Need Help With Online Connections? Come Here.


Im new to this forum and found this thread seems pretty legit.

This is my situation:
(Im not to used to these terms that u guys use so pls dumb it down for me XD.)
I have a Wii, and a computer with internet ( WOW =D), How do I 1.connect my wii with the internet 2.Update my wii (Cuz apparently some games i need to update) 3.Im not looking forward to using wii for browsing too much, im more looking forward to Updating it, so do i still need that usb thing?

I have a wii that was bought from Hong Kong and it is a japanese wii, but i live in North America, is it still possible to use the NA made Wi-Fi adapter for my wii?

Another thing is my Wii is modded, if I were to go online and the wii were to update itself, will I not be able to play burned games anymore? or do i chose whether or not to update?

I would not recommend updating your wii as it will most likely render it unusable. I'm sure it should connect normally though although as it's modded it may cause complications.
I'll be happy to help as much as I can via contact through this thread and via PM. But there doesn't seem to be much response in this thread to be honest.
You can use a router and yes it can be wired up by cable but you'll require a LAN adapter which can be purchased for around £15. Or alternatively you could use a wireless router (which you can also use for wired connections) and you can pick one of them up for £30+ and connect your wii wirelessly.
im trying to use the wireless connection, i checked my router and everything is fine, i type in the password in the wii and i get error code:51330
what to do?
Hey, please can someone help me!!

Right, I have a Fujitsu Siemans laptop (with vista) and a 3G USB internet dongle.

Is there any way to connect to the wii using this method? Or do I have to buy a router?

im trying to use the wireless connection, i checked my router and everything is fine, i type in the password in the wii and i get error code:51330
what to do?

It could be that you may be entering in the wrong password. If you are 100% sure that you are typing in the right password, try this:

Go into your router setting on your PC and put your Wii's MAC address into the mac filtering page of your router in wireless setting.

Hey, please can someone help me!!

Right, I have a Fujitsu Siemans laptop (with vista) and a 3G USB internet dongle.

Is there any way to connect to the wii using this method? Or do I have to buy a router?

I'm not sure how these dongles work, but it may be possible for you create an access point using the dongle that the wii may be able to pick up. Wireless routers are your best bet though as they're so much easier to use and set up and generally have a better signal.
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Oh thanks :)

I got a Linksys G wireless router, just waiting for it to be installed! I should have internet then, but that was jut for meantime :p
