Miyamoto is Working on an Original New Wii U Game


Super Moderator
Jul 7, 2011

Eurogamer reports today on a new interview with Nintendo’s legendary Shigeru Miyamoto on website Zoom.in, during which he confirms that he is working on a new “original” game for Wii U, as well as other fan favourites such as Pikmin 3.

“People have come to expect a lot from me,” the creator of Mario and Zelda told Zoom.in. “This certainly makes me feel some pressure. But if you ask me, ‘Is it too much pressure to try to come out with something new?’ I have to say no, I’m enjoying myself. When I make something, I always try to do my best.”

During the interview, Miyamoto also denied recent a recent story on Wired that hinted that he might be about to retire.

“I really appreciate all the kindness given the kind of comments that I made. But to be clear, I have no intention to retire at all. I’m not old enough to think about retirement right now. But everyone has to retire at some point. I wanted to make clear that we are preparing for that.”

Phew, so we can expect many more years of amazing games then!

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-06-miyamoto-confirms-hes-working-on-new-original-title

I've never seen a picture of him where he isn't smiling.
Or is that supposed to be a troll face?
^ No, Sakurai is the true Nintentroll... The tripping, oh the tripping... Why the dancing, why the laughter, Sakurai? SAKURAI?! SAKURAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sakurai: *laughs*

Oh, and it's awesome Miyamoto is working on something new for the first time in a long while. I ain't one to get my hopes up, but indeed, I certainly expect another successful game/series from Nintendo's most infamous.

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