my idea for a game


Your Savior
Dec 23, 2007
Wii Online Code
a gaming style nintendo could use could be a game where the controller isn't the wii-mote, GC, or classic. it would use the Ds as a controller, the game would come with a GBA-like cartridge that turns the DS' touchscreen into a small keyboard for typing, and you probably see where this is goin, an mmorpg that uses the DS for communications, and the DS headset which would aldo add for communication, and being the family friendly nintendo, the voice could only be used with friends. that an idea for a style of a game nintendo could use. just my idea don't hurt me.

edit: the ds cartridge could also work for other games nintendo could make as well as the internet channel or entering your name into areas.
That would actually be a good idea. I especially like the part how you could use the DS headset to communicate through the Wii. That we be a smart idea.
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iOwnage said:
That would actually be a good idea. I especially like the part how you could use the DS headset to communicate through the Wii. That we be a smart idea.
thanks, i thought of this idea while reading idjuts mini keyboard and thought of the DS as a medium for it so nintendo doesn't have to spend all their money and making the keyboards.
i wish nintendo could hear this idea cause they are not acting smart in any way of trying to make wii communications better
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Killa9467 said:
i wish nintendo could hear this idea cause they are not acting smart in any way of trying to make wii communications better
lol, i emailed this to nintendo and i'm still waiting for the automated message to appear.
i think its a smart idea as far as allowing to use the DS as a headset but i think itd be a pretty cramped keyboard lol why not just buy a wireless/usb keyboard instead? i like the headset idea though

i wish they would just make a headset already and let kids parents worry about privacy/safety issues, its their job anyway
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metalfreak said:
i think its a smart idea as far as allowing to use the DS as a headset but i think itd be a pretty cramped keyboard lol why not just buy a wireless/usb keyboard instead? i like the headset idea though

i wish they would just make a headset already and let kids parents worry about privacy/safety issues, its their job anyway
well it would be around the same size as the blackberry keyboards and it would prolly scroll up and down for more buttons.
like the idea and they could have a way for them to make a way for kids too use text speech like hi and how are you doing so parents won't have to worry
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nickg2894 said:
like the idea and they could have a way for them to make a way for kids too use text speech like hi and how are you doing so parents won't have to worry
simple, inpuit a filter the removes bad words and variations of them like jagex used when they made runescape.
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I got my automated email back from nintendo.
Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,

We appreciate hearing about the types of products that you would like to see from us in the future. Because of the wireless features of both systems, it will be possible for the Wii and Nintendo DS to interact with each other. How this interaction will work in any game will be dependent on how the developer chooses to implement it.

While there hasn't been an announcement concerning any future MMORPG titles for the Wii, you never know what the future holds! As the worldwide leader and innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, and because of our history of pushing the limits of gameplay and design, you can always count on Nintendo offering the most imaginative products.

In the meantime, keep checking our website's "What's New" section ( for the latest information and announcements.


Nintendo of America Inc.
Alain Dao
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cyberzomby said:
Dont hope this will be used any time soon :p

I havent got a DS nor do I want one! :p
neither do I, although I am buying one. I just thought a lot more people had one due to the DS winning for handhelds.
Well what you do with a service/game like this is you FORCE people to buy a DS to use it. Thats a lot of money for the mainstream of the wii ( young kids )
Dkw0101 said:
well it would be around the same size as the blackberry keyboards and it would prolly scroll up and down for more buttons.

im in =]

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