Mortal Kombat: Armageddon on Wii. What do you think about it???


Slowly returning..
Feb 10, 2007
Portugal, Portimão
Wii Online Code
Wii has great games coming on Spring. And one of them is Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, which has a total new gameplay, thanks to the amazing Wiimote of course. Are you going to buy it? Do you think it's worth it? Do you think that it would be a cool game on Wii?

For those that didn't seen a clip of this game before just play the video below:

It doesn't interest me. I find that fighting games get really boring after awhile. But still, I'm glad to see more 3rd party support for Wii. That's always a great thing.
I liked Mortal Kombat all the way back to the first one. It was always hard to do the button combos fast enough with this wii mote It should be cool
I'm expecting it to be rather mediocre. It wasn't fantastic when it came out for other consoles, and IMO, the controls look rather gimmicky. And the graphics are rather bland too, save for the ultraviolence (which is pretty awesome).
im getting it, it will run on a better system then PS2 n Xbox, played MK since the first n love them all, plus this one has all the chars.
I'm looking forward after playing it for PS2. Back in the day, I could land all the combos, then my biggest problem with the PS2 version was that the special controls were frustrating. It looks like they are simplified with the Wii controller. Plus, it has GC controller support....Always a bonus
Using the Wii control system looks like a lot of fun. I've never enjoyed fighting games primarily because of the control system.
The graphics suck I saw the screens and thought this is laughable

Gameplay hmmm Mortal Kombat hasn't released a decent version since 2

Throw in a stupid way of playing the game with a wii remote

Plus the fighting system is just dreadful

Save your dollars pick up Tekken 6 or Virtual Fighter 5

Or even better Soul Caliber 2 on the gamecube

That's how a beat em up should be made
it dosnt interest me because judging from a trailer that i sawthe other day they said that they wanted to make it REALY easy, so i just think its going to be repetitive ..
and plus DBZ look sway better and depper, i cant wait til it comes out in AU
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....wiiiiiii..... said:
it dosnt interest me because judging from a trailer that i sawthe other day they said that they wanted to make it REALY easy, so i just think its going to be repetitive ..
and plus DBZ look sway better and depper, i cant wait til it comes out in AU

I'm a fan of DBZ games too, I want to buy Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi 2 when it is released on Europe.
this is something im looking foward to alot the controls are going to be changed, which i dont like because i was good at the ps2 styled combos, but it looks alot simpler and easier for new people to pick up making multiplayer more fun, create a character, free online, and such make it seem pretty awesome

not to mention Sektor has double lazer katanas =]
I may get it (I'll rent it first) but there's a rumor that they said that there would be a online feature later on.
Plus like DBZ you can use the Wii remote or the Classic Controller so if you say i I dont like the Wii remote controllers go pick up a classic controller and play the game just like the PS2 and Xbox.

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