it has online, but again... it's still Metroid Prime. If you didn't like the others, what makes you sure you'll like this one? Good on ya for giving it a chance either way, though.
Metroid Prime is an essential game for any1 imo. It didnt make me feel so special like super smash, phantasy star online or the other diamonds of the N64 season, but it sure had a feel of its own.The Atmosphere, the aliens, the physics, the graphics everything rocked.(remember guys at the big round room with the platforms when the space pirates first attack you? damn tha was creeping having those things chasing you with matrix style rooftop jumps...)
^Regardless of whatever you say, its still your opinion. You think 2 is harder and I think 1 is harder, thats our opinion.

Just to make sure we're on the same page: Were you speaking in terms of gameplay/storyline or enemies. I meant that the enemies and bosses were harder.