Metroid Prime 3 vs Halo 3

What's your preferance?

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Metroid Prime 3 gets my vote becasue i like the story better and i also like the fact that there is a new visor that calls for ship to come help you also we can now stack our beams together instead of switching kinda like the old Metroid games:D
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Wii_Rulez said:
Metroid Prime 3 gets my vote becasue i like the story better and i also like the fact that there is a new visor that calls for ship to come help you also we can now stack our beams together instead of switching kinda like the old Metroid games:D

I'll have to say....both:D

The only Metroid game I've ever played is Zero Mission when I had a GBAsp and really liked it; I have played the other Metroid games for the Gamecube, but only in game stores, so I'm really looking forward to Corruption.

I'll definitly get Halo 3 when it comes out because it has amazing online play (which Metroid 3 appears to lack thus far, although I'm guessing they'll release an online multiplayer download via VC), the story and environments are soo massive and beautiful, ghost-jacking rocks (it's a pity there are no vehicles in Metroid 3, although it sounds like we might see some use in Samus' ship like you said), and I MUST KNOW THE END TO THE STORY because Halo 2 ended on a real cliff-hanger.

Both, in my opinion, can't be missed.
Zero Mission was great i finished with 100%:D and to me the First Metroid Prime is the best so far but 3 is shaping up to bestof the series.
NateTheGreat said:
I'll have to say....both:D

The only Metroid game I've ever played is Zero Mission when I had a GBAsp and really liked it; I have played the other Metroid games for the Gamecube, but only in game stores, so I'm really looking forward to Corruption.

I'll definitly get Halo 3 when it comes out because it has amazing online play (which Metroid 3 appears to lack thus far, although I'm guessing they'll release an online multiplayer download via VC), the story and environments are soo massive and beautiful, ghost-jacking rocks (it's a pity there are no vehicles in Metroid 3, although it sounds like we might see some use in Samus' ship like you said), and I MUST KNOW THE END TO THE STORY because Halo 2 ended on a real cliff-hanger.

Both, in my opinion, can't be missed.

im glad someone see halo the same way i do. Metroid is great, but i dont think it compares anywhere near to the story of all 3 halo's. And yes i want to see how it ends too!!!!!!!!! Halo2's ending was such a buzzkill ... i might never see how it ends though, because i may never get a 360 .... ohwell i'll just mooch off my friends'.
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I'm having trouble figuring out which story I'll be sadder to see end.

I'm guessing Halo 3 since I've actually played all the Halo games, but at the same time, it will most likely be played for a lot longer by many more people than Metroid 3 because Halo 3 will have amazing Xbox Live multiplayer while Metroid 3 will just end and it may or may not be worth playing through again.

Regardless, I'll take my time on both and savor every moment.:D
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Arcadium said:
... I dont like halo games, seriusly I find em boring...

Be more specific. What don't you like about Halo? The speed, the graphics, the story, or something else and don't just say all of the above.

Do you actually have an Xbox, or have you just played multiplayer at a friend's house and never tried the story mode??:confused:
NateTheGreat said:
Do you actually have an Xbox, or have you just played multiplayer at a friend's house and never tried the story mode??

The last time I checked, more than one person could play through the story mode in Halo simultaneously. And this is from personal experience. Also, you guys are talking as if Metroid Prime 3 is the end of Metroid, period. It's not. It's merely the end of the Metroid Prime series. It's kind of like the Lord of the Rings, which was really one book that was split into three volumes. Sure, there are those three books, but they are about the War of the Ring. There are still plenty of stories about Middle Earth. That's kind of like the Metroid Prime series. Where LOTR focused on the War of the Ring, the Metroid Prime series orbits around the phazon. That story is coming to an end is all, but there will be plenty more of Samus in the future.

But, to be on topic. I pick Metroid Prime 3 over Halo 3. Why do you ask? It's not because I hate Halo or anything (I've played and enjoyed it on occasion), but because I prefer the Metroid Prime gaming experience over Halo's. Plus, I'll only own a Wii out of the three consoles. Also I loved Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer, so I expect more out of the third installment. Who needs online? A game shouldn't be judged because of whether it has online multiplayer or not. In fact, I'm more comfortable playing with people I know in my own living room than across the nation. I'm not saying Metroid Prime 3 won't have online activities, but that I'm really looking forward to its multiplayer.
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NateTheGreat said:
Be more specific. What don't you like about Halo? The speed, the graphics, the story, or something else and don't just say all of the above.

Do you actually have an Xbox, or have you just played multiplayer at a friend's house and never tried the story mode??:confused:

Well well well Ill answer all ur questions... Speed: Good, graphics: Good, History: normal and multiplayer... bad :sick: its just boring to shoot, shoot shoot all day and just that.

I dont have an XBOX but I played it in my PC the Halo 1 ( I have it ) and I dont like the history.

Hope it answers ur question :)
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Arcadium said:
Well well well Ill answer all ur questions... Speed: Good, graphics: Good, History: normal and multiplayer... bad :sick: its just boring to shoot, shoot shoot all day and just that.

I dont have an XBOX but I played it in my PC the Halo 1 ( I have it ) and I dont like the history.

Hope it answers ur question :)
Thanks; that answers my questions. Just wanted to make sure you had played it more than an hour. However, you don't just shoot. There are the two different types of grenades, in Halo 2 you can dual weild, and ghost and banshee-jack aswell as drive around in all the other vehicles.

Kalimar said:
Also I loved Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer, so I expect more out of the third installment. Who needs online? A game shouldn't be judged because of whether it has online multiplayer or not. In fact, I'm more comfortable playing with people I know in my own living room than across the nation. I'm not saying Metroid Prime 3 won't have online activities, but that I'm really looking forward to its multiplayer.

Um, there is no multiplayer in Metroid Prime 3 at all. I'll quote a conversation between IGN and Metroid Prime 3's developer:

IGN Wii: Will Metroid Prime 3 feature an online mode?

Kensuke Tanabe (developer): No, we have only single-player. I have also produced Prime Hunters and for that game I tried to use the Wi-Fi Connection for multiplayer. For Prime 3, I would like to concentrate more on the single-player so I decided not to implement multiplayer for Prime 3. As you know, Wii will have Connect 24, so we are thinking more about the possibility of using that functionality so that the player can get something.

Now, I personally believe they will release a seperate multiplayer game as a cheap disc or as a cheap download, but as of right now, there is only single player.

Also, I don't judge games on whether they are online enabled because a)I generally want some kind of story, especially if it's a fps or adventure game b)I don't love Xbox Live becuase of the annoying people on there and c)many games that just have offline multiplayer game be made to be played online like the original Halo that didn't have online could be played with XBconnect, and there's a thread right on this site that lets you play N64 games online.

While it is nice to have a friend in the room with you, it's not always possible because of work schedules, distance, etc.

One thing is for certain, though, atleast for me. I don't keep games that don't have replayablity. Metroid Prime 3 I believe will because of downloadable content, not to mention what will probably be a great story.
Some single player games, like the original Katamari Damacy and the Oddworld Series were one time players and that's why there are things like GameFly (online game rental service).

While I would love to have all the money in the world to buy games I'm only going to play once, I just don't have it. So, I keep the online games and great single player games, like Max Payne which I played through like 10 times, and the rest I rent.

Doesn't anyone else do this??

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